
Early peace of mind: Companionship and understanding are more important than love

author:Don't forget your affection

Guiding words: From now on, I want to do myself a favor: unload the burden, forget the pain, and heal the trauma. Life is not perfect, I am still happy. Although what I have been owned will be lost, the friendships I have gained will leave, and the feelings I want to pursue are still so far away, I understand, I understand everything and things around me, and I will cherish them.

1, home, regardless of size, warm is good.

2, remember, women do not cry is a monster, old crying is waste.

3, go to meet the people you like, do what you want to do, and take these as the last willfulness of your youth.

4, tell yourself every day: no matter how difficult it is, you must persist, no matter how good you are, you must be indifferent, no matter how bad you are, you must be confident, no matter how much you have to save, no matter how cold you are, you must be enthusiastic.

5, tired, that is, often hovering between persistence and abandonment, undecided. Annoyance, that is, the memory is too good, what should be remembered, what should not be remembered will remain in the memory.

6, to which stage of life, should like that period of time, complete the responsibilities that should be completed at that stage, go with the flow, do not indulge in the past, do not fanatically look forward to the future, life is good. No matter what kind of struggles and challenges we are experiencing, perhaps we have only one choice: to be happy despite the pain, and to believe in the future.

7, aesthetics, money, faith, the three into one, called the "root" of women. A rootless woman, forever living in the abyss of darkness, never having a peaceful day.

8, go your own way, look at your own scenery, think about your own problems, don't always stare at how others are, always envy the brilliance of others, jealous of the brilliance of others, the darkness is their own heart, the loss of their own time, the wear is their own personality.

Early peace of mind: Companionship and understanding are more important than love

9, do not go into the world, do not squeeze hard, it is difficult for others, to be a, why bother?

10, when no one knows their efforts, do not confess; when no one understands their own value, can not show off; when no one understands their own interests, do not be confused. Live your own persistence, live your own simplicity, live your own intoxication, live your beautiful dreams.

11, love and street lights, street lights can light up the streets in the dark, love can illuminate our hearts.

12, a person's beauty, not the face, but all the past experienced, leaving scars in the heart and fading, making people strong and peaceful. Therefore, elegance is not trained, but an experience. Indifference is not a disguise, but a kind of precipitation. In a sense, people will never get old, only the face will grow old, and time will make a soul become more and more moving.

13. Do you know the difference between your first love and your last love? First love is, you think this is the last love, and the last love is, you think this is the first love.

14, it is easy to fall in love with a person, and when it is flat, it is not easy to stick to that promise. Love is never pandering. If you can't break up, scold and don't leave, it is true love. In fact, if you truly love someone, you will fall into a vortex of emotion. He makes you cry and disappoints you, and despite that, he stands there, and you'll still walk over and take his hand, involuntarily.

15, in the problem of love, there is often no one right and no one is wrong, love is just a fate. When the fate is reached, it is gathered, and when the fate is exhausted, it is scattered.

16, women must have at least one thing that can stand in front of your man, and such a thing, you must be superior to other women, such as: upbringing, habits, character, character, heart, hobbies, vision, knowledge, skills... Or beauty. Otherwise, where is the hand of the son, and why is it old with the son? It is not that there is no eternal love in this world, but there is no happiness that comes out of thin air.

Early peace of mind: Companionship and understanding are more important than love

17, we always seem to grow up in a certain year, explosive enlightenment, explosive knowledge of a certain truth, so that the scale of time that originally had no meaning has become a dividing line.

18 In the journey of life, the worst situation is often not poverty, not bad luck, but the spirit and state of mind in a state of ignorance and unconscious exhaustion.

19, if you can, please keep me in childhood, stay in youth, stay in the best time.

20, companionship and understanding, more important than love.

21, think too much, will be lonely; there is nothing to think, will be lonely.

22, life tells you that you should grow up; dreams tell you that you should have a childlike heart.

