
Why were Germans afraid when they talked about the Soviet Union after World War II? Turns out they did this

In world war II, the Soviet Union played a pivotal role in the victory over the fascist clique. The post-war world pattern changed, and the Soviet Union, which had been baptized by war, became one of the most powerful countries in the world. As soon as the Germans heard the two words of the Soviet army, they would be frightened and trembling.

Was it the soviet union's mighty force that overwhelmed it, or was there something else?

Why were Germans afraid when they talked about the Soviet Union after World War II? Turns out they did this

In April 1945, the Soviet Union launched a counter-offensive against Berlin, and as the war progressed, the destructive power and combat effectiveness of the Soviet army had risen to the peak of history. Yet the unconstrained destructive force is like a Pandora's box that has been opened. After the Soviet army entered Berlin, under the influence of retaliation and the deliberate connivance of the army leaders, the local people of Berlin were seriously persecuted.

Why were Germans afraid when they talked about the Soviet Union after World War II? Turns out they did this

As Soviet tanks marched into Berlin, every Soviet soldier smiled happily. "Three days of arson, to feed the soldiers", this practice has existed since ancient times, and the Soviet army is no exception. After entering the city, the Soviet army robbed the people, raped women, and drank alcohol and caused trouble. General Patton commented: "This is a ragtag bunch of people with strict discipline! ”

Why were Germans afraid when they talked about the Soviet Union after World War II? Turns out they did this

The Soviet soldiers who invaded Berlin excitedly led the German captives through the streets.

Why were Germans afraid when they talked about the Soviet Union after World War II? Turns out they did this

A Soviet soldier openly snatched a bicycle in the street, and the Germans passing by watched all this coldly. The favorite thing Soviet soldiers snatched was German-made watches, and for Soviet soldiers who joined the army from the countryside, watches were definitely a priceless luxury. It is said that one of the most exaggerated Soviet soldiers wore a variety of watches all over his arms.

Why were Germans afraid when they talked about the Soviet Union after World War II? Turns out they did this

This photograph is one of the most classic images of the Soviet occupation of Berlin, this photo is a posing shot, and it has been modified later. Because this Soviet soldier who raised the flag actually wore a watch on each side of his left and right hands, this caused an uproar at the time.

Why were Germans afraid when they talked about the Soviet Union after World War II? Turns out they did this

The Soviet soldiers who captured Berlin celebrated wildly, inviting local girls to a ball and drinking the best German wine.

Why were Germans afraid when they talked about the Soviet Union after World War II? Turns out they did this

However, for the disobedient German women, they were brutally executed by Soviet soldiers. This situation continued for three months, until Marshal Zhukov, the commander-in-chief of the Soviet army, ordered the rectification of military discipline, and the Soviet soldiers began to gradually relent.

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