
Alerts! Russian media: The prime minister of Kazakhstan said that the task of the new government is to get the country out of a large-scale crisis

Source: World Wide Web

According to the Russian Satellite Network, Kazakh Prime Minister Ali Khan Smaylov said at the first meeting of the new cabinet on January 12 that the task of the new government is to extricate the country from a large-scale crisis.

Alerts! Russian media: The prime minister of Kazakhstan said that the task of the new government is to get the country out of a large-scale crisis

In presiding over the meeting, Ali Khan Smaylov reportedly said: "Distinguished members of the government, we should justify the high level of trust of the head of state in this difficult time for the whole country." The newly formed government should do its utmost to fulfill the president's mandate to improve the quality of life of the population, maintain economic growth, fight the epidemic, restore the enormous losses caused by terrorists and robbers and free the country from a large-scale crisis. "According to Smylov, it's a very difficult and massive task. He added: "People expect tangible results from our work. ”

According to a previous report by the Ha News Agency, on January 11, local time, Ali Khan Smylov was appointed as the new prime minister of Kazakhstan. According to the report, the lower house of the Kazakh parliament held a plenary meeting on the same day to consider and adopt the proposal submitted by Kazakh President Tokayev to make Smylov the new prime minister. Subsequently, Tokayev signed a presidential decree formally appointing Smylov as Prime Minister. Recent unrest has broken out in parts of Kazakhstan. Tokaev accepted the resignation of the government on the 5th.

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