
2022 first water retrograde! How can the constellations of the three hardest-hit areas save themselves?

2022 first water retrograde! How can the constellations of the three hardest-hit areas save themselves?

2022 first water retrograde! How can the constellations of the three hardest-hit areas save themselves?


The first water reversal of 2022 is coming

1.14-2.3 Mercury will be in Aquarius

Start a 21-day retrograde

Aquarius, hit the jackpot...

This time the water reverse is in the seat of Lucky Aquarius

So the impact on you

It must be very, very obvious

Bottles must pay attention to precautions

Spend less financially

Money is not lent out unless necessary

There are also the bumps and bumps in electronics

Both could be thunder during the water retrograde

In the area of communication

You will quarrel with others more

Bottles remember to adjust their mood

Organize your language and control your mood

Lest we lose both

In short, to play the spirit of twelve points

Especially on small things

Carefulness can only control the water retrograde to a limited extent

Do more than your brain and check it

Be careful to make the Ten Thousand Year Ship!


Good neighbours as an Aquarius

Capricorn also followed suit this time

This water retrograde occurs in your life palace

The always rigorous Capricorn is also going to roll over

During this time Capricorn was particularly forgetful

So the phone memo is used

Remember to keep important information in time

If the head can't remember, we use technology

Especially during the water retrograde period

The Capricorn mentality can become extremely broken

It's easy to encounter unhappy things

It is recommended not to hold it in your heart and complain to people more

This water retrograde is against the health of Capricorn

It will also have some impact

The big New Year remembers the illness from the mouth

Be sure to pay extra attention to your diet!

Although the water is reversed during the horoscope is general

But you Capricorns don't panic at all

Only dormant standby is required to store energy

Great luck is behind it!


This water retrograde occurred at the Aries Play Palace

That is when you play

There is a good chance that bad luck will happen

You Aries should pay special attention to this

Start by going out

Wallet mobile ID is optimistic

You who have been lost

It is easier to throw things during the water retrograde period

There are also Aries who pay attention to the peach blossom aspect

Coming home for the New Year is possible to meet an ex

It is recommended that Aries hold back and not contact

Don't do this rotten peach blossom

Aries of this time

Pay more attention to good health

Beware of flu and gastrointestinal problems

Seek medical attention in time for physical discomfort

In fact, Aries should not be too anxious

Prepare in advance

You will definitely be able to fight off the water retrograde

Achieve a year-on-year headwind reversal

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