
Yuncheng: "The City of Salt Transport", the hometown of Wusheng and one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization

author:Walking guide
Yuncheng: "The City of Salt Transport", the hometown of Wusheng and one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization

Map of the city of Transport

It is located in the southwest of Shanxi Province, in the middle reaches of the Yellow River. During the Warring States period, it was called Anyi, the capital of the State of Wei, and the Qin Dynasty set up Anyi County, and from the Yuan Dynasty to the 22nd year of the Yuan Dynasty (1285), the capital of Shaanxi was transferred to the salt transport envoy, and the city was built to set up a government, so it was named Yuncheng. Since ancient times, it has been the main transportation route of Jin, Shaanxi and Henan, and is known as the "San Francisco Metropolis".

Yuncheng: "The City of Salt Transport", the hometown of Wusheng and one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization

Xiezhou Guandi Temple

Located in Xiguan, Xiezhou Town, 15 kilometers southwest of Yuncheng, this is the original hometown of Guan Yu, a general of the Shu State. The Guandi Temple was built in the ninth year of the Sui Kai Emperor (589 AD) and rebuilt in the Ming and Qing dynasties. The scenic spot is composed of Guandi Temple, Guandi Family Temple, and Guandi Ancestral Temple. Xiezhou Guandi Temple is the largest and most completely preserved temple dedicated to Guan Yu in China, known as the "Ancestor of Martial Saints".

Yuncheng: "The City of Salt Transport", the hometown of Wusheng and one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization

Yuncheng Salt Lake

Located at the lowest point of the Jinnan Basin in Yuncheng City, like the world-famous West Asian Dead Sea, it is an inland saltwater lake, which is known as the "Dead Sea of China" because of its mineral elements and black mud composition that are beneficial to the human body, and can float in the human body. Tourists in the salt lake bathing beach can enjoy two musts, one is the salt water floating, even if you can not swim, you can also lie on the water, floating with the waves, the second is the black mud bath, the delicate black mud is applied to the whole body, so that the rich minerals in the black mud go deep into the skin, fully feel the magic of black mud skin.

Yuncheng: "The City of Salt Transport", the hometown of Wusheng and one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization

Naruto Shun Emperor Mausoleum

It is located at the western end of Mingtiaogang, 10 kilometers north of Yuncheng. It was built in the 26th year of the Tang Kaiyuan (738 AD), and then destroyed in the war at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, the reconstruction of the Ming Dynasty was destroyed by the earthquake, and in the 21st year of Qing Jiaqing (1816), the townspeople rebuilt the Shun Temple. Emperor Shun was the legendary leader of the tribal alliance in the late primitive society of our country, he was famous for his outstanding ability, known for filial piety, assisted Emperor Yao in governing the world, after Emperor Yao's death, Emperor Shun took the throne, he selected sages to govern the people, especially the fate of Dayu to cure the flood. After Emperor Shun's death, he was buried in Mingtiaogang and given the throne to Dayu.

Yuncheng: "The City of Salt Transport", the hometown of Wusheng and one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization

Pool Temple

Located on a slope 2 kilometers south of Yuncheng, it is the only temple in China dedicated to the god of the pond. In the twelfth year of the Tang Dynasty (777), the rain and flooding became a disaster, the salt pans were flooded, and the phenomenon of "red salt" appeared, which was considered by the local people to be a "sign of auspiciousness", and Li Yu, the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, heard the news and gave the salt lake of Yuncheng the pond "Baoying Lingqing" and built the pond temple.

Yuncheng: "The City of Salt Transport", the hometown of Wusheng and one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization

Yongji Pushou Temple

Located 12 kilometers west of Yongji City, Xixiang Village was founded in the Tang Wu Zetian period as a Buddhist Zen temple. The story of "The Tale of the West Chamber" takes place here, and the Temple of Universal Salvation is also famous for it. The most magnificent building in the temple is the stupa, which people used to call "The Pagoda". "Rescue toad" is a major spectacle in the temple, when you stand at 20 meters from the tasi, hit the stone, the top of the tower will emit a loud echo similar to the sound of frogs, which is one of the four major echo buildings in China.

Yuncheng: "The City of Salt Transport", the hometown of Wusheng and one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization

Stork House

It is located on the east bank of the Yellow River in the west of the ancient city of Puzhou in Yongji City. Originally built during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the military defense building built by the Puzhou Shou general in order to watch over the enemy soldiers was named because there were storks and finches perched on it, and together with the Yellow Crane Tower, Yueyang Tower, and Tengwang Pavilion, it was called the four major historical and cultural buildings in China. The current Stork Tower is a replica of the Tang Dynasty building restored from the end of 1998 to 2002, with a height of 73.9 meters and a magnificent grandeur.

