
The enigmatic Lou lan girl

In the 1980s, archaeology excavated a dried female corpse in a tomb near the Teppan River Delta. The corpse was well protected, its skin, nails were visible to the eye. The bones were restored using modern technology. Judging from the restored image, she wears coarse wool fabric and sheepskin, and a pair of boots made of animal fur on her feet. Her hair was yellow-brown, more than a foot long, and pressed into a pointed hat. Her complexion was snow white and elastic, and she had large eyes, a high nose, and a sharp chin. With this beautiful face, three-dimensional facial features, and the gorgeous jewelry of the tomb, it is obvious that the owner of the tomb must have been a beautiful woman before he died. Therefore, archaeologists tried all kinds of ways to investigate her identity, but unfortunately, they could not find the true identity of the tomb owner in the end, so they had no choice but to call her the beautiful Loulan girl

The enigmatic Lou lan girl

In the biography of Zhang Jun in the Book of Jin, there is a story that in 326 AD, Zhang Jun, who was the hegemonic side, led an army into Loulan and wanted to annex this important town on the Silk Road. At that time, the king of Loulan saw that things were not good, and was forced to be helpless, and finally had to sacrifice Princess Loulan for peace. After Zhang Jun saw this beautiful girl, he was quickly fascinated by the blonde Loulan girl. Therefore, he not only did not launch a war against Loulan, but also built a palace for this beautiful Loulan girl. Some people speculate that this Loulan bride is likely to be the Princess Loulan who was sacrificed at that time. Later, archaeologists also excavated many ancient tombs on the Silk Road Road. According to the exploration of ancient tombs, many princes and nobles in the Western Regions at that time liked to marry Loulan girls. This can be seen in the murals in the Western Regions, because on those murals we can often see the beautiful and immortal appearance of Loulan Beauty. The beauty of the Loulan girl not only fascinated ordinary people, but also made the Buddhist monks indulge in it and could not extricate themselves. In the Book of Wei, the Biography of the Suite records the story of a Buddhist monk and Princess Loulan falling in love. In 420 AD, a monk came to Loulan from the Western Regions in order to spread the Dharma, but incredibly, after the monk met the beautiful Princess Loulan, he was unable to extricate himself and became addicted to it for a while. However, their feelings will not be allowed by the world. Their happy life did not last long, and later, their story was discovered, so the monk had to flee in a hurry. It can be seen from this that the Loulan girl at that time did have an unparalleled appearance.

With the passage of time, due to the deterioration of the ecological environment, the once prosperous Loulan Ancient Kingdom eventually came to an end. The beauty of the Loulan girl is really unparalleled and makes people crazy. Recently, there is a popular passage on the Internet: If you go to see Di Li Reba and Gulinaza, you will know why our ancestors fought so hard to conquer the Western Regions.

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