
The Beijing Winter Olympic torch will be passed in three divisions from February 2 to 4

The Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee recently announced that the Beijing Winter Olympic Torch will be passed in three competition areas from February 2 to 4. The Beijing Winter Olympic torch was named "Flying". At present, the first batch of 1200 "Flying" is about to be assembled and depart for Beijing.

The material of "Feiyang" pioneered the use of "carbon fiber", which is not only resistant to fire and high temperatures, but also resistant to 10 winds and heavy rainstorms, which is used in extremely cold weather. In addition to materials, "Feiyang" contains a lot of black technology in the manufacturing process.

The first is that although its appearance is elegant and beautiful, this shape brings a lot of challenges to manufacturers. First, in the choice of materials, the building should not only meet the artistry of the design, but also withstand the test of strength and durability in use, in addition to facilitating mass production. Eventually, technicians set their sights on a new material, carbon fiber.

According to Huang Xiang, a torch design technician, the use of carbon fiber composite materials to make the Olympic torch is the world's first. In the production workshop, these black tows processed from petroleum products contain 12,000 carbon fiber filaments. Next, using a three-dimensional knitting machine, you can weave a thread like a sweater into a torch coat.

Zhu Yongfei, head of torch production, introduced: The shape of the torch of the Beijing Winter Olympics is very special, it is a multi-curved space body, to reflect its beautiful curves, it is necessary to use a three-dimensional weaving process, because the traditional process is difficult to achieve. The woven outer garment is only the soft "skeleton" of the torch, and then injected with special resin into it, which can be cured and molded to become a solid shell. The next process is to polish, spray paint, and then use laser engraving to carve out 1268 patterns on the torch.

Qiao Chuang, the person in charge of torch production, revealed: At present, the laser carving time of a single torch takes about 30 minutes, and its lowest auspicious cloud is raised, but the snowflakes after the gradient are concave selection, and we have to achieve a radium carving in the process of gradient from convex to concave, which is a difficult challenge.

In order to ensure the consistency of the appearance of the torch, the automatic robot sprays and colors it, and then manually pastes the 0.8 mm Winter Olympic emblem, and the torch shell is considered to be the beginning of the prototype. It is worth mentioning that the "flying" torch uses environmentally friendly hydrogen fuel, and the hydrogen storage bottle and burner must be seamlessly embedded into the torch. In the face of a combustion temperature of more than 800 ° C, the torch must be able to withstand the quenching of the fire.

After passing the wind, rain, snow, extreme cold weather, handover, fall and other combustion tests, the "flying" torch can be finally recognized. It is understood that the mass production of the torch involves 7 domestic production enterprises and scientific research institutions, distributed in Shanghai, Beijing, Jiangsu and other five places.

At present, the first batch of 1,200 torches will be assembled and depart for Beijing, which will be greeted by the Beijing Winter Olympic Torch Relay event that will begin on February 2.

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