
Humans do not brush their teeth and suffer from oral diseases, animals do not brush their teeth but are fine? The original difference is here

Many animals, like humans, have their own teeth, and different creatures have different characteristics.

As far as brushing teeth is concerned, animals have never brushed their teeth, but generally no dental problems occur, and humans still suffer from oral diseases when brushing their teeth every day. Are animal teeth better than human teeth?

Humans do not brush their teeth and suffer from oral diseases, animals do not brush their teeth but are fine? The original difference is here

First, the teeth of animals

First of all, animals don't brush their teeth and don't say that their teeth are healthy. Especially in some elderly mammals, the tooth wear is very serious, and many wild animals cannot eat due to tooth wear when they grow up, which will eventually cause themselves to die of hunger;

Farmed animals, on the other hand, clean their teeth regularly, so it's a mistake to say that animals never brush their teeth but have healthy teeth.

In addition, due to the evolution of species, the teeth of animals also have many innate advantages.

1, has been teething

Many toothless animals, such as rats, have teeth that can grow for a lifetime, and these teeth grow very fast.

But because teeth grow too fast, affecting the animal's diet, they need to constantly bite food and grind their teeth to ensure that the growth of teeth is balanced with the ability to eat.

2. Change teeth frequently

There are also animals that are constantly changing their teeth throughout their lives, such as sharks, crocodiles and other types of animals, and if the old teeth are broken, they will be replaced with new teeth.

In addition, in addition to the teeth that are being used, the animals will also hide several rows of spare teeth in the teeth, and when any accidental teeth fall, the inner teeth will move outwards to replenish the missing teeth, which is really their innate advantage.

Humans do not brush their teeth and suffer from oral diseases, animals do not brush their teeth but are fine? The original difference is here

3. Eat more high-fiber foods

Small animals that eat vegetables usually do not have dental problems, because they are all high-fiber plants that will eat, even if they stick to the toothbrush, they will not produce bacteria, plus they can also remove their teeth when chewing high-fiber plants.

4. Special tooth structure

Most carnivores tend to eat raw meat, but also need fangs to prey, generally this animal's teeth on the small bottom of the large, the gap between the teeth is much larger than humans, not easy to leave food, plus most of what they eat is raw meat, bacteria do not have much "interest" in raw meat, so basically there will be no tooth problems.

5, there are alternatives to "cleaning" teeth

Although animals do not brush their teeth, they all have some substitutes for cleaning their teeth, such as the "dentist" in the ocean, the cleaning fish can swim into the shark's mouth and clean their mouths; the "toothpick bird" will sink into the crocodile's large mouth, eat the rotten flesh between the teeth to clean the crocodile's teeth, etc.

So stop saying that animals don't brush their teeth and their teeth are very healthy, they just protect their teeth in another way.

Humans do not brush their teeth and suffer from oral diseases, animals do not brush their teeth but are fine? The original difference is here

Second, our human teeth

We brush our teeth every day, but the oral problems still exist, why?

First, brushing your teeth can indeed remove bacteria from your mouth, but due to some bad lifestyle habits, such as smoking, eating habits, and wrong way of brushing, it is very likely to damage your teeth.

Second, because in addition to direct sugars, our daily intake of sugars also has processed carbohydrates, which produce sugar under the action of the oral cavity, which will also greatly increase the possibility of suffering from tooth-related diseases such as thyroid.

Third, human beings are more and more pursuing some high-quality and delicious food, more will choose some easy to eat food, the burden of teeth is getting heavier, it can be said that human teeth are slowly declining, compared with animals, human teeth are relatively fragile.

Humans do not brush their teeth and suffer from oral diseases, animals do not brush their teeth but are fine? The original difference is here

In fact, whether it is animal or human teeth will have the risk of illness, so in the usual attention to dietary hygiene, pay attention to tooth cleaning and prevention of dental diseases are the key things, want to have a healthy teeth, usually remember to eat less sweets, brush teeth in the morning and evening, regularly wash teeth, do a good job of tooth protection, oral diseases will naturally stay away from patients.

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