
How to learn to love? Is love a physical or chemical reaction?

author:Isolated Island of Islands

Sometimes when a person stays alone for a long time, he will be very depressed, he will doubt himself, and he will lose self-confidence. After all, people are social, need to communicate, need to care, need to understand, need to love. A person who has no love in his heart is lonely, desolate, like a walking dead without life and motivation.

Love here is not necessarily a lover, it can refer to a love thing. You have to live for something! Some are for people, some are for things, some are for fame, some are for profit, and some are for power. In general, everyone is "love". But many times, we will not love, I will not love, I also seek on the road of "love".

Love sometimes makes people confused, sometimes people crazy, sometimes people live and die. How to love? It's a relatively big topic. By no means a man in his twenties, who said it clearly. I can only talk about learning "love", for me to have this consciousness is very difficult, after all, I am a relatively stupid kind of person, I will not love this must be frank, my love is very simple, very simple, shallow to only carnal sex, simple to only simple greetings and powerless care. I used to think of love as a silent commitment and responsibility. Maybe there is no problem, but there is a fork in the process of implementation, love is commitment, love is responsibility, there is no responsibility and no commitment, some are just evasion and pale verbal concern, which is different from the love in my imagination, the problem is in me. Being a giant of thought in love, a dwarf of action, is painful.

What exactly is love? I wondered, will I love? Will you still love? If love is unrequited, then I did, but how long can unrequited love last? I wondered. A fiery heart can heat up an icy stone, but we forget that the nature of a stone is cold, the heat is only temporary, and sooner or later it will be cold. Because this is the law, this is the Tao that is not subject to the will of man.

Therefore, love should be two fiery hearts, together at the same time, so that love will continue to heat up and heat up. True love is more like a chemical reaction, radiating light from the inside out; rational love is a physical response, only mechanical, superficial, formal changes, and the final result must be dust and earth.

Asking oneself should only be a "physical reaction", so it will be confused, tired, and even extremely lonely and desolate inside. A person's love is difficult to sustain, after all, people's hearts are long, and they will really be tired after a long time, and love that does not get a response will make people painful, confused, and depressed. Love can make a person and destroy a person, not alarmist, it is true. Doesn't it matter how long your children grow? It's too important. In addition to work and career, the rest of life is the family of children and daughters, after all, human reproduction is also a big thing.

Today, I looked over Doudou's "Distant Savior" in which Ding Yuanying and Rui Xiaodan had a dialogue about love, which is very classic. Original text: "Ding Yuanying: There are feelings of tricks and tricks, and what is in the tricks is not to discuss it." No tricks, no feelings, what should be left? Rui Xiaodan asked: What is it? Ding Yuanying replied: It should be the heart given by the Creator. It was this conversation that sparked my thoughts about "love" and opened up the doubts about love in my heart.

Love should be the most authentic expression of the heart, without any calculation, love is love, love is willing to give everything for each other, do not ask for returns. In other words, when love needs to be persevered and needs to be reciprocated, when love makes people feel stressed and tired, it means that love has begun to deteriorate. Of course, if love is not willing to take the initiative to pay, it proves that it is not true love, I have never met people who truly love each other, and are not willing to pay for each other. However, I have seen many people who pay because they calculate each other and want to get something from each other, and such people often leave the scene angrily when their calculations fail, or become angry and angry, thus destroying everything he can't get. This is more extreme.

Through such a comparison, the conclusion is that I have truly loved, truly paid, and have not asked for anything in return, and as for what others think, I don't know and don't want to comment more. At the same time, I also have to admit frankly that my love may be deteriorating, because I have a feeling of pain, frustration, confusion and loss, maybe love is so humble, which is also a manifestation of my own incompetence! It is not the behavior of the strong, ashamed of it.

Whenever strong yourself is the key, always believe that love is a silent commitment and a wordless responsibility. When you have not encountered true love, you must let yourself have the ability to love (the ability to fulfill commitments and fulfill responsibilities); when you encounter true love, you must work harder to strengthen yourself and let the people you love have enough security and happiness. I am the root of everything, and in the world of love, everything is my own reason. We must dare to admit and cherish our own love, dare to face and let go of our own unlove.

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