
Shoubo: The protection of terracotta painted paintings has been solved

In the 1970s, the Terracotta Warriors and Horses were discovered by accident and shocked the world, known as the "Eighth Wonder of the World". When we went to visit the Terracotta Warriors and Horses Museum, we were all shocked by the large and neat army formation. But we also found that the terracotta warriors show a deep and light gray, is it that the "military uniform" of the Qin army, which is known as the division of tigers and wolves, is gray?

Judging from the excavation of the Terracotta Warriors, the Terracotta Warriors were originally painted, but they fell off as soon as they were unearthed. For many years, if the protection of terracotta paint has been a topic that researchers want to overcome. A way to protect the painting has now been found: it is treated in combination with an anti-shrinkant (polyethylene glycol) and a reinforcing agent (polyurethane emulsion). After the treatment, the painted pottery figurines can not only prevent the shrinkage of the bottom layer of the raw paint when it loses water, but also greatly increase the adhesion between the bottom layer of the raw paint and the pottery body, between the layers of the paint and the interior of the pigment layer, and the color of the paint is bright and the protection effect is good.

The success of the protection was exhibited in the first exhibition "Ten Thousand Years eternal treasure - Exhibition of Cultural Relics Protection Achievements in Chinese Collections". A painted kneeling figurine appears on display.

Shoubo: The protection of terracotta painted paintings has been solved

Fragments of terracotta figurines. Because of the collapse of the terracotta pit and other reasons, most of the terracotta figurines were broken.

Shoubo: The protection of terracotta painted paintings has been solved

Repairing clay figurines is like finding a puzzle in pieces, which requires patience and care, and is put together piece by piece.

Shoubo: The protection of terracotta painted paintings has been solved

"Spelled" two-thirds of the clay figurines.

Shoubo: The protection of terracotta painted paintings has been solved

A very famous kneeling figurine. The details of the figurines are very good, and the paintings on the terracotta figurines can also be seen.

Shoubo: The protection of terracotta painted paintings has been solved

The craftsmen of the Qin Dynasty realistically depicted the hair bun of the pottery figurines, the middle part, the hair bun, the turban, and even the hair was made.

Shoubo: The protection of terracotta painted paintings has been solved

Very delicately depicted kneeling figurines.

Shoubo: The protection of terracotta painted paintings has been solved

From all angles, the kneeling figurine is a perfect realist work.

Shoubo: The protection of terracotta painted paintings has been solved

That's how Qin people's hair is made. The craftsman was so meticulous in his hair.

Shoubo: The protection of terracotta painted paintings has been solved

The sole of the kneeling figurine. Previous handmade shoes needed to have a sole, and that stitch was like this.

Shoubo: The protection of terracotta painted paintings has been solved

Standing terracotta figurines. The sleeves on one side have a bright reddish-brown color.

Shoubo: The protection of terracotta painted paintings has been solved

From this point of view, the center of gravity of this clay figurine is unstable! The repair can give them both "crutches", and can also give a support force to the waist. How did it stand firmly in the Qin Army at that time?

Shoubo: The protection of terracotta painted paintings has been solved

The first bo "Wannian Yongbao" exhibition site.

Shoubo: The protection of terracotta painted paintings has been solved

The restoration site of the First Pit of the Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Qin Shi Huang. On-site excavation site restoration. Putting "plastic wrap" on the terracotta warriors should have used new technology.

Shoubo: The protection of terracotta painted paintings has been solved

A corner of the Terracotta No. 1 pit restoration site. The restored semi-finished clay figurine "Five Flowers Tied" is fixed there.

Shoubo: The protection of terracotta painted paintings has been solved

A corner of the pit one repair site. Restoration of the terracotta figurines that are basically complete.

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