
Historically, why salt could not be sold privately, there were other purposes besides profit

Historically, why salt could not be sold privately, there were other purposes besides profit

In the period of feudal society, there was a very important system, that is, the salt monopoly. Salt is controlled by officials, what does this mean? Usually we think that why should we control salt so strictly, is it necessary?

Historically, why salt could not be sold privately, there were other purposes besides profit

Salt is very important for people, if people can not consume enough salt, they will get the corresponding disease. Historically, the prohibition of private salt trading began during the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Emperor Wu of Han suddenly increased his financial and tax burden by a lot in order to deal with the Xiongnu. In order to increase fiscal revenue, Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty adopted the strategy of Sanghong sheep and promoted the monopoly of salt.

Historically, why salt could not be sold privately, there were other purposes besides profit

Any time you control salt, you control people. Before the salt monopoly, the price of salt was very low, divided into official salt and private salt, but the price difference between the two was almost the same. Since Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty introduced the salt monopoly, the people have become embarrassed. Because of their own heavy servitude, the people could not even afford to eat salt. If the people want to rebel, as long as the government "gives a strong medicine" on the salt matter, the problem will not be solved!

Historically, why salt could not be sold privately, there were other purposes besides profit

As far as the ruler is concerned, it seems that there is no coercive means to control such things as the people's food, in fact, this is the fundamental restraint on the life of the people, it seems that salt controlled by ancient officials not only can bring rich benefits to the country, but the most important thing is that through the control of salt can indirectly control the people and consolidate state power.

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