
"Made in Jilin" out of the circle again! Domestic snowmobiles to achieve a "breakthrough of zero"!

"Made in Jilin" out of the circle again! Domestic snowmobiles to achieve a "breakthrough of zero"!

White Mountain Communist Youth League

"Made in Jilin" out of the circle again! Domestic snowmobiles to achieve a "breakthrough of zero"!

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We made a snowmobile in Jilin Province,

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"Made in Jilin" out of the circle again! Domestic snowmobiles to achieve a "breakthrough of zero"!

The snowmobile has achieved a "breakthrough of zero" for domestic snowmobiles

It has also become "Made in Jilin"

Another shiny business card

"Made in Jilin" out of the circle again! Domestic snowmobiles to achieve a "breakthrough of zero"!

Use domestic snowmobiles to participate in and win awards,

It's also what everyone expects!

"Made in Jilin" out of the circle again! Domestic snowmobiles to achieve a "breakthrough of zero"!

Looking back at the manufacturing process of the first domestic snowmobile, China FAW explained the "ingenuity to build dreams"! In the field of research and development alone, the division of labor is refined into eight major areas such as general layout, modeling, body, chassis, CAE, trial production, testing, and painting.

"Made in Jilin" out of the circle again! Domestic snowmobiles to achieve a "breakthrough of zero"!

The biggest problem facing China FAW is almost zero awareness and almost zero data accumulation.

In the process of development, China FAW and Aerospace Science and Technology jointly broke through one technical barrier after another! It has brought domestic snowmobiles with low wind resistance, high reliability and easy handling to China's national snow team and snowmobile athletes.

Completed in less than a year, it also highlights the "Jilin speed".

"Made in Jilin" out of the circle again! Domestic snowmobiles to achieve a "breakthrough of zero"!

The advent of this domestic snowmobile has truly made the entire "production line" of the snowmobile, a high-tech sports equipment, firmly grasped in China's hands!

"Made in Jilin" out of the circle again! Domestic snowmobiles to achieve a "breakthrough of zero"!

Source: Ji Qing Feiyang

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