
Rigorous popular science picture books can also be flavored with a little French fantasy!

Picture books by French authors have always been unique for their unique use of colors, elusive lines and brain-opening plots. The most representative is the picture book master Tommy Wenger, who is very familiar to everyone.

Rigorous popular science picture books can also be flavored with a little French fantasy!

"Creek Tower"

There is also "The Lion's Room" (Adrian Palangar / photo) and "The Magical Journey of the Little Redbill " ( Agat Demuwa, Vincent Godot / photo) are also very popular French picture books.

Rigorous popular science picture books can also be flavored with a little French fantasy!

The Lion's Room

Rigorous popular science picture books can also be flavored with a little French fantasy!

The Little Redbill's Magical Journey

Such a wonderful painting style, if combined with popular science, what kind of spark will be wiped out?

The set of picture books brought today is a very interesting set of life science picture books - "My Body I Know" series.

Rigorous popular science picture books can also be flavored with a little French fantasy!
Rigorous popular science picture books can also be flavored with a little French fantasy!

Interesting French science, both knowledge and aesthetics. Professional medical personnel check to ensure the scientific rigor of the content.

Rigorous popular science picture books can also be flavored with a little French fantasy!

The little people in the illustrations connect the rich information contained in the book, leading the reader to visit the depths of the human body, so that the rigorous knowledge has a lively interaction.

Rigorous popular science picture books can also be flavored with a little French fantasy!

Expressed in languages that children can understand and brightly colored illustrations, not only do they have a clear logical thread, but humorous illustrations also make each piece of information easy to understand.

What exactly does each book say? Let's take a look at it --


1, 2, 3, Exercise: Bones

- My bones I know

Rigorous popular science picture books can also be flavored with a little French fantasy!

Muscles, bones, and brains are the three basic elements that allow us to blink, nod, walk, run, and jump.

The brain directs, the muscles pull the bones, and the bones form the bones. Without bones, there is no skeleton! Every bone has a very precise shape because every bone has its function.

Rigorous popular science picture books can also be flavored with a little French fantasy!

So, what is the use of the skeleton? It is the frame of the body that allows humans to stand. It also has a protective effect! Without the skull, our brains would have been hurt!

Over time, each animal adapts to climate change and natural disasters in order to survive in the new environment. The same goes for bones, which evolved along with the brain to better work with them.

Rigorous popular science picture books can also be flavored with a little French fantasy!

So how do our bones move? Through joints, ligaments, muscles and tendons! Get to know the bones to get to know your body better!

Rigorous popular science picture books can also be flavored with a little French fantasy!

This book is reviewed by: Zhuang Kaiyan, chief physician of orthopedics, orthopedic specialist. He has been practicing clinical orthopedics for 30 years.


1 Heart, 2 Lungs: Breathing

- My breath I know

Rigorous popular science picture books can also be flavored with a little French fantasy!

Inhale, exhale, what a natural movement, we all breathe all the time, but we rarely care...

Rigorous popular science picture books can also be flavored with a little French fantasy!

There is an ingenious system that updates the air in our lungs all the time: the brain, muscles, arteries, veins, hearts, lungs, etc. are all involved.

Rigorous popular science picture books can also be flavored with a little French fantasy!

For 100,000 whys of breathing, this book will help you answer them to your child!

For example, why do we need to breathe? What should I do if my nose is stuffed? Where is the air inhaled into the body transported? What kind of structure does the lungs have? What are alveoli used for? What is blood made of? Who drives blood circulation? How veins and arteries are distinguished ... And so on. Pictures and texts, edutainment!

Rigorous popular science picture books can also be flavored with a little French fantasy!

This book is reviewed by: Yu Kunyao, M.D., attending physician. Doctor of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Peking University First Hospital.


9 Months, 1 Baby: Pregnancy

- My body I know

Rigorous popular science picture books can also be flavored with a little French fantasy!

How are children made? It all started in Mom's womb...

There must be an egg in the womb, and this germ cell and another germ cell, the sperm, are fused, and this is fertilization!

Rigorous popular science picture books can also be flavored with a little French fantasy!

The fertilized egg then slowly grows up and becomes a fetus. Organs and limbs gradually form to prepare for the final moment.

Rigorous popular science picture books can also be flavored with a little French fantasy!

What happened at the moment mom gave birth? The book even takes into account every possibility: IVF, twin pregnancies, preterm births, vaginal births, caesarean sections...

Rigorous popular science picture books can also be flavored with a little French fantasy!

The wealth of knowledge and interesting illustrations fit perfectly, and the 9-month pregnancy process of a mother is explained simply and accurately, helping children to better understand the conception and birth process of life.

Rigorous popular science picture books can also be flavored with a little French fantasy!

Reviewer of this book: Zhao Yanzhong, Chief Physician of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Associate Professor, Science Popularization Expert. He has been working in obstetrics and gynecology for 20 years.


The 9-Meter Journey: Digestion

- My digestion I know

Rigorous popular science picture books can also be flavored with a little French fantasy!

When we take our first bite, digestion begins. Food travels through about 9 meters in our bodies, which takes 10 to 24 hours!

Rigorous popular science picture books can also be flavored with a little French fantasy!

The first stop, the mouth: the teeth chew the food to pieces, the saliva helps to chew and begin to digest, the food becomes a paste, and then through the esophagus towards the stomach! In order to prevent food from going down the wrong route, epiglottitis cartilage will act as a safety baffle to block the entrance to the trachea. How ingenious!

Rigorous popular science picture books can also be flavored with a little French fantasy!

The second stop, stomach: paste-like food is kneaded and backlogged in the stomach ... Become chysodys. Thanks to strong stomach muscles and digestive juices. What a clever!

Rigorous popular science picture books can also be flavored with a little French fantasy!

Third stop, the intestines: here, the liver secretes bile and the pancreas secretes digestive enzymes that convert chyme into nutrients – fats, sugars and proteins! There are small villi on the wall of the intestine that absorb nutrients and transport them into the bloodstream, transporting nutrients to the body through circulation. A perfect teamwork!

But the journey isn't over yet...

Rigorous popular science picture books can also be flavored with a little French fantasy!

Reviewer of this book: Chen Xiaoli, deputy chief physician of the Department of Endocrinology and Nephrology, worked at the Air Force Special Medical Center, and has been engaged in the clinical, teaching and scientific research of endocrine metabolic diseases and nephrology in internal medicine for more than 30 years.

Rigorous popular science picture books can also be flavored with a little French fantasy!

François Laurent (Author)

Rigorous popular science picture books can also be flavored with a little French fantasy!

Born in Nice, France in 1956, she originally chose a theater career, and after performing on stage for 10 years, she suddenly became a primary school teacher. She wants to share her love of language with her children... After that, she began to write some detective novels that were popular with teenagers.

Now she accompanies some children who have difficulty in writing, and works with them to create books... Whether it's at school, in workshops, or when she's alone with the computer, she never stops working!

Sebastian Chebrett (painter)

Rigorous popular science picture books can also be flavored with a little French fantasy!

After obtaining a master's degree in plastic arts, he continued his studies in Bordeaux, France, and in 2007 received a master's degree in art and modern society, specializing in illustration for youth books.

He believes that illustrators need to try everything. So he blended different creative techniques: hand-painted with paints such as gouache, acrylic and watercolor; collage with drawings gleaned from the flea market; and drawing on computers.


Illustration of this article [french] Sebastian Chebret's "My Body I Know" series

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