
Why are all the "cold palaces" locked in the Forbidden City? Puyi once talked about the reason, but no one believed him!

Why are all the "cold palaces" locked in the Forbidden City? Puyi once talked about the reason, but no one believed him!

The Cold Palace was a remote and desolate place, mainly to punish women who had made great mistakes that the emperor did not like very much. The real Cold Palace is a place where birds don't, many tourists are curious, the Cold Palace also has nothing precious, why can't you visit it? The last emperor Puyi once gave the most standard answer, but his answer was almost unbelieved.

Why are all the "cold palaces" locked in the Forbidden City? Puyi once talked about the reason, but no one believed him!

Why is the Forbidden City not open to outsiders? The reason is that these cold palace houses are some high-risk houses, and most of them are located in a very remote location, there are no cultural relics worth viewing at all, and considering the safety of tourists, it was finally decided that these places would not be publicly exhibited. Puyi also wrote the answer in his autobiography.

Why are all the "cold palaces" locked in the Forbidden City? Puyi once talked about the reason, but no one believed him!

Most of the ancients were very superstitious, thinking that there were bad things in the cold palace, and with the development of the current era, under the influence of modern science, most people did not believe in superstition, Puyi once mentioned in his autobiography: "The palace was cold and wet, and at that time the treasury was empty, and those inhabited houses also had no money to repair, not to mention these dilapidated palaces that no one paid attention to, there were really houses collapsed, usually no one walked by, afraid of hitting themselves."

Why are all the "cold palaces" locked in the Forbidden City? Puyi once talked about the reason, but no one believed him!

For safety reasons, the Cold Palace inside the Forbidden City is not open to visitors. But now the repair work of the Forbidden City is also being done, that is, I don't know if the Cold Palace will also be repaired and then opened to the outside world? What do you think? Little humble view, welcome to point out criticism, more wonderful articles remember to pay attention to us yo

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