
The Ming Dynasty 150,000 Jinyi guards, why did the Qing Dynasty disappear after entering the customs? Just changed the name and changed the master

Nowadays, there are many people who like ancient culture, and the ancient culture mentioned here does not only refer to literature, but also to many other aspects, such as officials and official positions, among which the special official position of Jinyiwei is very attractive. There is a poem that describes The Jinyi Guard as follows: "The Jinyi slaughtered ninety million in blood, and only because of this order was ordered to serve the Emperor Heaven." ”

Speaking of Jinyiwei, we can't help but think of the Jinyi guards wearing flying fish suits and holding embroidered spring knives, flying fish clothes and embroidered spring knives are the symbols of Jinyi guards, these two things can be said to be unique to Jinyi guards. The Jinyi guards have a lot of power, they are directly under the emperor's orders, which is why they are said to be unattended.

In fact, it is not that they have no one in sight, the cases they take over are generally some major cases, and some are inconvenient for other departments to intervene. They are different from the personnel of other departments, so they are also very different from other departments.

The Ming Dynasty 150,000 Jinyi guards, why did the Qing Dynasty disappear after entering the customs? Just changed the name and changed the master

The founding of Jinyiwei

We all know that the most turbulent time for a country is when the dynasty changes, because the country at this time is in a period of exchange before and after, and at this time, some organizations that are conducive to consolidating the status of the country also came into being. In order to consolidate the Ming Dynasty, the then emperor Zhu Yuanzhang created a protective network of the court, that is, the Jinyi Wei.

JinyiWei was directly subordinate to the emperor, just like the emperor's personal spies, paying attention to the movements of the court for the emperor, and paying attention to whether there were any visions of the behavior of the ministers in private. At the beginning, the power of Jinyiwei was not so great, and later, with the passage of time, Jinyiwei helped the emperor to do many things, which had many powerful means.

It is precisely because of these powerful means that for a period of time, people felt uneasy as soon as they heard the name of Jinyiwei, which is also the difference brought about by Jinyiwei's direct obedience to the emperor.

The Ming Dynasty 150,000 Jinyi guards, why did the Qing Dynasty disappear after entering the customs? Just changed the name and changed the master

There are many things under the jurisdiction of the JinyiWei, ranging from state-to-state relations, to ministers' personal lives in private and their relationships with other people. Jinyiwei is more like a spy for the emperor to inquire about the news, most of them are good at kung fu, they can protect themselves in the event of some unexpected situations, while protecting the information collected.

The development of Jinyiwei

As a military institution of the emperor's bodyguard, the main duty of the Jinyi Guard is to ensure the safety of the emperor, and it can be said that the emperor is a very close person. The leader of the Jinyiwei was called the Jinyiwei Commander, and the important position of the Jinyiwei Commander was generally held by the military generals whom the emperor trusted very much.

The Jinyi Wei commander was directly responsible to the emperor, could directly arrest anyone, including relatives of the emperor, and after the arrest of some people, the interrogation could be held in private. Zhu Yuanzhang set up The Jinyi Guard so that they can directly use it for themselves, and the Jinyi Guard has also done a lot of things for Zhu Yuanzhang.

The Ming Dynasty 150,000 Jinyi guards, why did the Qing Dynasty disappear after entering the customs? Just changed the name and changed the master

In ancient times, normal cases had to be examined by different departments at all levels, and at the same time, Dali Temple, officials, and so on had to be checked again and again to avoid the occurrence of unjust cases. However, Hu Weiyong's case was not handled by these departments, but Zhu Yuanzhang was directly handled by Jin Yiwei.

It not only struck a blow to the meritorious service system, strengthened the emperor's ability to hold power, and weakened the minister's control over the emperor, but also took this opportunity to adjust the state's power organs.

In history, the zaixiang system has a history of more than a thousand years, it can be said that the zaixiang system is the culture that has been continued by each dynasty, and after the Hu Weiyong incident, Hu Weiyong has become the last prime minister in ancient Chinese history. The abolition of the chancellor system made the power of the courtiers smaller, the power of the king greater, the emperor could blatantly advocate the major affairs of the state, and if any official broke the law, then the emperor could directly set them responsible for their crimes, and did not have to be subject to people as before.

The Ming Dynasty 150,000 Jinyi guards, why did the Qing Dynasty disappear after entering the customs? Just changed the name and changed the master

These things could not be accomplished by the emperor alone, and Jinyiwei naturally became the emperor's confidant. Not only zhu Yuanzhang had great trust in Jinyiwei, but after Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Di also had great trust in Jinyiwei, and Zhu Di trusted a Jinyiwei named Ji Gang at that time, and many big and small things were handled by Ji Gang. Once, Zhu Di was angry with a eunuch and ordered the eunuch to be executed, and Zhu Di entrusted the matter to Ji Gang.

Ji Gang's mind was not simple, he knew that the eunuch who was about to be executed was very afraid, so he found the eunuch before the execution and promised to spare the eunuch from dying as long as he handed over a sum of money, but after the eunuch handed over the money, Ji Gang still executed the eunuch, and it is not difficult for us to see that the Jinyi guard at this time was no longer wholeheartedly selling his life to the emperor.

Jinyiwei was renamed Luan Yiwei

For the two hearts of Jinyiwei, Zhu Di can of course be perceived, this is the emperor's natural sensitivity and suspiciousness, after knowing that Jinyiwei is not so loyal to himself, Zhu Di used another wave of forces to tie down Jinyiwei, that is, The East Factory, this is only the beginning of the weakening of Jinyiwei's power, and the real removal of Jinyiwei's power should be the advent of the Qing Dynasty.

The Ming Dynasty 150,000 Jinyi guards, why did the Qing Dynasty disappear after entering the customs? Just changed the name and changed the master

In fact, in the late Ming Dynasty, Jinyiwei is no longer as beautiful as the early Ming Dynasty, with the passage of time, the original intention of the establishment of Jinyiwei has changed, Jinyiwei is often using violence to solve problems, many people talk about Jinyiwei is full of anger.

Later, when Li Zicheng attacked Beijing and established himself as king, some of the Jinyi guards fled one after another in order to save their lives, and the remaining Jinyi guards followed their leader into Li Zicheng's men, but this situation did not last long. Li Zicheng was defeated by Dorgon, the Ming Dynasty became a thing of the past, the Qing Dynasty was established, and the Jinyi Guards left behind by the Ming Dynasty became the courtiers of the Qing Dynasty.

After the Qing Dynasty, people rarely heard the name of Jinyiwei, in the Ming Dynasty, the number of Jinyiwei was very large, there were as many as 150,000 people, but after the Qing Dynasty entered the customs, these Jinyiwei disappeared as if mysteriously, which is somewhat puzzling.

The Ming Dynasty 150,000 Jinyi guards, why did the Qing Dynasty disappear after entering the customs? Just changed the name and changed the master

In fact, some experts pointed out that after the Qing Dynasty entered the customs, in addition to the Jinyiwei who fled in order to save their lives, the remaining Jinyiwei still existed, and there was no Qing Dynasty martyrdom that disappeared with it, but the Jinyiwei changed its name and was called Luan Yiwei.

brief summary:

After all, the Jinyiwei was not led by the Qing Dynasty, and the rulers of the Qing Dynasty did not want to cause additional trouble, so they renamed the Jinyiwei to Luan Yiwei, removing the rights and functions they had previously held, and only used it as Luan Yiwei, which was also a guarantee for the Qing rulers themselves.

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