
[Red Memory] The long march in the memoirs

[Red Memory] The long march in the memoirs

Party History Research Office of the CPC Gansu Provincial Committee

The Long March is a great expedition of ideals and convictions, testing the truth, awakening the people, and opening up a new situation, a magnificent epic written by the Communist Party of China and the Red Army, and a towering monument in the historical process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Gansu is an important province through which the Red Army's Long March passes, a decision-making place where the Party Central Committee has chosen the Shaanxi-Gansu revolutionary base area as the foothold of the Red Army's Long March, and the final meeting place of the three main Red Army forces. The memories of those who have experienced the Long March are of far-reaching significance for us to deeply feel and carry forward the spirit of the Great Long March and take the Long March Road in the new era, and are the precious spiritual wealth and powerful spiritual driving force for us to make unremitting efforts to achieve the second centenary goal and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

[Red Memory] The long march in the memoirs

"Fierce Battle of Lazikou" (oil painting) Qiu Ruimin Zhang Deming and so on

The "iron fist" smashed open the mouth of the wax

Hu Bingyun

Fierce gunshots rang out from the mouth of the rats. Six of our companies assembled near Lazikou and put into battle. The warriors seemed to have forgotten the fatigue of the two-hundred-mile continuous march and the two battles along the way, and they were all in high spirits, rubbing their fists, hoping that they would not be able to enter the battle at once. At this moment, an order came from the regiment to call cadres at and above the company level to the regiment for a meeting. In a dense forest, Comrade Yang Chengwu, political commissar of the regiment, mobilized. He said straight to the point: "We have more than 20,000 cavalry of Yang Tusi on our left, and the main force of Hu Zongnan on the right, and the only way for us to go north to resist Japan is Lazikou." If we cannot pass through here, we will not be able to meet the Red Army in northern Shaanxi very quickly; we will not be able to reach the anti-Japanese front as soon as possible. Then he asked everyone excitedly: "Neither the Wujiang River nor the Dadu River can stop our Red Army advance, and we have also come over the snowy mountains and meadows, can we let the Lazikou be blocked?" ”

"Resolutely take down the lazi mouth!" "The sword mountain and the sea of fire can't stop us!" Comrades answered thunderously. At this mobilization meeting, the regimental commander entrusted us with the glorious task of attacking Lazikou to our sixth company. And asked us, "Are you sure?" "Yes!" Several cadres of our company answered in unison. "Good! The regiment's light and heavy machine guns, and then draw a part of it under your direct command! The regimental commander gave the order on the spot. As soon as the meeting dispersed, we ran as fast as we could to the company. Although it was almost dusk, the road was bumpy, and the weather was already a little chilly, our hearts were very hot. Because this is the infinite trust of the party, the chief, and the comrades of the whole army in us! When the warriors heard that we had taken on the main offensive task, they all jumped up like children on the Occasion of the New Year. Some of them had grenades in bundles of three and two bunches hanging all over their bodies; some of them wiped their bayonets and large knives sparkling. The warriors' strength, let alone one wax mouth, even ten wax mouths can be taken down. At dusk, the regimental and battalion commanders took our company and platoon cadres to reconnoiter the terrain and enemy situation, and studied the way to play. Then we took over the position of the Second Company.

Lazikou is really dangerous. From the bottom of the mountain, the mountain pass is about 30 meters wide, with steep cliffs on both sides, surrounded by high mountains and mountains, and there is no road to pass. Between the two peaks below the pass is a rapid, bottomless shisha river. A wooden bridge is crossed over the river, connecting the two mountains. To pass through Lazikou is bound to pass through this bridge, and there is no other way. The Gansu warlord Lu Dachang placed two battalions of troops at the wooden bridge and the mountain pass, and built a strong bunker on the bridge, the west of the bridge was a deep position, and the slope of the east of the bridge was also covered with triangular blockade bunkers. In addition, behind Lazikou, there are also their warehouses, stockpiling a large number of grain and ammunition; in Minzhou City, there are main forces stationed at any time that can reinforce Lazikou. But all this did not frighten the red army soldiers, who said: "Lazikou is the mountain of knives, and we must also fight it; Lu Dachang is cast in iron, and we must also smash him into powder." ”

Night shrouded the valley and the battle began. All of our machine guns took turns strafing, and bullets sprayed like fountains on enemy positions. A platoon leader with more than thirty warriors, under the cover of dense fire, secretly moved to the bridge to hide and stand ready to charge. The cunning enemy, while we were firing, hid in the fortifications and did not fight back, but as soon as our fire stopped and the warriors began to charge at the bridgehead, they concentrated their grenades and counterattacked us fiercely. Our terrain was unfavorable, our troops could not be deployed, several charges were unsuccessful, and more than a dozen casualties were inflicted.

