
Fengshen Shen: From the small character Of the Five Roads God's afterlife road to see the list of fengshen gods

author:Jiang Mingyue is good

The Five-Way God is a small character in the Fengshen World, and is the five elves that Jiang Ziya has just transformed into shape not long after he has subdued in the Chaoge Song Jiazhuang. Judging from the description in the book, these five elves should be five kinds of domestic animals, distributed according to the five elements. They were yellow-faced cattle, blue-faced dogs, red-faced sheep, black-faced pigs, and white-faced chickens. In the Battle of the Gods, they did not make any effort, but only helped Jiang Ziya build a fengshen platform to transport raw materials. Jiang Ziya had promised them that they would achieve positive results in the future, but Jiang Ziya's own future did not know where, so there was no name of the Five Road God on the list of gods. So what happened to them?

Fengshen Shen: From the small character Of the Five Roads God's afterlife road to see the list of fengshen gods

Five-way god

The Five-Way God failed to successfully ascend to the list of canonized gods, as for Cheng Zhengguo, Jiang Ziya did not have such a great ability, and his own positive results did not land, let alone ask for positive results for the Five-Way God. Therefore, the Five-Way God could only rely on his own efforts. Immortal cultivators, whether they are human or demon, will experience the scourge of cultivating immortals, just like the Bodhi Ancestor said that every five hundred years, the three plagues of wind, fire, and thunder will be in turn, and if they don't pass, they will be destroyed in vain. If there was no big chance, it would be difficult for the five of them to survive that great catastrophe. There are still many gods in the five groups of Chinese folk, and we can observe whether they will be related to the five road gods.

The first group was the Five-Way God of Wealth, and it was obvious that they were just similar in name, and the identity of the Gong Fa did not matter. One of the five ways of saying the god of wealth is that there are five people composed of the god of wealth, including Bigan, Chai Rong, Guan Gong, Zhao Gongming, and Wang Hai. The Five-Way God called himself a "small animal" when he was almost killed by Jiang Ziya, so it must be an animal that became a spirit, so it is obvious that the Five-Way God of Wealth is not directly related to the Five-Way God in the Fengshen God.

Fengshen Shen: From the small character Of the Five Roads God's afterlife road to see the list of fengshen gods

The second group is the Five Saints, which are mentioned in the "Three Sects of Origin and Flow Search for Gods • The Beginning and End of the Five Saints", the five saints here are related to the five elements, and their mana is obviously much more powerful than the five road gods in the gods, and they do not look like the five beasts at all. Moreover, there was some confusion between the Five Saints and the Five Links, and there was also some confusion in the imperial court's edicts. In the "Three Sects of Origins and Streams searching for gods", it is recorded that "in the first month of the first year of Zhenghe, the five links and the right general Daji were destroyed. "The five gods were destroyed as a forbidden shrine. The Five Sacred Gods should have nothing to do with the Five Roads God of the Canonized Gods, but the forbidden Five Gods were considered to be demons, and it was really possible that they had some relationship with the Five Roads Gods.

Fengshen Shen: From the small character Of the Five Roads God's afterlife road to see the list of fengshen gods

The Five Gods in the Complete Biography of Yue Yue

The third group is the Five Gods, and one of the episodes in the "Complete Biography of Yue Yue" is "The Five Gods Manifest Spirits Sail the Sea, and King Kang of Song is trapped on Niutou Mountain", when Emperor Gaozong of Song and his ministers fled for their lives to throw themselves at Yue Fei, they were blocked by the water, and it was at this time:

While we were crying, I suddenly saw a big boat coming towards the wind and waves. The ministers shouted in unison, "Help! I saw five big men pull the boat up and ask, "Where are you going?" The crowd said, "I'm going to Huguang to look for Marshal Yue." The five big men said, "We'll send you!" While he was talking, the boatman said, "I have reached the lake, so let's go ashore!" "The people said, 'If it is so fast, Hugh will coax me.' The five people said, "You go up and look, isn't this the Boundary Card Pass?" Li Gang and others guaranteed Gaozong to go ashore to watch, and sure enough, it was the Huangzhou Boundary Pass. The crowd was overjoyed, and they were about to thank the boat, and turned around, what ship is there? But when he saw the five officials in the clouds, he ran away.

Later, Emperor Gaozong built a capital in Lin'an, appointed the five people "as the five apparitions", and built a temple, which is still incense. It is possible that this group of five gods has some relationship with the five gods of the gods. In order to survive and obtain the edict, it is possible for them to do the above things. But whether their cultivation could keep them going until the Song Dynasty was a question. I was afraid that they would have already fallen into reincarnation on the path of cultivating immortals.

Fengshen Shen: From the small character Of the Five Roads God's afterlife road to see the list of fengshen gods

The five gods in "Chatting with Zai Zhiyi"

The most likely related to the five gods in the fengshen is the five gods in the "Liaozhai Zhiyi", in which the five gods become monsters. The book states:

"There are five links in the south, and there are foxes in the north of Judah." However, the foxes in the north can still be expelled; and the five links between Jiangsu and Zhejiang are the beautiful women of the people's families who are occupied for adultery, and the parents and brothers do not dare to rest, and the harm is particularly fierce. ”

In this incident recorded by Liaozhai Zhiyi, the male protagonist Zhao Wansheng killed one horse and two pigs in the five gods, seriously injured one of the five gods, and the monster who was seriously injured did not know what kind of animal it was. However, the five gods here are all animal monsters, which is consistent with the five road gods in the fengshen gods. However, it turned out that the five-way gods in the fengshen gods did not have horses, but the five gods in the chat fast did have horses, so the five-way gods in the fengshen gods were probably already dead and entered the cycle of reincarnation. And the five gods in the chat are just their descendants, and they are not the original ones.

Fengshen Shen: From the small character Of the Five Roads God's afterlife road to see the list of fengshen gods


The Five-Way God was not able to finally break through the Cultivation Immortal Raid, and from this point of view, we could know the preciousness of the god position on the list of gods. Although the body will be lost, the true spirit will be preserved. Although the body constructed using the Divine Power of the Fengshen List will be limited, after all, it is equivalent to immortality, and from time to time, it will have to worry about the crossing. Although the Five Road Gods have disappeared into history, they still left a legacy. It's just that their descendants seem to be uneven, some may be good, and most of them have not made much difference, and they have become monsters for the evil world. This is normal, no one can know what is behind them.

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