
He desperately saved 250,000 Chinese, and when the epidemic broke out, Sun Tzu asked China for help

Introduction: In the early years of Gengzi, a sudden epidemic affected the hearts of every Chinese, under an order, every household locked the doors and windows, there was no one on the street, everyone was making their own contribution to the fight against the epidemic, which also let us see the strength of China. The construction of the hospital, the brave battle of the angels in white, and the international assistance have allowed us to survive that difficult time and restore our lives to their usual calm.

Just when the epidemic situation in China eased slightly, the epidemic situation abroad began to appear, the number of patients continued to increase, the situation was grim, and it was not optimistic. Soon, our country received a letter of help from a German doctor, hoping that our country could assist Germany with some related drugs and technologies, and mentioned that this was not only to save his relatives, but also to save his patients, which began to cause a heated discussion on the Internet.

He desperately saved 250,000 Chinese, and when the epidemic broke out, Sun Tzu asked China for help

On the matter of whether to assist German doctors, netizens are unanimous: help, must be fiercely helped, I hope that our country can agree to the German doctor's help. Why does our country have such a consistent attitude towards such a foreigner's request for help? According to the news of our embassy in Germany, the doctor's grandfather is Rabe who saved tens of thousands of lives in Nanjing. Netizens have said: You treat me with sincerity, how dare you bear it.

He desperately saved 250,000 Chinese, and when the epidemic broke out, Sun Tzu asked China for help

Many people may not have heard of such a person, but they must have heard of the Nanjing Massacre of 1937. Without the protection and help of this German friend, I am afraid that the number of victims in Nanjing would be far more than 300,000.

How could China forget such a favor that a foreigner, on his own, allowed nearly 250,000 civilians in Nanjing to escape the catastrophe! In the face of such great love, how can we stand idly by and watch, we must help each other.

He desperately saved 250,000 Chinese, and when the epidemic broke out, Sun Tzu asked China for help

In December 1937, the Nationalist army hastily retreated, the Japanese army invaded Nanjing, nanjing fell and since then it has become a purgatory on earth, crying continuously, swords and guns continue to kill and plunder, Japan's crimes committed in Nanjing have broken through the moral bottom line of mankind, killing competitions, burial alive, comfort women, etc., Japan owes a lot of blood debts in Nanjing. In just six weeks, 300,000 Nanjing people were reduced to the ghosts of the Japanese army.0

He desperately saved 250,000 Chinese, and when the epidemic broke out, Sun Tzu asked China for help

As a German representative in Nanjing at that time, Rabe used his status as a "Nazi" to establish an international security zone only three kilometers in size, and built a shelter for more than 200,000 Nanjing people.

In fact, after the Nationalist government moved the capital to Chongqing, journalists from all over the world evacuated, but Rabe and other foreigners did not choose to retreat, but risked their lives to stay, among them, there were British, Americans, Germans, they were doctors, businessmen, professors.

He desperately saved 250,000 Chinese, and when the epidemic broke out, Sun Tzu asked China for help

Thanks to their efforts, the international security zone was established, and as the atrocities of the Japanese army in Nanjing intensified, Rabe took to the streets and called on them to take refuge here.

In addition, he tried his best to negotiate with the Japanese side, writing letters to the German army for help, hoping to gain the neutrality of the area and gain legal status to protect more Chinese. After the fall of Nanjing, nearly 250,000 people poured in, and Rabe had no choice but to donate his own yard.

He desperately saved 250,000 Chinese, and when the epidemic broke out, Sun Tzu asked China for help

However, the Japanese did not give up the atrocities because of this safe zone, they broke into the Jinling Women's University in the safe zone, and the female students were treated and bullied in an extraordinary way.

He took to the streets, put on nazi armbands, and began to wander to stop the atrocities of the Japanese army. The Japanese army was very dissatisfied with his behavior, and at one point reported it to the German government, and in order to protect the relations between the two countries, the Germans immediately transferred Rabe back home.

He desperately saved 250,000 Chinese, and when the epidemic broke out, Sun Tzu asked China for help

In February 1938, Rabe had no choice but to return to Germany, and after returning to China, he was arrested and imprisoned for his actions, and later it was Siemens who vouched for him, so he was allowed to get out of prison.

After World War II, Rabe was imprisoned for his Nazi identity and was not released until a year later, but he had also lost his job and had to make ends meet as a porter for twelve hours a day.

He desperately saved 250,000 Chinese, and when the epidemic broke out, Sun Tzu asked China for help

Summary: When his behavior and current situation were known to the people of Nanjing, they donated money and materials, wrote letters of thanks, and raised two thousand dollars for Rabe. Rabe, who received the letter, was very touched and once said that he would live strongly. One night in January 1950, Rabe left this world forever after a stroke at the age of sixty-eight.

In 2013, the completion ceremony of the Rabe cemetery was officially held, and the Chinese ambassador to Germany once said: What we miss today is an important partner and benefactor of our Country, in order to commemorate that bloody history, in order to commemorate the victory of the War of Resistance under the efforts of our people all over the world!

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