"Fight! Don't let the bunny cubs look up! The young and courageous platoon leader, seeing that he could not rush up, ordered the machine gunners to shoot fiercely. The tongue of fire spewed out by the machine gun was red for half a day, and the echo of the gun was like a thunderstorm, and the bullet hit the rocks on the enemy's position straight up to Mars. But it still could not overwhelm the enemy's firepower. Enemy grenades kept exploding on our assault roads, making it very difficult to progress.

Time and again, Chairman Mao and the head of the regiment sent people to the front to understand the situation and asked where the assault squad was now. What are the difficulties? Do you want reinforcements? The chief's care urged us. Several cadres of our company studied it, reorganized their firepower and assault forces, and launched another onslaught on the enemy. However, after several consecutive attacks, it was still impossible to get close to the bridgehead. The grenades thrown by the enemy, one by one, swirled on the ground, and the exploded shrapnel and the unexploded (some grenades were thrown over without uncovering the cover) were laid on the cliff road within fifty meters of the bridge, and some places had been piled up. Such fierce fighting until the middle of the night, a dozen consecutive charges, all ineffective. At two o'clock in the night, our superiors ordered us to temporarily withdraw and rest, and prepare to reorganize the attack.

The cooker made a good meal with flour from the enemy captured fifteen miles from the mouth of the lazi. We couldn't take a bite. It was dark all around, and there was no light in sight, only the waves of the river shining white. In the darkness, I suddenly heard several warriors whispering, "The enemy is blocking the cliff road too strictly!" The voice was crisp, and it could be heard that it was a young warrior. "I see, just by rushing head-on, I'm afraid it won't work!" The other one went on. The words of the warriors reminded me. I consulted with Comrade Luo Huasheng, secretary of the general branch of the regiment who had been fighting with us, and decided to convene a meeting of the party and regiment members, organize a death squad, and attack the enemy one after another with a small number of troops, fatigue and deplete the enemy, and wait for the opportunity to seize the bridge. At the meeting, after the secretary of the general branch finished speaking, the party members all said one after another: "Resolutely seize Lazikou and embark on the forefront of the anti-Japanese resistance!" "More than twenty fighters signed up for the death squad on the spot. A platoon leader proposed a plan to annihilate the enemy in two ways. We selected fifteen of the strongest and bravest party members and regiment members from among those who signed up and organized three assault teams. At this time, a good news came: the first and second companies had climbed from the right side of the LaziKou, climbed the steep cliff, and touched the enemy's back. This news adds more courage to us. Those who participated in the death squad swore an oath in unison: "Avenge the comrades who died heroically, and never look back until they open the mouth of the wax." ”

Late at night, the daredevils climbed the small trees that grew on the cliff wall, one foot solid and one foot weak, moving forward step by step. The waves splattered their pants, and sweat soaked their blouse again; the prickly weeds on the cliff walls punctured their hands and faces. All this, the warriors ignored, one after the other, staring at each other with the white towels wrapped around their necks, and quietly touching under the bridge. Closer, closer, closer. Not far from the bridge. Just then, there was a "click" and a comrade climbed a small tree. Everyone immediately stopped and prepared to fight back at the enemy. After staying for a while, he did not see the movement of the enemy. It may be that the sound of the rapids of the river covers everyone.

The warriors continued to touch forward. The closer you get to the bridge, the more nervous you feel. Touching the edge of the bridge, the warriors of the first group reached out and grabbed the horizontal log under the bridge, moving to the opposite bank with one hand and one hand upside down. Not far ahead, I heard a "click" again, and I don't know which comrade fell into the river. At this time, the enemy found out, machine guns, grenades, firing randomly under the bridge, blowing up the river water "pounced" and "rushed" straight. The target was exposed and unable to continue, so the four warriors had to touch a rock and temporarily lurk and wait for action.

