
Qiu Yi asserted: The KMT has no future, and the DPP has found its dead end

author:Ploughing cattle

Qiu Yi, a former "legislator" of the Chinese Kuomintang, asserted in an interview with the China Commentary Agency yesterday that the KMT has no future and that the DPP has found its dead end.

Qiu Yi came to this conclusion from the successive defeats of the Chinese Kuomintang in the four referendums, the taichung city "legislator" by-election, and the removal of Lin Changzuo, an unpartisan "legislator" in Taipei City, and analyzed the performance of the KMT in not fighting an election campaign and the performance of party chairman Zhu Lilun in losing ground and panicing afterwards.

Qiu Yi asserted: The KMT has no future, and the DPP has found its dead end

Qiu Yi, a former "legislator" of the Chinese Kuomintang

There are four main reasons for Qiu Yi's conclusion:

The first is that the Kuomintang has no generals and no generals who are willing to put on the party's clothing.

Second, the KMT should adopt the passive defensive combat method of "encircling Wei and saving Zhao" in the face of the election campaign, but all of them adopted the passive defensive combat method of "soldiers to block and water to flood", and the result was almost all defeated.

The third is that as long as the DPP has the intention to attack, anyone on the blue camp table, no matter how high the polls, can fight from heaven to hell in 2 months, from angels to devils, without exception.

Fourth, the helmsman of the election pattern is very important, and it must have a very strong resistance to pressure and resilience, but the helmsman of the KMT is completely unqualified.

Qiu Yi said that the chairman of a century-old party has put the responsibility for defeat on a young man in his 30s to push the former party chairman Jiang Qichen, which is very naïve, and representing this chairman is of no great use at all, so many Kuomintang supporters demanded that Zhu Lilun resign, take responsibility, and step down. The current anger against Zhu can be compared to the anger of supporters against the party chairman when he first lost power in 2000.

Qiu Yi also analyzed that not only these problems, but also the more serious problem is that no one is available now, and it is impossible to change Zhu Lilun if you want to. If you look for Han Hanyu, one is the problem of Han's personal will, and the other is that the Yunlin Zhang Rongwei and Zhang Lishan families behind Han must be unwilling, because after the Green Camp liquidates the Yan family in Taichung, the next object is the Yunlin Zhang family, and Han Ruo's Kuomintang just happens to be eliminated by the Green Camp at once. If Zhang Yazhong did not understand the election at all, I am afraid that it will soon be replaced again. If Jiang Qichen is looking for a return, Jiang Qichen might as well concentrate on running Taichung. If you look for Lian Shengwen, Lian's family will be purged; if you look for Hao Longbin, there is no leadership at all; if you look for Zhao Shaokang, Zhao is a "thorn head" that is mainly attacking, not a "barrel hoop" that integrates the party, and it is not suitable. Therefore, after analyzing a circle of candidates, Qiu Yi said that he could only let Zhu Lilun continue to hold on to see if he could adjust his approach.

The Kuomintang is now mixed up to this point, which is beyond the expectations of many people.

Qiu Yi asserted: The KMT has no future, and the DPP has found its dead end

Zhang Yazhong, the general principal of Sun Wen School

Zhang Yazhong, president of Sun Wen School, analyzed that the core of the biggest problem of the Chinese Kuomintang today is the loss of the power to move the people. Today, we should think about where the supporters are, those who are military and public education, Taiwan businessmen, overseas Chinese, and peasants and fishermen who enjoy the dividends of cross-strait peace; the KMT should stand with them, listen to their voices, put forward a set of major expositions on cross-strait peace, draw up a clear direction for Taiwan's development, and let the people clearly know where to go.

Zhang Yazhong also analyzed the biggest dilemma of the KMT before the re-election of the KMT chairman last year, that is, losing its ideas, losing its exposition, its soul disappearing, its mind broken, and of course its entire body being weak. Zhang Yazhong said that the current KMT has not only lost the respect of the people, but even young people dare not be proud of being a KMT. In the past, the Kuomintang was a political party composed of young people, and the 72 martyrs of Huanghuagang were the impression left by the Kuomintang. Today's Kuomintang gives the outside world "black gold politics, pale thinking, scattered organization, infighting, outside fighting, factional left and right, this is the impression of the Kuomintang in the market." May I ask you this impression, is there any hope for the Kuomintang?

Qiu Yi asserted: The KMT has no future, and the DPP has found its dead end

Former Kuomintang Chairman Hong Xiuzhu

Hong Xiuzhu, former chairman of the Kuomintang, also cried out in response to this series of defeats: "A political party can lose an election, but it cannot lose its soul; it can lose its territory, but it cannot lose its insistence on values." "Without the soul of the Party, the party morality and the line, this party will surely perish."

