
Capture the Heavenly Danger LaziKou! What is the mystery of the Red Army's all the way to conquer the pass and be invincible?

Source: Tongwutang The People's Liberation Army News and Communication Center integrates the media

Capture the Heavenly Danger LaziKou! What is the mystery of the Red Army's all the way to conquer the pass and be invincible?

This is a life-and-death turning point in the history of the Red Army's Long March.

This is a classic example of the Red Army's attack and victory.

They are wise, courageous, fearless,

Positive and odd, flexible interspersed.

Relive a thrilling war saga,

Listen to the loud triumphant song of the Red Army marching toward victory.

The seventh episode of the "Talking Martial Hall" series "Victory" is "Xiongbing Yongke Lazikou".

On the long march, the Red Army not only experienced the fierce Battle of the XiangJiang River, the Battle of Sidu Chishui, which is known as the "Wonder of War History", but also experienced some important battles that can be called the Battle of Turning Point. "Speaking of Martial Arts" will take you back to the key battle related to the survival of the Red Army - the Battle of Lazikou, to explore the mystery of the Red Army's victory and invincibility.


"People pass through the mouth of the rats, like the mouth of the tiger"

After crossing the meadows, the Central Red Army faced the last dangerous pass on the long march, Lazikou. Lazikou was an important pass from Sichuan to Gansu, and if the Red Army could not defeat Lazikou, it was likely to retreat to the grassland, and the situation would be very unfavorable.

Capture the Heavenly Danger LaziKou! What is the mystery of the Red Army's all the way to conquer the pass and be invincible?

Lazikou is a north-south canyon pass with cliffs on its east and west sides. The terrain of Lazikou is very dangerous, which can be described as "one husband and one pass, and no one can open it". The Kuomintang army defended here with a regiment of troops, and several bunkers were built on the cliffs, and these heavily guarded bunkers became the "roadblocks" for the Red Army's advance.

Capture the Heavenly Danger LaziKou! What is the mystery of the Red Army's all the way to conquer the pass and be invincible?

Although the enemy was tightly guarded against the Lazi Pass, there were still two loopholes in its defense, one was that the bunkers built by the enemy did not have a roof, and the other was that the enemy only paid attention to the frontal protection, and there was no deployment of troops on the hills on both sides, which created conditions for the Red Army to break through the Lazi Pass.


"Hard bones" are given to the sharpest "sharp blades"

Lazikou is a "hard bone" for the Central Red Army, and the arduous task of capturing Lazikou was entrusted to the 4th Regiment of the 2nd Division of the Red 1st Army, which is a unit with glorious revolutionary traditions and outstanding combat achievements, its predecessor was the Ye Ting Independent Regiment, and during the Long March, the Red 4th Regiment fought bloodily on the Xiangjiang River, forcibly crossed the Wujiang River, flew to seize the Luding Bridge, repeatedly built Qigong, and was a strong brigade on the Road of the Long March of the Red Army.

Capture the Heavenly Danger LaziKou! What is the mystery of the Red Army's all the way to conquer the pass and be invincible?

After nearly a week of arduous marching, the Red 4th Regiment finally stepped out of the vast meadow out of a northward marching route, they traveled day and night, came to Lazikou, the Red 4th Regiment's 1st Battalion immediately launched an attack, but several charges were suppressed by enemy fire, the battle was very fierce, and soon the ground was covered with a layer of shrapnel.

Due to the very dangerous terrain of Lazikou and the lack of heavy weapons for attacking the stronghold, the Red 4th Regiment temporarily stopped attacking. Regiment commander Huang Kaixiang and political commissar Yang Chengwu personally went to the scene to survey the terrain and found the enemy's weakness - the bunker had no roof. If we could detour back to the top of the cliff from the side, we could condescend and break through the enemy's bunkers.

Capture the Heavenly Danger LaziKou! What is the mystery of the Red Army's all the way to conquer the pass and be invincible?


In just one fell swoop, the Red Army seized the Graben in one fell swoop

However, there are cliffs on both sides of the Lazikou, how can I climb to the top? Just when everyone was at a loss, a small warrior mao introduced himself, this little warrior named "Yun Guichuan", is a Miao warrior who enlisted in Guizhou, because his hometown is a mountainous area, often in the mountains to collect medicine, he has trained a rock climbing skill.

Capture the Heavenly Danger LaziKou! What is the mystery of the Red Army's all the way to conquer the pass and be invincible?

The Red 4th Regiment set up a combination of frontal attack and detour to the cliff. The frontal attack was launched by 6 companies to contain the enemy, and the regimental commander Huang Kaixiang led two companies of troops to follow the "Yun Guichuan" to successfully climb to the top of the cliff mountain, looking for a favorable position to attack the enemy's bunker from a commanding height.

Capture the Heavenly Danger LaziKou! What is the mystery of the Red Army's all the way to conquer the pass and be invincible?

As the flares lifted off, both frontal and roundabout forces launched a general attack at the same time, and the warriors on the cliff took advantage of the terrain to throw grenades into the bunkers, quickly destroying the enemy bunkers. The enemy troops fled one after another, and our army took advantage of the victory to pursue, not only annihilating most of the enemy, but also obtaining rich combat captures, and the battle of Lazikou ended in victory.

Capture the Heavenly Danger LaziKou! What is the mystery of the Red Army's all the way to conquer the pass and be invincible?

The Battle of Lazikou was a classic example of a surprising victory in the history of China's revolutionary war, and it was also a life-and-death battle at a turning point in the Red Army's Long March. Breaking through the Lazikou, the red iron stream rolled forward, and the Red Army entered Shaanxi and Gansu to find a new foothold for the Chinese revolution and a new journey toward victory.

CCTV-7 "Talking About Martial Arts" series "Victory" Episode 7 "Xiongbing Yongke Lazikou"

Premiere: Sunday at 17:54.

Replay time: Next Monday, Thursday, Saturday at 7:58 a.m.

(Produced by The People's Liberation Army News and Communication Center)

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