
Western-style method of seafood fish shellfish "Western flavorful side dish" Flavored side dish crisp fried cod with mango sauce French silver cod with cream sauce creamy white wine braised almond salmon cake with lobster sauce eggplant juice sea bass fruit vinegar flounder fruit flavor fried prawn cheese garlic garlic butter baked snail bacon fried corn kernels baked potatoes with sour cream


<h1>A delicious side dish</h1>

Aquatic dishes are generally used as the third course of Western food, also known as side dishes. Species include a variety of freshwater fish, marine fish shellfish and all animals.

Because the meat of dishes such as fish is delicious and easier to digest, it is also different from the main dish of meat dishes when placed in front of meat dishes.

Western-style method of seafood fish shellfish "Western flavorful side dish" Flavored side dish crisp fried cod with mango sauce French silver cod with cream sauce creamy white wine braised almond salmon cake with lobster sauce eggplant juice sea bass fruit vinegar flounder fruit flavor fried prawn cheese garlic garlic butter baked snail bacon fried corn kernels baked potatoes with sour cream

<h1>Crispy fried cod with mango sauce</h1>

Ingredients: Olive oil 10 g, salt 5 g, cod 180 g, toast bread 30 g, small tomatoes 20 g, toast bread 30 g, small tomatoes 20 g, eggs 70 g, flour 10 g, butter 150 g, lemon juice 5 g, mango paste 50 g.


Toast bread is coarsely chopped with a blender; Beat eggs into egg mixture; Cod is peeled and stinged. Marinate in salt, pepper and lemon juice for 3 minutes, drain the surface moisture of the cod and coat with flour.

Wrap the cod pieces in egg mixture.

Then wrap in the coarse minced toast. Heat the butter in the pan, put the carp in the pan and half fry over low heat until golden brown, heat and set aside.

Heat olive oil in another pot, sauté sweet beans and crab-flavored mushrooms, add salt to taste. Cut the fried cod and set it on a plate and drizzle with mango sauce.

<h1>French silver cod with cream sauce</h1>

Ingredients: 1 piece of silver cod, 2 white mushrooms, 3 cherry tomatoes, 1/4 lemon, 1/4 bell pepper, 20 g of low gluten flour, 50 ml of cream, a little white pepper, a little olive oil, a little salt


All the vegetables and fruits are washed, the cherry tomatoes are cut into 4 petals from the middle, the mushrooms are cut into slices, and the bell peppers are in strips and set aside.

Heat the pan first, add olive oil, wrap the fish in flour (not easy to stick to the pan) and fry until the surface is golden brown.

Raise the pan, put a small piece of butter and sauté the mushrooms until colored.

Sauté the remaining chopped vegetables together, season, add some thyme, add light cream, collect the juice over high heat, until thick and set aside.

Place the vegetables in the middle of the plate, top with cod pieces and drizzle with cream sauce.

Western-style method of seafood fish shellfish "Western flavorful side dish" Flavored side dish crisp fried cod with mango sauce French silver cod with cream sauce creamy white wine braised almond salmon cake with lobster sauce eggplant juice sea bass fruit vinegar flounder fruit flavor fried prawn cheese garlic garlic butter baked snail bacon fried corn kernels baked potatoes with sour cream

<h1>Braised almond salmon with creamy white wine</h1>

Ingredients: 200 grams of salmon, 80 grams of American almonds, 50 grams of asparagus, 30 grams of carrots, 20 grams of chopped onion and garlic, 50 ml of light cream, 150 ml of fish stock, salt, white pepper, sweet paprika, 20 ml of dry white wine, 30 grams of butter, 1 sprig of dill grass.

Wash the salmon and cut into 5 cm chunks with only the tender parts left on the asparagus; peel the carrots, wash and cut into long strips for later.

Add butter to a deep saucepan, heat until blazed, add the fish pieces, fry over medium heat until the fish pieces are browned and remove.

Put the garlic and chopped onion in the pot, sauté until fragrant, add the carrots and sauté slightly, then add the fried salmon, turn carefully, do not turn the salmon to break, add dry white wine after 30 seconds, sauté until the alcohol is completely volatile, add the fish stock, add the paprika.

After boiling, add the asparagus and change to low heat and cook slowly for 3 minutes. Season with light cream, salt and pepper, gently turn to avoid paste, cook for 1 minute and cook.

Place on a plate, sprinkle with almonds and garnish with dill.

<h1>Salmon cake with lobster sauce</h1>

Ingredients: Salmon 200 g, onion 30 g, celery 30 g, dill 5 g, mixed lettuce 20 g, olive oil 20 g, lobster juice, 20 g, shredded potatoes 30 g, lemon juice 10 g, salt to taste, white pepper to taste.

Peel the salmon and cut into small cubes.

Peel the dill, cut into small pieces with onion and celery, mix the vegetables with the diced salmon, marinate with salt, white pepper and lemon juice for 15 minutes, squeeze the shredded potatoes dry and fry them in olive oil until golden brown, set aside; wash the lettuce and set aside.

Mix the well-mixed salmon into a mold to make a fish cake.

Add olive oil to the pan, fry the fish cakes until they are on both sides, until cooked, and then serve with lobster juice.

<h1>Sea bass in tomato sauce</h1>

Ingredients: 250 grams of sea bass fillet, 60 grams of homemade tomato paste, 10 grams of garlic, 30 grams of mushrooms, 30 grams of crab mushrooms, 30 grams of apricot abalone mushrooms, 3 grams of chopped parsley, 20 grams of green beans, 20 grams of onions, salt to taste, olive oil 30 grams, pepper to taste.

