
Without the 27.8 million casualties of the Soviet Union, the United States and Britain could have won World War II?

Without the 27.8 million casualties of the Soviet Union, the United States and Britain could have won World War II?

During World War II, the United States, Britain, China, and the Soviet Union united to defeat the German-Italian-Japanese Axis alliance. However, there has been a great deal of controversy over which country contributes the most. The United States and the Soviet Union, in particular, entered a tense Cold War after World War II. Both sides are improving their position in World War II, thereby demeaning their opponents. So, openly and fairly, without the huge casualties of the Soviet Union, could we have won World War II by relying on the United States and Britain?

Without the 27.8 million casualties of the Soviet Union, the United States and Britain could have won World War II?

First, we need to acknowledge our country's contribution. Although China did not join the war in the European battlefield, it made great contributions on the Asian battlefield. Without our containment, millions of Japanese troops would have been able to enter Southeast Asia and South Asia. Due to China's containment, more than 60 percent of the Japanese Army was left in the East Asian battlefield and could not move at all. If we look at the Soviet Union, if during World War II, the Soviet Union chose neutrality, what about the United States and Britain?

In September 1939, Germany launched a major attack on Poland. Since Poland was a British and French protectorate, Britain and France had to declare war on Germany one after another, and World War II broke out. With the development of the war, Germany successively occupied Belgium, the Netherlands and other countries. With an army of more than 1.7 million, France, which claims to be the fifth largest in the world, only lasted more than 40 days before it was defeated and surrendered. With the defeat of France, only Britain remained on the entire European continent who continued to resist. However, Britain was known for its navy, and land operations were not Germany's opponents. At this time, the attitude of two countries is crucial, that is, the United States and the Soviet Union. As a result, it was difficult to rely on Britain's own strength. So, what was the attitude of the United States and the Soviet Union?

Without the 27.8 million casualties of the Soviet Union, the United States and Britain could have won World War II?

After the outbreak of World War II, the United States remained neutral. The United States is located between the Pacific and The Atlantic Ocean, which is the greatest advantage of the United States, able to stay away from war. The United States has always pursued a policy of isolation and is very marketable. U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt once gave great aid to Britain, and the United States strongly opposed it for fear of overstimulating Germany. Even after Japan launched Pearl Harbor, isolationists opposed the United States' entry into World War II. It can be seen that if Japan had not traveled thousands of miles to Pearl Harbor to sneak into the US fleet, the United States would most likely not have joined World War II. Without the accession of the United States, Germany is very likely to control the European continent, almost a copy of the "European Union", Germany, the Soviet Union and the United States, there will be a three-legged situation.

But in history, thanks to the assistance of the United States, Britain could not conquer for a long time. Germany changed its strategy, and in June 1941, it gathered more than 4 million troops to attack the Soviet Union, thus changing the pattern of the war. In the early days of World War II, the Soviet Union had avoided getting involved in the war. But after the German attack, the Soviet Union had no way to retreat, and the Soviet Union began the Great Patriotic War. In the early days of the war, the Soviet Union did suffer heavy losses due to insufficient combat readiness and the fierce offensive of Germany.

Without the 27.8 million casualties of the Soviet Union, the United States and Britain could have won World War II?

But after all, the Soviet Union was a large country with a population of hundreds of millions of people and a vast territory, and its resources in all aspects far exceeded that of Germany. In the Battle of Moscow, the Soviet Union withstood the German offensive. After the Battle of Stalingrad, the Soviet Union took the initiative in the war and began a partial counterattack. In the ensuing Battle of Kursk and several other major battles, almost every battle, the Soviet army was able to annihilate hundreds of thousands of German troops. The elite main body of the German army began to gradually wear out. Fast forward to 1944, with the war still hard, but the dawn of victory had been seen. The Soviet army began a full-scale counterattack, and Germany was defeated again and again. During this period, the United States and Britain aided the Soviet Union with a large amount of weapons and equipment, which has to be said.

Many people believed that without the assistance of the United States and Britain, the Soviet Union could not win germany. This statement is not correct, although the Soviet Union received a lot of aid from the United States and Britain, but in the final analysis, it still needs people to fight. In total, the Soviet Union lost more than 27.8 million people throughout World War II, ranking second in the world in terms of casualties. In this regard, the casualty figures in the United States and the United Kingdom are much lower. Without a series of Soviet offensives, relying on the strength of the United States and Britain, it would have been a big problem to be able to land smoothly in Normandy.

Without the 27.8 million casualties of the Soviet Union, the United States and Britain could have won World War II?

Even if the landing is successful, it will start from scratch. Without soviet accession, the United States and Britain would have to face millions of German troops. Relying on Britain, it is completely impossible to defeat Germany, the key is the United States. However, if it is found that the casualties will be very large, whether the United States agrees domestically is a big question. Even if the United States supports the continuation of the war, the U.S. military will not have to pay much less casualties than the Soviet Union. In real history, after Germany's defeat and surrender, the United States began to concentrate on Dealing with Japan. Because Japan has implemented the policy of all the people being soldiers, it is said that "100 million people are crushed like jade, bullets and grass are like mud, creeping mountains and fields, and they are convinced that Shenzhou will not perish." ”

The United States calculated that it would take 3 to 6 months to defeat Japan, and the casualties of U.S. troops could reach 800,000 to 1 million. This figure is unacceptable to the United States, and without the Soviet Union, the number of casualties in which the United States defeated Germany would certainly double several times. During World War II, the United States, Britain, and the Soviet Union made great contributions. No matter which country is really, the development of war will change dramatically. Even in Britain, without Britain, the situation in South and Southeast Asia would be difficult to say. On the other hand, the Axis camp, Italy and Japan are very unreliable, one world pulls hatred, one world drags its legs.

Without the 27.8 million casualties of the Soviet Union, the United States and Britain could have won World War II?

After Japan launched Pearl Harbor, Germany declared war on the United States four days later. Because the controversy at the top of the German hierarchy is so great, most officials are not in favor of going to war with the United States, because the United States has too many resources and is worried that Germany will not be able to hold up. As for Italy, in the North African theater, the Greek battlefield, and the Soviet-German war, they all fought alongside the German army, but basically helped. In short, without the enormous contribution of the Soviet Union, the situation in World War II is likely to be a different model.

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