
Reflect the bright future of the glorious city

author:Bright Net

Reflect the bright future of the glorious city

——From the perspective of "Shanghai Practice", how to implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important concept of "People's City"

Guangming Daily Research Group

In November 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward the important concept of "people's city built by the people, people's city for the people" during his inspection in Shanghai. In November 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed at the celebration of the 30th anniversary of Pudong's development and opening up: "Cities are places where people live in concentration, and urban construction must put the people's livability and living in the first place, and leave the best resources to the people." It is necessary to adhere to the main position of the broad masses of the people in urban construction and development, and explore the road of super-city development with Chinese characteristics, embodying the characteristics of the times, and highlighting the advantages of China's socialist system. ”

Cities, especially modern and international metropolises, are warm harbors and brilliant stages for the realization of all-round human development. Shanghai is a glorious city and a place where miracles are constantly witnessed. Nowadays, the majority of party members and cadres in Shanghai are committed to practicing the original mission, leading the people to adhere to the principle of integrity and innovation, playing the symphony of the glorious city belonging to the people, serving the people, and achieving the people, and issuing a strong voice of the era of urban governance with the theme of promoting high-quality development, so that the important concept of "people's city" reflects the beautiful future of the glorious city. A few days ago, through research, the research team of this newspaper truly felt the sonorous pace of Shanghai's practice of the important concept of "people's city".

Reflect the bright future of the glorious city

National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) South Square. Xinhua News Agency

Reflect the bright future of the glorious city

People go to visit one of the great memorials of the Communist Party of China. Xinhua News Agency

Reflect the bright future of the glorious city

The young builders of the East China Company of the Second Bureau of China Construction and the primary school students invited to listen to the introduction of the history of the workers' revolution. Xinhua News Agency

Reflect the bright future of the glorious city

Yangpu Binjiang People's City Construction Planning Exhibition Hall transformed from a century-old industrial site. Xinhua News Agency

Take the needs of the people as the starting point of work

"Everyone has a chance to shine in life, everyone can participate in governance in an orderly manner, everyone can enjoy a quality life, everyone can feel the temperature, and everyone can have a belonging identity." This is a new concept and new vision and new expression of the Opinions on Deeply Implementing the Important Concept of "People's City Built by the People, People's City for the People" and Writing a New Chapter of people's City in the New Era issued by the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China held a plenary meeting on the theme of people's city construction in June 2020.

In the new era, under the guidance of the important concept of "People's City", Shanghai has continuously planted the Shanghai urban spirit of "embracing all kinds of rivers, pursuing excellence, being enlightened and wise, and being humble", and has increasingly shown a colorful and colorful urban scene.

In Yangpu Riverside, feel the gorgeous transformation from "industrial rust belt" to "life show belt". The "Industrial Rust Belt" carries the history of yangpu riverside development in modern times, and to a certain extent, it also reflects the extraordinary course of industrial development in Shanghai in modern times; the "life ribbon" shows the new look of "industrial Yangpu" after the successful transformation of "knowledge innovation Yangpu", and the people's ardent expectations for a better life in the future.

In recent years, Shanghai has carefully built the Huangpu River and Suzhou Creek "one river and one river" and "life show belt" to become world-class waterfront shorelines. The 45-kilometer core section of the Huangpu Riverside shoreline is accelerating to the north and south after it is opened, and the 42-kilometer shoreline in the central urban area of Suzhou Creek is fully connected. More service functions are specially embedded to enhance the leisure experience of citizens. On the "Life Show Belt" walkway after opening up, tourists are weaving.

People's democracy in the whole process is the proper meaning of the practice of the important concept of "people's city", and promoting "the affairs of the people are discussed by the people" is the centralized expression of the people's orderly participation in all fields, the role of the main body in all directions, and the democratic will of the whole link.

In November 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited the Gubei Civic Center in Hongqiao Street, Changning District, during his inspection in Shanghai. Here is the grass-roots legislative contact point established by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that the people's congress system is the fundamental political system of our country, and it is necessary to adhere to, consolidate and develop well, smooth the channels for reflecting public opinion, and enrich the form of democracy.

According to statistics, as of December 2021, the contact point has listened to the opinions of 60 draft laws and reported 1200 suggestions.

The research team learned that the city's grass-roots legislative contact points have achieved full coverage of 16 districts, and in 2020 alone, 25 legislative contact points have carried out more than 200 surveys and put forward 2770 suggestions, of which 247 have been adopted by national and local legislation. Shanghai has also established offices for the collection of people's suggestions at all levels, and has received more than 67,000 cases in 2021 through hotlines, networks and other channels to normalize thematic solicitation. Focusing on governance hotspots such as relevant national strategies, the adoption rate of functional departments is 98.5%.

