
Shandong officials responded that "girls in a middle school are forbidden to keep bangs": put an end to one-size-fits-all and respect differences

author:The Paper

The Paper's reporter Lu Xinwen

According to the People's Network "Leadership Message Board" January 12 news, in response to netizens reflected that "middle schools require boys to keep their heads, girls can not keep bangs, can not curl their hair, because the hairstyle will be blatantly criticized by the class teacher in the class", Shandong Message Handling replied that individual homeroom teachers work simply and extensively, and have asked to put an end to simple and extensive work and one size fits all, combining instrument specifications with respect for differences.

Netizens on December 8, 2021 in the people's network message said that I am a student of a middle school in Jining City, Shandong Province, China's primary and secondary school students hairstyle regulations, only do not dye hair, do not perm, boys do not leave long hair these contents, but our school requires boys must keep inches, girls can not leave bangs, even girls in the summer heat to put their hair on the plate is not OK, hair longer a little bit also have to be punished by name, write a review. I feel that schools should implement the way of persuasion education, not this way. Just because of the hairstyle, it will be openly criticized by the class teacher, which makes our self-esteem in adolescence completely empty, and we hope that this rule can be abolished.

Shandong Message Handling replied on January 12, 2022, that the problems reflected were investigated and verified by the Education and Sports Bureau of Rencheng District of Jining City. According to the "Code of Conduct for Primary and Secondary School Students", "Code of Conduct for Secondary School Students" and other relevant provisions, in order to carry out etiquette education for students, the school advocates "boys do not have long hair, girls do not dye their hair, perm their hair", to avoid the phenomenon of strange hairstyles and excessive comparison between students, to help students cultivate good living habits, but also to practice the purpose of education, to help students know themselves, develop themselves and become the best of themselves.

In response to the problem of the simple and extensive work of individual homeroom teachers reflected, the Education and Sports Bureau of Rencheng District of Jining City immediately organized the school to hold a work conference to emphasize the "student-oriented" concept of educating people, requiring all class teachers to pay more attention to the needs of each student in their daily work, the class work is mainly to persuade and persuade, put an end to the simple and extensive work and one-size-fits-all approach, combine the specification of the instrument with respect for differences, so that students can form a "simple, simple, sunny, upward" spiritual outlook at the same time, but also feel reasonable, The satisfaction of personalized needs allows children to grow up happily, harmoniously and happily in the big family of school.

Responsible Editor: Tang Yubing Photo Editor: Le Yufeng

Proofreader: Zhang Liangliang

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