Yuncheng: "The City of Salt Transport", the hometown of Wusheng and one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization

Yellow River Big Iron Bull

It is located on the east bank of the Yellow River outside the west gate of Gupuzhou City in Yongji City, 3 kilometers away from The Pushou Temple. According to historical records, it was cast for the 12th year of Emperor Xuanzong's reign (724 AD) when he ordered the reconstruction of the anchor of the Pujin Bridgehead. On both sides of the Yellow River, there are four iron cattle cast, there are 36 iron pillars under the iron bull, there is an iron man next to the cow, and there are two iron mountains, exquisite craftsmanship, exquisite shape, rare in the country, known as a national treasure.

Yuncheng: "The City of Salt Transport", the hometown of Wusheng and one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization

Ruicheng Yongle Palace (mural)

Located on the east side of Longquan Village, 3 kilometers north of Ruicheng County, it was built to commemorate Lu Dongbin, one of the Eight Immortals born here. The main buildings are the Palace Gate, the Dragon and Tiger Hall, the Sanqing Hall, and the Chongyang Hall. The exquisite murals in the palace are 960 square meters, comparable to the Dunhuang murals, and the painting skills are exquisite, enjoying the title of "Oriental Gallery".

Yuncheng: "The City of Salt Transport", the hometown of Wusheng and one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization

Hou Tu Ancestral Hall

Miaoqian Village, located 40 kilometers southwest of Vang Vieng County. The Virgin of the Earth, the Nuwa of Clay Creation. Hou Tu Ancestral Hall is the earliest sacrifice shrine of the Chinese nation, according to legend, Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor once swept the floor here as an altar, sacrificed the Hou Tu Virgin, and then went through the Second Emperor of Yao Shun, the Xia Shang Dynasty, the Han, Tang, Song and other dynasties, and 8 Yellow Emperors came here 24 times to sacrifice. The current Houtu Ancestral Hall was built during the Qing Dynasty, and its far-reaching historical and cultural origins and unique architectural style can be called the first of the Hainei Ancestral Temples. Every year on the eighteenth day of the third month of the lunar calendar, it is the public sacrifice day of the Virgin of Houtu, when Chinese people at home and abroad come to seek their roots and worship their ancestors and worship our mother of Houtu.

Yuncheng: "The City of Salt Transport", the hometown of Wusheng and one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization

Jiwang Temple

Located in the northwest of Wanrong County, Taizhao Village, Nanzhang Township, was founded in the first year of the Northern Song Dynasty (1023) as a temple dedicated to Hou Ji, the ancestor of China's agriculture. According to historical records, in ancient times, the object of people's initial sacrifice was the "Society", that is, the goddess of the land, the Goddess of the Earth. From the Shang Dynasty onwards, the object of worship was also on the god of ceres - "Ji", that is, the ancestor of the Zhou Dynasty, Hou Ji.

Yuncheng: "The City of Salt Transport", the hometown of Wusheng and one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization

Longxing Temple (Biluo Monument)

Located at the top of the North Street in Xincheng County, it was originally named Longxing Palace, and was later renamed Longxing Temple because Zhao Kuangyin, the founding emperor of the Northern Song Dynasty, lived here. The temple is famous for its "Three Treasures" and "Two Wonders". The "Three Treasures" are the seal book carved stone "Biluo Stele", the Song Jin color sculpture "Three Buddhas", and the Tang Dynasty Pagoda. "Erqi" is the "Longquan Holy Water" of Longxing Pagoda Courtyard, and the Yang Lian in Longxing Temple.

Other attractions in Yuncheng include Wangu Temple, Lishan Scenic Area Wanrong Li Family Compound, Houguo Ancient City, FenglingDu and so on.

Yuncheng local specialties Guan Gong liquor, Shundu alcohol wine, sesame shortening, Yuncheng Xiang jujube, Wang Guo crispy pear, Ruicheng hemp slice, Puzhou green persimmon, Jishan twist flower and so on.

Yuncheng flavor food smells like green onion cake, boiled cake, Yongji stone cake, Wanrong cold powder, Ruicheng bubble oil cake, Xiezhou lamb steamed bun and so on.

The next stop is Luliang City, Shanxi Province

Shanxi Province is only left in Luliang City, remember to give the editor praise and attention, thank you

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