
Baby's 5 tuina fever reduction methods + 8 physical cooling methods

5 massage anti-fever methods


Clear lung transpulmonary transpulmonary localization: ring finger finger abdomen.

How to do it: Pinch the tip of your baby's ring finger with your thumb and index finger and push it down from the tip of the index finger to the base of the finger 50 times to clear the lung meridian.

Baby's 5 tuina fever reduction methods + 8 physical cooling methods


Positioning of the Tianhe Water and Tianhe Water: The inner side of the forearm is in the middle, and the horizontal stripe from the wrist to the elbow is in a straight line.

Operation method: After dipping a small amount of ice water with your thumb, push the water of the Tianhe River 50 times. The water of the Tianhe River runs from the baby's wrist to the elbow.

Baby's 5 tuina fever reduction methods + 8 physical cooling methods


According to the positioning of Hegu Cave Hegu Cave: located between the first and second metacarpal bones, which is also commonly known as "Tiger Mouth".

How to do it: Tap your baby's left hand with your thumb 50 times, then switch to your right hand.

Baby's 5 tuina fever reduction methods + 8 physical cooling methods


Positioning according to the big fish: the root of the thumb on the front of the palm, down to the heel of the palm, and the obvious protrusion when the palm is extended.

Operation method: Press vertically with your thumb nails on the large fish inter-fish hole, and press tightly and loosely for about 2 minutes.

Baby's 5 tuina fever reduction methods + 8 physical cooling methods


Positioning according to the lack of acupuncture in the column: the forearm, above the radial stem process, 1.5 inches above the wrist stripe.

How to do it: Use your thumb to rub the defective holes on each side of your baby's wrist for 2 minutes.

8 physical cooling methods

01.Washing hot water bath

Taking a warm water bath is more conducive to the baby's heat dissipation, and the water temperature should be adjusted at 32 ~ 34 ° C. Or rubbing the bath with warm water is also a very effective method of cooling.

02. Soak your feet in hot water

You can soak your feet with warm water at a temperature of about 40 ° C, and the water should not exceed the ankle. Gently rubbing your baby's little feet is conducive to vasodilation and reduces the discomfort caused by fever.

03. Warm and moist compresses

Immerse a towel in water at about 35 ° C, remove it, unscrew the moisture, apply it to the forehead, and change it every 10 to 15 minutes.

04. Alcohol cools down

75% alcohol, mixed with half of lukewarm water. Then rub the baby's armpits, groin and other places where the body surface arteries and blood vessels are abundant with 35% alcohol. Be careful not to wipe your baby's chest and abdomen to avoid getting cold.

05. Cover the fontanelle

The fontanelle is not completely closed before the baby is one and a half years old, and parents can cover the baby's front fontanelle with the palm of their hand after the baby is asleep, until the baby's head is slightly sweaty. Under normal circumstances, the baby will sweat after about 15 to 30 minutes.

06. Rub the heart of the foot and the limbs

First rub the heart of the foot, then rub the calf, small hand, arm, back, and finally rub the baby's two small ears hot, and then rub the hundred holes. After a while, the baby sweats and the body temperature drops.

07. Ice pillow cools down

Knock the ice cubes into small pieces, wash away the edges and corners with water, put them into the ice pack, add the water in the bag to 2/3 full, drain the air, wrap it in a towel and put it under the baby's head and neck as a pillow. When the ice cubes melt, they can be replaced again, and soon the baby's body temperature will come down. However, it should be noted that newborns are contraindicated.

08. Antipyretic sticker

The antipyretic function is mainly physical cooling, similar to the method of applying towels, pillow ice packs, etc., which is more convenient than it.

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