23, some should be picked up, some should be discarded. Let the end of the end, the beginning of the beginning of the beginning.

24, people have two roads to go, one is what must be taken, one is what you want to go, you must take the road you must take beautifully, you can take the road you want to take.

Early peace of mind: Companionship and understanding are more important than love

25 May you be a woman who does not show off, does not quarrel, and is a learned woman; not empty, not impetuous, a plump woman; even if life is exhausted, she grows old in elegance.

26, a woman's mistake is to marry a man she does not love, and the same man's mistake is to marry a woman who he does not love. Marriage is not something that can be maintained by unilateral love, but only when two people love deeply and can understand each other.

27, the most beautiful you are not born like a summer flower, but in the long river of time, the waves are not alarming.

28 Parents will be good to you, but they will grow old; husbands will be good to you, but only in the beginning; children will be good to you, but they will grow up; girlfriends will be good to you, but they have their own families. So the only one who can be good to you from beginning to end is yourself. I am in favor of women skin care makeup eat well used well, independent travel. Because only when you are young and burn brightly, when you are old, you will become an old lady with a quiet temperament and no care.

29, the road ahead is still very far, you may cry, but you must go on, you must not stop.

30, always someone asks you, is there an object? Oh, no. Impossible! In fact, it's true, it's not that no one chases, it's just that there's no fit; it's not that the vision is high, it's just that there's no feeling. Maybe sometimes I want to fall in love, I want to make myself no longer lonely, but that person doesn't have it, and I don't want to love casually. Because there is a kind of single called "rather lack than abuse", there is a kind of single just waiting for someone.

31, youth is a dandelion, seemingly at ease, but involuntarily.

32. Anger is to punish oneself with the mistakes of others; to be troubled is to torture oneself with one's own faults; to regret is to destroy oneself with a helpless past; to worry is to frighten oneself with virtual risks; to be lonely is to imprison oneself with a self-made cell; to be inferior is to use the strengths of others to destroy oneself. Get rid of that and you'll have a lot easier.

33) Smile and silence are two effective weapons: smile can solve many problems, and silence can avoid many problems.

34, there is love in the heart, the eyes that see the world will be pure, feel that the world is very warm; there is hatred in the heart, the eyes that see the world will also have impurities, and the world will become ugly. The mentality has changed, and so has the world. The good or bad of life, the happiness and misfortune of life, the good and bad of the environment, all depend on your mentality. Face life with a good attitude, your life is beautiful.

35, a flower withered and desolate can not be the whole spring, a setback can not waste the whole life.

36 When we want to do something but don't do it, what hinders our action is often not the thing itself, but the psychological obstacle in our hearts. For example, refusing to act for fear of failure, or keeping action in the planned place forever because of over-planning. In fact, as long as you act boldly, you will reap the rewards, and even if you fail, you can learn lessons. And those long waits, let us have nothing but harvest old age.

37 If you want to get it, don't just expect it. Life is short and cannot afford to wait.

38, after walking some roads, I know that it is hard. After climbing some mountains, I realized that it was difficult. Wading through some rivers, only to know the trek. After crossing some hurdles, I know beyond. After some things, I know the experience. After reading some people, I know the experience. I have read some books and I know about wealth. After a lifetime, I know happiness.

39, you don't want me, I won't go home by myself. You were good to me, and I will remember it for the rest of my life. Bad for me, I'll forget it the next second. In this way, will you always love me as much as I love you?

40, multi-minded people are always thinking wildly, and the result is trapped in a mess of thoughts, unable to move. Sometimes, instead of being more careful, it is better to have fewer tendons.

Editor's note: Feelings without an ending always have to end; people who can't have it will always forget. There is no eternal pain in life, no matter how deep the pain, the wound will always heal. Even if you love deeply in the past, you will become strange as soon as you are separated. The most boring feeling is not to become a stranger, but to gradually become unfamiliar with the attitude.

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