Marinate sea bass fillet with salt, pepper and chopped parsley for 15 minutes.

Mushrooms, apricot abalone mushrooms, crab mushrooms, garlic slices, chopped onion.

Stir-fry shiitake mushrooms, garlic slices and green beans, keep warm and set aside.

Add oil to another pot, add the marinated sea bass fillet and chopped onion and fry slowly over low heat, turn over and fry again until cooked.

Then add the tomato sauce to the pot, take the bottom of the mushrooms, put the sea bass on it, and drizzle the tomato sauce.

<h1>Fruit vinegar flounder</h1>

Ingredients: 180 grams of flounder, 30 grams of xiuzhen mushrooms, 10 grams of cherry tomatoes, 20 grams of edamame, 10 grams of ginger, 40 grams of white wine, 40 grams of green apples, 20 grams of lemon, salt to taste, 20 grams of water.

Peel the flounder, remove the spines, put into the steamer, add the ginger slices, lemon juice and steam for 8 minutes.

Cook the edamame and xiuzhen mushrooms together, filter and set aside.

Finely chop green apples.

Add 20 grams of water to the wine vinegar, heat it, add salt to taste, sprinkle the apples and make the fruit vinegar juice.

Put the vegetables on the bottom of the plate, take out the steamed fish and put it on it, and pour the fruit vinegar juice on it.

<h1>Fruity fried prawns</h1>

Ingredients: 6 prawns, 15 ml of orange juice, salt, white pepper powder, lemon juice less, crispy fried special powder 200 grams, salad oil 500 liters, 1 lemon.

Beat the shrimp, cut from the back of the shrimp, wash, put in a container, add 6 ml of orange juice, add salt, pepper and lemon juice and marinate for 5 minutes, set aside.

Cut the lemon into corners, fry the flour with 9 ml of orange juice to make a batter and set aside.

Place the salad oil in a fryer and heat it to 80%, then fry the marinated prawns in batter until golden brown.

Fry the shrimp, drain the oil, put it on a plate and serve with lemon horns.

<h1>Cheese garlic baked shrimp</h1>

Ingredients: 3 large shrimp, fresh mixed vegetables to taste, lemon juice less, 5 grams of minced garlic, 30 grams of chopped cheese, salt, white pepper, black caviar

Remove the shrimp line, cut off the whiskers, wash and cut from the back, split in two, but there is a connection between the two pieces of shrimp.

Place 3 shrimp in a tray and sprinkle with salt, white pepper, lemon juice and minced garlic, and finally sprinkle evenly over chopped cheese.

Bake in a 180°C oven or oven for 8 minutes, place on a plate, add some black caviar to each shrimp and garnish with mixed vegetables.

Western-style method of seafood fish shellfish "Western flavorful side dish" Flavored side dish crisp fried cod with mango sauce French silver cod with cream sauce creamy white wine braised almond salmon cake with lobster sauce eggplant juice sea bass fruit vinegar flounder fruit flavor fried prawn cheese garlic garlic butter baked snail bacon fried corn kernels baked potatoes with sour cream

<h1>Garlic butter baked snails</h1>

Ingredients: Snail 200 g, onion 30 g, garlic 30 g, lemon 10 g, xiuzhen mushroom 30 g, butter 50 g, parsley 2 g, salt to taste, white pepper to taste

Snails and mushrooms are washed; onions are diced; 20 grams of garlic are diced; radish is thinly sliced and soaked in water.

Stir-fry diced chives, diced garlic, snails, and mushrooms, add salt and white pepper to taste. Pour into a baking dish and drizzle with lemon juice.

Finely chop the parsley and the remaining garlic and mix well with the butter.

Cover the snail with the mixed butter and bake it over an open stove to color it. Just plating.

<h1>Sauté the corn kernels with bacon</h1>

Ingredients: Corn kernels 150 g, bacon 2 strips, chopped onion 15 g, rosemary 3 g, butter 15 g, dry white wine less, salt, white pepper each appropriate amount.

Cut the bacon into 2 cm wide strips and set aside.

Add the butter in a saucepan, heat until the butter melts, sauté the chopped onion until fragrant.

Add the strips of bacon, sauté the oil in the bacon over high heat, then add the corn kernels and rosemary, stir-fry a few times and add the dry white wine.

When the alcohol is completely volatile, season with salt and pepper.

<h1>Baked potatoes with sour cream</h1>

Ingredients: 2 potatoes, less than parsley, 15 grams of sour cream, 1 bar of bacon, 1 gram of chopped rosemary, salt, ground black pepper, olive oil

Wash the potatoes, sprinkle with salt, ground black pepper, rosemary, olive oil, spread well, wrap in tin foil and bake in the oven at 180°C for 45 minutes.

Fry the bacon in a saucepan to color, remove and cut into small pieces.

Cut a cross flower knife on top of the old potatoes, squeeze them into petals, drizzle with sour cream, sprinkle with chopped bacon and garnish with parsley.

Western-style method of seafood fish shellfish "Western flavorful side dish" Flavored side dish crisp fried cod with mango sauce French silver cod with cream sauce creamy white wine braised almond salmon cake with lobster sauce eggplant juice sea bass fruit vinegar flounder fruit flavor fried prawn cheese garlic garlic butter baked snail bacon fried corn kernels baked potatoes with sour cream

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