
Ham should not only be fried to eat, made into ham sea rice radish soup, with its own salty aroma, umami full of ham sea rice radish soup delicious presentation of kikuko story

author:Kikuko Gourmet Notes
Ham should not only be fried to eat, made into ham sea rice radish soup, with its own salty aroma, umami full of ham sea rice radish soup delicious presentation of kikuko story

The recommended delicacy today is ham sea rice radish soup.

Ham naturally selects Jinhua ham.

Jinhua ham skin color yellow bright, shaped like a pipa, ruddy flesh color, rich aroma, with color, incense, taste, shape "four must", known in the world.

Ham should not only be fried to eat, made into ham sea rice radish soup, with its own salty aroma, umami full of ham sea rice radish soup delicious presentation of kikuko story

Jinhua ham lean meat is salty and sweet, fat meat fragrant but not greasy, boil up the soup, in addition to adding some fishy shallots and ginger.

There is no need to add any other spices, meat lovers love it.

In addition to its attractive appearance and color, Jinhua ham is particularly nutritious.

It is rich in protein and fat, as well as a variety of vitamins and minerals.

When the ham is placed at home, there is a kind of momentum, telling the guests that you are a foodie.

Ham should not only be fried to eat, made into ham sea rice radish soup, with its own salty aroma, umami full of ham sea rice radish soup delicious presentation of kikuko story

However, ham is not a display after all, and it is always to be eaten.

So in the winter, when it is suitable for eating radish soup, it is very delicious to stew a pot of ham and radish soup.

Add some sea rice, which is an ingredient that does not need to be seasoned, and it is full of flavor, simple and healthy.

Ham should not only be fried to eat, made into ham sea rice radish soup, with its own salty aroma, umami full of ham sea rice radish soup delicious presentation of kikuko story

Sea rice is a product made of sea-produced white shrimp, red shrimp and green shrimp by steaming, drying, drying, shelling and other processes.

It is also rich in nutrients, rich in calcium, phosphorus and other trace elements that are beneficial to the human body.

As long as you add water to soak before eating, frying, frying, steaming, boiling can be, the meat is soft and tender, the taste is fresh and mellow.

Paired with prepared salty ham, white sweet radish, a pot of soup, it is refreshing.

Ham should not only be fried to eat, made into ham sea rice radish soup, with its own salty aroma, umami full of ham sea rice radish soup delicious presentation of kikuko story

Ham sea rice radish soup is not very difficult to make, there are two points to pay special attention to.

The first is the preparation of ingredients, Jinhua ham is relatively hard, pay attention to safety when cutting, and the rice should be soaked in warm water.

Second, because ham and sea rice come with their own salty freshness, so be sure not to put salt, no need to season too much.

Usually eat lightly, on the basis of my ingredients, you can also reduce the amount of ham.

Because if the amount of ham is too large, not only ham meat, but also radish will be affected by salty, which may be a bit of a burden.

Ham should not only be fried to eat, made into ham sea rice radish soup, with its own salty aroma, umami full of ham sea rice radish soup delicious presentation of kikuko story

<h1>Ham sea rice radish soup</h1>

Ingredient List:

White radish 1200g / Jinhua ham 200g / sea rice 45g / ginger 5g / goji berries a little / a little green onion

Ham should not only be fried to eat, made into ham sea rice radish soup, with its own salty aroma, umami full of ham sea rice radish soup delicious presentation of kikuko story

Cooking steps

- step1 -

White radish de-stemmed and peeled.

Ham should not only be fried to eat, made into ham sea rice radish soup, with its own salty aroma, umami full of ham sea rice radish soup delicious presentation of kikuko story

- step2 -

Wash and cut into small pieces and set aside.

Ham should not only be fried to eat, made into ham sea rice radish soup, with its own salty aroma, umami full of ham sea rice radish soup delicious presentation of kikuko story

- step3 -

Take 200 grams of Jinhua ham, wash and cut into small pieces and set aside.

Ham should not only be fried to eat, made into ham sea rice radish soup, with its own salty aroma, umami full of ham sea rice radish soup delicious presentation of kikuko story

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Jinhua ham 500g/3 kg ~ 5 kg 8 kg whole leg XIN ¥99 purchase

- step4 -

Slice the ginger, soak the rice in warm water in advance and drain for later.

Ham should not only be fried to eat, made into ham sea rice radish soup, with its own salty aroma, umami full of ham sea rice radish soup delicious presentation of kikuko story

- step5 -

Heat a small amount of oil under the pan, first sauté the ginger slices, and then continue to stir-fry the ham to make the aroma.

Ham should not only be fried to eat, made into ham sea rice radish soup, with its own salty aroma, umami full of ham sea rice radish soup delicious presentation of kikuko story

- step6 -

Then pour in the white radish and sea rice and stir-fry well.

Ham should not only be fried to eat, made into ham sea rice radish soup, with its own salty aroma, umami full of ham sea rice radish soup delicious presentation of kikuko story

- step7 -

Pour in an appropriate amount of boiling water without over the ingredients, cover and simmer.

Ham should not only be fried to eat, made into ham sea rice radish soup, with its own salty aroma, umami full of ham sea rice radish soup delicious presentation of kikuko story

- step8 -

Simmer until the radishes are cooked through.

Ham should not only be fried to eat, made into ham sea rice radish soup, with its own salty aroma, umami full of ham sea rice radish soup delicious presentation of kikuko story

- step9 -

Finally, sprinkle with goji berries and green onions and you can eat them.

Ham should not only be fried to eat, made into ham sea rice radish soup, with its own salty aroma, umami full of ham sea rice radish soup delicious presentation of kikuko story

<h1>Delicious presentation</h1>

Eat some good, ham sea rice radish soup today, suitable for winter, worth collecting.

Ham should not only be fried to eat, made into ham sea rice radish soup, with its own salty aroma, umami full of ham sea rice radish soup delicious presentation of kikuko story

<h1>Kikuko Monogatari</h1>

Ham sea rice radish soup is kikuko's sister Cooking's delicious 820th dish.

This soup is not only simple to prepare, but also really special.

Whether it is ham, sea rice, or radish, these three ingredients contain salty and fresh sweet tastes.

Every bite is satisfying and worth a try at home.

What other ham delicacies do you have? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to share Ha.

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