
The three-year-old daughter of the heroic martyr Zhou Chunmei said that she wanted to see the national flag raised at Tiananmen Square

On January 12, on the first anniversary of Judge Zhou Chunmei's sacrifice, on Beijing's Zhengyi Road, as a staff member of the director team of the special program to pay tribute to the heroic model of political science and law, I met for the first time the three-year-old daughter of the hero Judge Zhou Chunmei, Yuanyuan, this beautiful, cute and lively little girl.

After Yuanyuan politely called me uncle, he pestered her father and quietly asked this and that, this and that. Yuanyuan's father, Professor Chen Wenqu, works very hard to take care of the children, but like most fathers who take care of their children, they are also a little overwhelmed and cannot be as meticulous as the mothers who take care of their children.

Professor Chen Wenqu tried very hard to communicate with me, but his face still could not hide the sadness and melancholy from his heart, and it seemed that he still had difficulty getting out of the pain of losing his beloved wife Zhou Chunmei, and sometimes he would suddenly fall into silence and silently hold the child.

Yuanyuan would suddenly ask where her mother had gone, and Professor Chen would take out his mobile phone to show Yuanyuan. Mobile phones are the only way for children to "find" their mothers, with pictures of her and her mother together. Comrade Deng Zhigang of hunan high court told me that Yuanyuan often turned over his father's and grandmother's mobile phones to find his mother.

I leaned down and asked, "Did You Go to Kindergarten?" Yuanyuan nodded. I felt sad in my heart, momentarily choked, sad and distressed, and suddenly did not know how to talk to the child, so I turned around and exchanged his views on the construction of a rule of law China with Professor Chen Wenqu. Professor Chen also gave me a copy of his book", "Outline of the Basics of Chinese Judicial Ethics", which reads on the title page: "I would like to dedicate this book to my beloved wife, Judge Zhou Chunmei, who sacrificed for justice."

Yuanyuan and his father want to return to Hunan on this special day, before leaving, in order to thank Professor Chen for giving me a book, I wanted to give Yuanyuan a small gift in return, I asked Yuanyuan: "Uncle wants to give back a gift, what do you choose?" Yuanyuan quickly replied, "Thank you uncle, for choosing books." ”

I didn't know what else I could do for my kids, and when I wanted to, I found a car and took them to the airport. Before leaving, Professor Chen put on a very cute double glove for his daughter, and accidentally twisted the child's fingers, and Yuanyuan almost cried.

Before getting on the bus, I said to Yuanyuan: "When I come to Beijing in the spring, where do you want to go the most, my uncle will accompany you and your father." Yuanyuan replied with a smile without thinking: "I think of Tiananmen Square to see the national flag raised." ”

After Yuanyuan and Professor Chen and their party got on the bus and left, I was sad in my heart, and for a moment I could not slow down, and a person walked from Zhengyi Road to May Fourth Avenue, and repeatedly wished Yuanyuan healthy, peaceful and happy growth. I want to be in Beijing, waiting for the round children, spring and warm flowers, together to see the national flag raised at the Gate of Heaven.

In the afternoon, Comrade Deng Zhigang of Hunan Higher People's Court sent a photo on WeChat, which was a group photo of Air China's flight crew and Yuanyuan on the plane, praising the heroes advocated by the Air China crew. Each of us should always remember and admire the heroes and martyrs who sacrificed for the country.

The three-year-old daughter of the heroic martyr Zhou Chunmei said that she wanted to see the national flag raised at Tiananmen Square

The author | Guo Genyu

Source| Rule of Law Daily

Editor| Wang Fang, Zhu Chanchan, Luo Qi

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