
The big factory has the first phase of the material

The big factory has the first phase of the material

Dachang is also expected to be a new column opened by Leifeng Network, which aims to share the latest breaking news and new interesting facts of various employees of various large factories. This article is the first issue, and will be updated weekly in the future, so stay tuned.


1, vivo in 2021 general adjustment of salary, most people rose by more than 6K, the higher the rank, the more it rose, C1:3k-8k; C2:3.5k-15k. Employees who do not receive the notification are not adjusted.

2. Lenovo Group chartered the annual meeting of Universal Studios Beijing on January 21, and can also bring family members.

3. The US R&D center of a national short video App has been completely cut, and there is no n+1.

4. A large mobile phone factory headquartered in Beijing was exposed to forcing new employees to carry "poor performance".

5. After Royole Technology was deeply involved in the storm of unpaid wages, the Network rumored that it was mandatory to take a month off before the Spring Festival.

6. After Ali canceled the late overtime taxi, there was no one in the office at seven o'clock in the evening, and the situation of office overtime had obviously improved.

7, a famous taxi company has also been exposed to layoffs, layoffs of 20%, and various departments have begun to notify one after another.

8, overtime is very famous well-known IT industry giants, Chengdu R & D Institute an employee overtime until 12 o'clock every day, last September hemangioma caused paralysis. After the accident, the company froze the employee account on the same day, and now it seems that there is no loss of a penny.

9, Douyu this year's voice is much smaller, but also failed to win the LPL new season copyright, the opening of the stage has been the first time to break the LPL league.

10. The CEO of Yizhuang Dachang revealed: In 2018, Ali Tencent poached dozens of senior executives of the company, and the brain drain was serious, so we held a two-day meeting to study how to retain executives. The results of the study came out: encourage executives to set up subsidiaries, the investors are executives and companies, the ratio is three to seven, the share is also three to seven, and this share is not profitable before, once the subsidiary is profitable, the company takes four, and the executive takes six.

Long-term collection of breaking news clues: about the latest insider trends or rumors of technology Internet companies, business adjustments, personnel changes and other news, of course, if you want to spit out some of the anecdotes of technology companies, please feel free to smash over, welcome to break the news, always online, etc.

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