In Jinqiao Town, Pudong New Area, the research team was deeply attracted by the town's regional governance ideas of "party building leadership, one network management, resource sinking, and autonomous co-governance". The relevant responsible comrades of the town party committee introduced that the important concept of "people's city" runs through the whole process, takes the people's demand for a high-quality living environment and high-level public services as the starting point and foothold of the work, promotes the modernization of urban governance with digital governance, and significantly enhances the people's sense of happiness, security and gain.

In November 2021, the 4th China International Import Expo was successfully held in Shanghai, with more than 2,900 enterprises from 127 countries and regions participating in the exhibition, 281 of the world's top 500 companies and leading enterprises in the industry, displaying 422 new products, new technologies and new services, with a total of 980,000 people entering the market, with a turnover of 70.72 billion US dollars. Speaking of the Expo, Shen Weihua, deputy director of the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce, is full of passion: The Shanghai Expo is an economic and trade event for China to actively embrace the world and integrate into the wave of globalization, a flexible presentation of the city's character, and a magnificent channel for the people of Shanghai to practice the important concept of "People's City" and join hands with the people of the world.

The 370-meter-high Xujiahui Center is under intense construction, and the 220-meter-high T1 tower, which has been structurally capped, is also on display, and behind the construction site of the center has "hidden" a "low-lying land" for urban governance for many years. Built in the 1980s, Leshan Community has a total of 6458 households, and when the population density is at its highest, the per capita living area is less than 5 square meters, the hardware is inherently insufficient, the environment is chaotic, and the management is lacking.

Improve people's livelihood and well-being, respond to the concerns of the masses, and alleviate people's difficulties and worries. In recent years, Based on the positioning of a first-class central urban area of a modern international metropolis, Xuhui District has established integrated governance such as resident volunteer service and conference hall, and the Leshan community has "changed its old appearance and new appearance" from the inside to the outside, and the satisfaction and participation of the masses have been significantly improved. Yang Haiying, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Xuhui District Cpc Committee and director of the District Civilization Office, said that the way for the masses to effectively practice the important concept of "people's city" such as the orderly participation of the masses in governance and the actual feeling of temperature is getting wider and wider.

Embroidered with the quality brand of the city

Inherit the red gene and vividly interpret the original intention of the founding of the party. From Shikumen to Tiananmen, the centennial party is firmly marching forward in triumph, and the centennial journey has bred the original heart like a rock.

Shanghai has included the red culture inheritance and promotion project into the list of people's heart projects. Since 2016, Shanghai has invested funds to revitalize and open 18 previously disappeared revolutionary site memorial venues. In June 2021, a major memorial hall of the Communist Party of China was newly opened.

Shanghai will be rich in red resources as the spiritual guide, cultural identity and rich nutrients of the people's city construction, so that the red blood will always flow in the city body, the red gene continues to inspire people to keep the original intention in mind, the mission will always shoulder, full of enthusiasm in the comprehensive construction of a socialist modern country, the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in the journey of striving to be the first, walking in the forefront.

Dress up in a thick and heavy color, vividly showing the feelings of the people. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that cities are people's cities, and people's cities are for the people. Whether it is urban planning or urban construction, whether it is the construction of new urban areas or the transformation of old towns, we must adhere to the people-centered, focus on the needs of the people, rationally arrange production, life, and ecological space, take the connotative, intensive, and green high-quality development path, and strive to create a good environment suitable for work, livability, pleasure, and travel, so that the people have more sense of gain and create a happier and better life for the people.

Shanghai proposed to "meet the needs of the people with better supply, serve the people with the best resources", actively create a happy paradise and people's heart project of "suitable for work, livability, pleasure and travel" for the masses, starting from the urgent difficulties and expectations of the masses, and successively launched 16 people's heart projects, involving "old, small, old, far", convenient medical treatment, transportation, open public space, convenient government services and other aspects. Efforts will be made to promote the transformation of old areas, especially the establishment of "urban renewal centers", the construction of a cross-regional balance mechanism, and the fight against tough battles. Efforts will be made to promote "breakfast projects", community "micro-infrastructure", "parks at the doorstep" and other matters to benefit the people. Practice the important concept of "green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains", and focus on building Chongming into a world-class ecological island.

Build a solid first-class governance, vividly sculpted and refined good governance. Practice General Secretary Xi Jinping's "first-class cities must have first-class governance", "not only to be good at using modern scientific and technological means to achieve intelligence, but also to improve the level of refinement through embroidery-like care, patience and ingenuity, embroidery of the city's quality brand", "the whole life cycle management concept throughout the whole process of the city, planning, construction, management and other important requirements" and other important requirements, with systematic thinking to strengthen the overall coordination, with a more attentive, more refined, more scientific full-cycle management to improve the level of good governance.

In the Internet era, Shanghai continues to promote the iterative upgrading of government services "one network communication office" and urban operation "one network unified management", and increases efforts to integrate departmental functions, reshape business processes, optimize institutional mechanisms, and make all parties in urban governance closely coordinate. Government services focus on "efficiently accomplishing one thing", with an average of 173,000 daily affairs, 321 items can be done at once, and 104 services can be handled across provinces; urban operation aims at "efficient disposal of one thing", integrates 1182 information systems, and has been tested in the actual battles of flood prevention and control, traffic management, and public health.

