
How important were donkeys in the Song Dynasty? It can bring good luck to Song Taizu and save Zhao Guangyi's life!

In many ancient Chinese wars, war horses were the most indispensable to ancient armies. A strong cavalry unit can determine the course of a war.

How important were donkeys in the Song Dynasty? It can bring good luck to Song Taizu and save Zhao Guangyi's life!

Song Taizu

However, there is a dynasty that pushed the donkey onto the stage of history, this dynasty is the Song Dynasty, the founder of the Song Dynasty is Song Taizu, Song Taizu was born in a military family, because he got the help of a high-ranking monk when he was young, and gave Song Taizu a donkey, from then on, Song Taizu used this donkey as a tool for transportation, went to the north, defected to Guo Wei's account, and through a series of means, established the Song Dynasty, therefore, we say that the donkey made a lot of merit for the establishment of the Song Dynasty.

How important were donkeys in the Song Dynasty? It can bring good luck to Song Taizu and save Zhao Guangyi's life!

Song Taizong

Not only song taizu because of the donkey, the second emperor of the Song Dynasty, Zhao Guangyi, also saved his life because of a donkey, in 979 AD, Song Taizong Zhao Guangyi personally marched, led the Song army to destroy the Northern Han, and attacked Youzhou to the east, hoping to retake the "Yanyun Sixteen Prefectures" to consolidate the northern gate of the Song Dynasty, and finally, was defeated by the Liao army that came to support the defenders of Youzhou. Emperor Taizong of Song fled to Zhuozhou in a donkey cart and saved his life.

How important were donkeys in the Song Dynasty? It can bring good luck to Song Taizu and save Zhao Guangyi's life!

Ancient armies

Therefore, donkeys are very important in the history of the Song Dynasty! Not only because the donkey has brought luck to Song Taizu and saved Song Taizu's life. Donkeys also made outstanding contributions to the economic development of the Song Dynasty.

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