Hong Xiuzhu also asked: The KMT has abandoned all the principles it should uphold and taken the so-called "middle line," but has the KMT ever won the election because of this? Hong Xiuzhu finally called: Friends, in this era of fishy and full of wolfhounds, believe in "a thousand years of dark room, a lamp is bright", continue to adhere to the faith, never give up hope, the sky will always be bright!

Ko Wen-che, chairman of the People's Party and mayor of Taipei, also said after this election: The DPP is too bad and the KMT is too bad!

Liu Xiangping, director of the Institute of Taiwan Studies at Nanjing University, held that the KMT has many problems, including its lack of strategy due to its lack of ideas and forgetting its original intentions; its work style is not grounded; its lack of a fighting spirit reveals the weakness, duplicity, and compromise nature of a political party; and it has committed the mistake of "electoral supremacism."

The Kuomintang in history was an insider in the civil war and a layman in the foreign war. In the last territory of Taiwan, Party Chairman Lee Teng-hui self-harmed the KMT, and Ma Ying-jeou had a hard time ruling the country but did not dare to uphold justice, and retreated step by step under the coercion of the DPP. Now that we have lost power, lost the people's hearts, lost our votes, and lost our party property, what will we lose below? Everything that should be lost is lost, and there is nothing left to lose.

The KMT's problems mainly lie in the line, which has long plagued the KMT and affected the political future of the KMT and Taiwan. Where will the KMT go in the future? Whether or not the soul of the party can be recovered, these most important and concerned issues are now rarely discussed in the KMT.

At yesterday (January 12), at the Kuomintang Central Committee Standing Committee meeting, New Taipei City Councilor Lin Jinjie put forward a proposal asking the Party Central Committee to invite 14 county mayors and successive party chairmen to hold a "party is a meeting" to discuss the future party line. It is necessary to seriously discuss the positioning of the party, seriously discuss whether to uphold reunification or the 1992 consensus, and the various tables of the one China, seriously discuss whether the party name should be changed, and carefully study where the problems of the Kuomintang lie in the end and how to prescribe the right medicine. However, after the proposal was discussed at the CENTRAL Standing Committee, Zhu Lilun did not directly respond to whether to convene a meeting of such a nature, but only stressed that everyone should listen to the voices of the people, pool their wisdom, and unite to fight in order to win the DPP.

Zhu Lilun played taijiquan on this major issue related to the future development direction of the KUOMINTANG, pushing the block with both hands on the upper side and moving the footsteps on the lower side. He quietly shifted the direction of this major proposal. He said: All high-level party affairs officials, county and city chiefs, even vice chairmen, and members of the Central Standing Committee should go to the grassroots level to listen, whether it is the voice of the village chief or everyone at the grassroots level, and to interact with the grassroots in all corners of Taiwan.

As for when it will be implemented, I don't think Zhu Lilun is ready to implement it at all.  

Qiu Yi asserted: The KMT has no future, and the DPP has found its dead end

Zhu Lilun, the chairman of the Kuomintang who is known as a political actuary

Logically, the KMT is already in the opposition, and those who are barefoot and are not afraid to wear shoes can lay down their burdens and fight with the DPP at any cost. As the old saying goes: Even if you treat others in the way of others and treat them as others, you can use the DPP to deal with the Kuomintang's bad tricks and mixed tricks, and just do it with him.

Sadly, the KMT did not look for reasons from itself, but simply attributed the reasons for its defeat to adhering to the one-China and 1992 consensus, resolutely cut down its banner, followed the DPP's footsteps, and echoed the words. ShengSheng turned the Century-old Kuomintang into a roadside vendor, or turned himself into the Second Democratic Progressive Party.

After the fierce infighting in which the knife was blazing and the heart was pounding, he did not spell out a candidate who would uphold justice and promote reunification, and Sheng Sheng elected Zhu Lilun, a political actuary who claimed to be "pro-US and Neutral" and "maintain the status quo." Mr. Qiu Yi has said many times that this Zhu Lilun opposes reunification and drags on reunification and secret independence, and if he is elected, Mr. Qiu is afraid that he will never see cross-strait reunification in this lifetime, and he can only leave the world with hatred. He also analyzed that Zhu Lilun did not resist pressure, calculated more personally when things happened, and considered the overall situation of the whole party less; sure enough, within three months of taking office, the Kuomintang was defeated again and again under the frenzied attack and suppression of the DPP, and collapsed for thousands of miles, causing the whole party to lose its face and sigh up and down.

The Kuomintang did not have the courage of phoenix nirvana, the will to be reborn from the fire, the ability to defeat the enemy with one move, and still less the soldiers who went out on the battlefield. How can people be optimistic? What can be done in the future?

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