Condense the character of the city and vividly integrate into the global tide. Openness, innovation and inclusiveness have become the most distinctive character of Shanghai. Shanghai has continuously strengthened its global resource allocation function and strengthened the source function of scientific and technological innovation. Persist in promoting reform, seeking development, and promoting innovation through opening up, bravely jump into the ocean of the world economy to fight the storms, and better participate in international cooperation and competition. The Expo promotes Shanghai's continuous "upward growth" and outward expansion, so that the business environment is of better quality and the urban environment is more beautiful.

Highlight Chinese characteristics and embody the charm of socialist modern international metropolis. "Socialism" is a provision that identifies the fundamental attributes of Shanghai and even Chinese cities, ensures the correct direction of urban development, and transforms valuable institutional advantages into competitive advantages of urban development. Cities are the crystallization of modern civilization. The important concept of "People's City" is a clear expression of the essence of scientific socialism, which has become a benchmark and demonstration of global urban construction in many aspects such as fairness and justice, openness and inclusiveness, safety and order.

Explore a new chapter in urban governance

The important concept of "People's City" is extremely rich in politics, ideology, era and practice. The people's city is built by the people, which deeply stimulates the fundamental driving force of urban development; the people's city is for the people, and the fundamental purpose of urban governance is deeply expounded; the people's city is loved by the people, and the fundamental belonging of the urban vision is deeply expressed. How to deeply implement the important concept of "people's city" and make a strong voice in the era of urban governance, the research team has several thoughts:

People's nature. The important concept of "people's city" lies first and foremost in the people's nature, which is embodied in the process of urban development for the people, relying on the people, and serving the people; it is embodied in the benign interaction and wonderful process of the city making the people's life better and the people making the city better. This is the spiritual essence of the important concept of "People's City".

Integrity. It is embodied in the party's leadership over all aspects of urban planning, construction and governance, so as to effectively form an urban ecology in which the party's leadership forces, social pluralistic participation, and all parties coexist harmoniously. Urban governance is comprehensive, and a grass-roots governance pattern of vertical integration, horizontal integration, and diversified participation should be built, and through various channels such as party building leadership, mechanism reform, and technical platform, it should penetrate the upper and lower governance levels, and vertical and horizontal governance elements.

Granularity. It is necessary to be good at using modern scientific and technological means to achieve intelligence, and to improve the level of refinement through embroidery-like care, patience and ingenuity, and embroider the quality brand of the city. Fine governance is the pursuit of aesthetic, precise, convenient, efficient, humane and other values. Therefore, the fine governance of the city should see things, see things, and more importantly, see people, and comprehensively use multi-dimensional forces such as concepts, spaces, policies, technologies, and laws to promote the fine and exquisite urban governance.

Scientific. The urban grassroots governance system should be set up in accordance with the actual economic and social development conditions, and ensure the coordinated operation of the internal, so as to provide professional support for the process of social governance. Reform the indicator system, assessment methods, etc., to form an institutional mechanism that is consistent with "rights, responsibilities and benefits". At the same time, encourage and guide grassroots social governance to innovate and optimize platforms and mechanisms, and create a number of replicable models of party building leading grassroots governance, such as the "three sessions" system and "red property".

functionality. The community is the "valve" and "base" for dealing with various public safety risks. The modern urban grassroots social governance system should have the ability to respond quickly and efficiently to emergencies and public safety risks, and lead the smooth operation of the governance system mechanism through a sound and powerful party building leading system: an intelligent network that accurately perceives rapid response, a high-quality and professional talent team, a complete and efficient basic public service system, a grassroots public security system that combines peacetime and wartime and switches freely, and a harmonious, orderly and vibrant social community, so as to achieve high-energy docking of public risk management.

The in-depth implementation of the important concept of "People's City" is inseparable from reliable organizational guarantees. It is necessary to thoroughly implement the general requirements of party building in the new era, adhere to the requirements of combining strict management with generous love, and attaching equal importance to incentives and constraints, explore the combination of promoting high-quality development, and introduce an assessment and evaluation index system for practicing the important concept of "people's city", so as to stimulate party members and cadres in the new era to be loyal and clean.

(Author: Members of the Research Group of Guangming Daily Research Group: Zhu Lianggao, former vice president and first-class inspector of the Party School of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, and distinguished researcher of the Shanghai Xi Jinping Research Center for Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era; Wang Zhongqi, associate professor of the Public Administration Teaching and Research Department of the Party School of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China and researcher of the Shanghai Xi Jinping Research Center for Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era; Cao Jijun and Yu Haiping, reporters of this newspaper, written by Zhu Lianggao, Wang Zhongqi, Cao Jijun, Yu Haiping)

Guangming Daily ( 2022-01-13 05 edition)

Source: Guangming Network - Guangming Daily

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