
Walnuts do not leave the hand, live to ninety-nine? Eat some walnuts in moderation, these 3 benefits are at your fingertips

In autumn and winter, there are many fresh seasonal foods on the market, such as this -----

Green, what the hell is this?

Walnuts do not leave the hand, live to ninety-nine? Eat some walnuts in moderation, these 3 benefits are at your fingertips

In fact, if we peel the skin and take it to dry, it becomes a food that we are all familiar with--- walnuts.

Walnuts do not leave the hand, live to ninety-nine? Eat some walnuts in moderation, these 3 benefits are at your fingertips

Walnuts, also known as walnuts

As a very common nut, walnuts and cashews, hazelnuts and almonds are known as the "world's four dried fruits".

Walnuts taste very fragrant, and the nutrients contained are particularly rich, every 100 grams of walnuts contain about 20 grams of protein, and the calcium, iron, phosphorus, carotene and other components are very rich, these ingredients have a very good maintenance effect on human health.

Not only to eat it, walnuts are also the "best" in the literary and play world, and there are also beautiful words that "walnuts do not leave their hands and can live for ninety-nine".

Walnuts do not leave the hand, live to ninety-nine? Eat some walnuts in moderation, these 3 benefits are at your fingertips

What are the health benefits of eating some walnuts appropriately?

1. Improve intestinal function

For people who often have constipation and decreased intestinal function, they can eat a small amount of walnuts every day, which have a very important health effect on the intestine.

Walnuts contain a lot of oil, which can not only improve the digestive function of the intestine, but also have the effect of moisturizing the intestines and laxative. It can reduce the excessive accumulation of some metabolites in the intestine and achieve the effect of protecting intestinal health.

In addition, walnuts are very rich in plant sterols.

This ingredient can reduce the excessive absorption of cholesterol in the intestine, and promote the intestine to quickly excrete cholesterol and some toxins and metabolites, play a detoxification effect, and can also play a role in preventing colon cancer.

Walnuts do not leave the hand, live to ninety-nine? Eat some walnuts in moderation, these 3 benefits are at your fingertips

Second, improve the function of the brain

Walnuts are very rich in unsaturated fatty acids, and they also contain more than a dozen amino acids, which are all substances needed for the normal metabolism of brain cells.

Eating some walnuts properly can promote the normal metabolism of brain cells, achieve the role of nourishing brain cells and enhancing brain function. In addition, walnuts contain about 20% high-quality protein as well as iron, zinc, calcium and linoleic acid.

These ingredients can eliminate some impurities in the blood vessels, can improve the overall blood circulation, and have the effect of improving the lack of blood supply to the brain.

In addition, for people who use their brains excessively, eating some walnuts appropriately every day can play a role in improving brain fatigue and neurasthenia.

Walnuts are also rich in vitamins, which can nourish the nerves of the brain, promote sleep, and improve sleep disorders.

Walnuts do not leave the hand, live to ninety-nine? Eat some walnuts in moderation, these 3 benefits are at your fingertips

Third, delay the aging of the body

Walnuts are very rich in various vitamins, such as vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin E. In addition, it also contains a lot of folic acid, niacin, iron, magnesium, potassium, cellulose, protein.

These nutrients not only have the effect of anti-fatigue, enhance immune function and relieve stress, but also can increase the body's metabolic speed and achieve anti-aging effects.

In addition, it has a good maintenance effect on the skin, which can enhance skin elasticity, improve skin dryness and reduce skin wrinkles.

Walnuts do not leave the hand, live to ninety-nine? Eat some walnuts in moderation, these 3 benefits are at your fingertips

Although walnuts are good for the brain, they really can't replenish the brain

According to the folk "shape complement" health concept since ancient times, walnuts do look very similar to our brains, and folk also circulate walnut brain supplements.

But in fact, from the perspective of modern nutrition, walnuts do contain a lot of nutrients, such as unsaturated fatty acids, which are good for the brain.

However, it does not mean that people can supplement their brains.

Although some clinical studies have found that eating nuts such as walnuts often can delay brain aging and reduce the occurrence of brain diseases such as stroke.

But these studies are only studies, and there is not yet enough clinical demonstration that after eating walnuts, it can improve people's IQ in the short term.

For people who are prone to fire and suffer from hyperlipidemia, try to eat walnuts as much as possible. For other groups of people, do not eat walnuts in large quantities at one time, otherwise it will not only have no health effect, but will cause certain harm to health.

Walnuts do not leave the hand, live to ninety-nine? Eat some walnuts in moderation, these 3 benefits are at your fingertips

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