
You don't have to go to a Western restaurant, you can also make Spanish potato omelettes at home, which is nutritious and simple

author:Gollum loves to pick up wine

Speaking of Spanish omelets, it has nothing to do with the namesake tortilla, just the same name, all round, Spanish tortilla is more like omelets and vegetable meat stuffed omelets, and the most authentic is potato, onion and egg mixture of pancakes.

You don't have to go to a Western restaurant, you can also make Spanish potato omelettes at home, which is nutritious and simple

The basic ingredient of this dish is an quiche mixed with olive oil and caramelized onions, cheese and ham tossed together. Delicious and easy to make, and the texture, taste and texture are varied, so let's play freely!

【Preparation of ingredients】

5 eggs 5 potatoes 500 g

Onion 1/2 ham 4 slices

Cheese 8 tablets olive oil 200 ml

A little oil, a little salt

You don't have to go to a Western restaurant, you can also make Spanish potato omelettes at home, which is nutritious and simple

【Procedure steps】

Step1: Peel and cut the potatoes into cubes and the onions into chunks and set aside. Heat the pan, add a little oil, then put the potatoes in the pan, add the onion, sprinkle with a little salt and stir-fry for 10 minutes.

Step2: When the potatoes are soft, mash the potatoes and stir-fry for another 5 minutes until they are pureed.

Step3: Crush and stir 5 eggs, then pour the mashed potatoes into the egg mixture and mix well.

Step4: Pour a little olive oil in a saucepan, turn on low heat, then pour 1/3 of the mixture of potatoes and egg mixture into the pan. Then layer cheese, a layer of brilin ham, and then a layer of cheese are layered on top of the surface. Finally, pour in the remaining 2/3, cover and spread over top and fry over low heat for 5 minutes.

Step5: After 5 minutes, put the egg pancake upside down on the plate and then put it in the pan and fry the other side. Fry on low heat for 5 minutes, then finish with a delicious Spanish ham potato omelette!

You don't have to go to a Western restaurant, you can also make Spanish potato omelettes at home, which is nutritious and simple

When the dish can be used as a staple food, the outside is tender and tender, a bite down, with the hot potato aroma into the nostrils, vision, smell, taste, will be captured instantly, a mouthful can not stop Hard and busy day, my favorite way to relax is to find a good drama, prepare some wine dishes, talk about wine, feel very Spanish.

You don't have to go to a Western restaurant, you can also make Spanish potato omelettes at home, which is nutritious and simple

【Wine Tips】

Sweet wines can enhance the taste sensation in savory foods. Because dishes that have been grilled, stewed or simmered for a long time need to be paired with a strong wine, because this cooking method enhances the aroma and concentration of the food, such as Spanish potato omelette and dry champagne is a classic combination. Spicy foods are best paired with aromatic wines that have a good sense of ripeness and fresh fruitiness.

You don't have to go to a Western restaurant, you can also make Spanish potato omelettes at home, which is nutritious and simple

The bubbles are regular and small, revealing the elegance of French champagne. Fresh apple aromas come to the nose, and the traditional French champagne brewing process makes it more intense and evocative.

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