
The State Administration of Cultural Heritage will allocate the entire 12 cultural relics and artworks recovered by the United States to the Tibet Museum

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The State Administration of Cultural Heritage will allocate the entire 12 cultural relics and artworks recovered by the United States to the Tibet Museum

Statue of the Buddha of Wuliangshou in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties (file photo). The reporter learned from the teleconference on the national cultural relics assistance to Tibet held on September 26 that the State Administration of Cultural Relics will allocate the 12 cultural relics and artworks that have been successfully recovered from the United States to the Tibet Museum as a whole. Xinhua News Agency

The State Administration of Cultural Heritage will allocate the entire 12 cultural relics and artworks recovered by the United States to the Tibet Museum

Copper gilded crystal inlaid gemstone offering tower (file photo). Xinhua News Agency

The State Administration of Cultural Heritage will allocate the entire 12 cultural relics and artworks recovered by the United States to the Tibet Museum

Some of the cultural relics group pictures (file photos). Xinhua News Agency

(The picture and text originate from the original author of the online copyright)

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The State Administration of Cultural Heritage will allocate the entire 12 cultural relics and artworks recovered by the United States to the Tibet Museum

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