
106 years ago, britain fictionalized a Chinese villain, and billions of people still believe it

China is an ancient civilization with a history of five thousand years, but also the only remaining ancient civilization in the world, after years of development, the other three ancient civilizations have long disappeared in the long river of history, and fortunately, although china has experienced the invasion of the great powers, but the cultural heritage has always been there, so Chinese is a strong, never yielding nation. In fact, for history, many people in modern times do not know so much, but there are some historical figures that have always been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and even after so many years, they are still sought after and loved by everyone. But some of the historical figures we know now are actually made up by the ancients, but we have never known it.

106 years ago, britain fictionalized a Chinese villain, and billions of people still believe it

For example, Mulan, I believe many people think that Mulan is a historical figure, we have memorized the "Mulan Ci" when we were in school, and we were very impressed by one of the sentences, "Male limbs and feet fluttering, females are confused, double rabbits walk sideways, Ann can distinguish me as male and female?" "Who said that women are not as good as men, Mulan is a good model, the story of the surrogate father from the army has been passed down through the ages, inspiring countless women, and even Mulan has been made into a movie, but some experts said that there is no record of Mulan in history, so she is just a fictional character of the ancients at that time." There is also the mink cicada, one of the four beauties of China, a character in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

106 years ago, britain fictionalized a Chinese villain, and billions of people still believe it

To know that the feelings of the mink cicada and Lü Bu are also singable and weeping, but it is a pity that the mink cicada lives in that era of war and chaos, many things are involuntary, Lü Bu is a real historical figure in the Three Kingdoms period, he is also known as the "three surname slave family", so no matter who believes that the mink cicada is a real historical figure. However, she is indeed a fiction, because there is no prototype of the mink cicada in history, which is also a bit of a pity. There is also "Chen Zhen" in the Jingwu Gate and the "Eight Sages King" in the young Bao Qingtian, they are all fictional characters.

106 years ago, britain fictionalized a Chinese villain, and billions of people still believe it

In fact, it is not only that we have no doubt about the fictional characters of the ancients, but also foreigners who are convinced of the fictional Chinese, 106 years ago, the British invented a Chinese negative character, and billions of people are still convinced. Ancient China was a great power, but it did not begin to decline until the Time of the Qing Dynasty. China's Tang Dynasty is equivalent to the United States in modern terms, the most powerful country in the world, and many neighboring countries at that time were our vassal states. China has always made other countries feel very mysterious and curious, so in 1913 the British writer Sachs Romer wrote a novel about China, called "The Mystery of Dr. Fu Manchu".

106 years ago, britain fictionalized a Chinese villain, and billions of people still believe it

Fu Manchu is a Chinese villain fiction created by the British writer, this writer has not come to China, nor does he have any understanding of China, but he has imagined Fu Manchu as a very hateful person, in short, a great evil man who is unforgiving, and also portrays Fu Manchu as very clever, proficient in various languages, and most importantly, he is good at Chinese occultism, and has killed many British people with this secret art. I don't know why Fu Manchu suddenly became a famous figure in Europe, basically no one is unaware of this evil Asian, until now billions of people in Europe have a deep belief in Fu Manchu, firmly believing that he is a real historical figure in China.

106 years ago, britain fictionalized a Chinese villain, and billions of people still believe it

But in fact, as Chinese, we do not know that there are such figures as Fu Manchu in history, but because many British people in Fu Manchu have a certain misunderstanding of China, they feel that Chinese are as evil as him, which uglys the image of China in the world and makes Britain more curious about China's country. Until now, when foreigners make some movies, the image of the evil person in it is shown in Fu Manchu, such as the Marvel movie "Shangqi". However, with the rise of China's strength, China's influence in the world is getting bigger and bigger, and they have also truly understood that China is actually a peace-loving country, and Fu Manchu is completely maliciously ugly, so many times a person can also affect the image of a country.

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