I heard the sound of gunfire, and immediately led a platoon of ten comrades to rush to the side of the bridge, taking advantage of the enemy's opportunity to shoot under the bridge. First throw a row of grenades at the enemy, then rush into the enemy's standing fortifications on the bridge. The enemy did not pay any attention to this hand, and immediately panicked and made a mess. We killed the bridgehead. Comrades under the bridge also drilled out from under the rocks. Ignoring the enemy's fire on the bridge, they flipped over the bridge, drew their large knives, and shouted to kill the enemy. The bridge is narrow and there are many people, and our big knives have played a great role in the short engagement. A long row of long swords swung their large knives at the enemy group. Suddenly, he was hit by a stray bullet. He hesitated for a moment, stood on his heels again, and shouted, "Comrades rush! The enemy can't support it anymore! "Just as we were fighting fiercely, suddenly a white signal flare rose from the hill behind the enemy. This is a signal of success in a series of one or two rounds. Then three more red flares rose from our backs. This is a signal to launch a general offensive. The four flares had not yet been extinguished, and the sound of stormtroopers, light and heavy machine guns, mortars and shouts rang out from all directions. The enemy who was killed by us was dizzy, and when he heard the fighting behind the position, the guns around him rang out again and again, thinking that they were surrounded by the Red Army on all sides, and they fell off their guns and fled for their lives in a panic.

By this time it was dawn, and our daredevils were in close pursuit of the fleeing enemy. The enemy is like a lost dog, running backwards in groups of lifeless people. For the time being, the enemy, who had not yet suffered a fatal blow, did not dare to shoot when he saw the hordes of defeated soldiers running amok. Countless guns and bullets were lost along the road. Our warriors are chasing more and more vigorously, and fatigue and hunger have long been left aside. Some chased after it, thinking that the grenade on their backs was too heavy, so they simply put it aside and chased forward with a large knife in their hands. In one breath, we pursued all the enemy's barracks and warehouses and occupied the deep position of Lazikou. After a while, the first and second companies also detoured from the mountain. With a triumphant laugh on their faces, they said to us loudly, "Comrades, we have smashed open the mouth of the heavenly danger!" ”

(At that time, the author was an instructor of the sixth company of the fourth regiment of the second division of the first army of the Red Army)

Long March "Gas Station"

Yang Chengwu

When we arrived at HattaPu, it was a sunny morning. On the other side of Minshan Mountain, we can still see hail and snowflakes, but only two days away, it seems to have changed a world. Now, seeing this golden grain ear, the green meadow, the neat rows of trees, the mood is suddenly cheerful. When we came to assemble on a river dam on the edge of hadapu Town, the masses took the initiative to gather to see us. While greeting them, we concentrated on conveying the "Code," and the political cadres of each company once again preached the three major disciplines and eight points of attention.

Hadapu is located on the edge of Gansu Province, due to the inconvenience of transportation, the goods can not be transported to the mainland, and things are very cheap. A fat pig weighing a hundred pounds is enough for five oceans; a fat sheep requires only two oceans; a piece of ocean can buy five chickens; a dime can buy ten eggs; and vegetables are only a few cents a carton. Coupled with the hundreds of tons of rice, white noodles and thousands of pounds of salt that Lu Dachang's troops left behind when they fled, it was enough for us to greatly improve our lives. In particular, those of us cadres and fighters from Fujian, Jiangxi, and Hunan who have not smelled rice for a long time have had a big appetite when we see rice and white noodles. According to the local material conditions and the physical exertion of all comrades, the leaders put forward the slogan of "everyone must eat well."

Several cadres of our regimental headquarters, plus messengers, guards, and grooms, also came to a small meeting, we found a Han family, borrowed their pot stove, came to an eight immortals across the sea, each showed their magic, made a lot of dishes, really more lively than the New Year, we also invited the landlord. The landlord is a humble old man. When Commander Wang toasted him again, he burst into tears, untied his tight collar, stood up passionately, and said: "The Red Army is a division of benevolence and righteousness, and such respect for the people has not been much since ancient times." The Red Army is a divine soldier who conquers natural dangers in one night, which is rare since ancient times. The old man is sixty and seven this year, and he wishes to pray to you on behalf of the township! After saying this, he left the table with his sleeves up and knelt down on his right knees. I and the regimental commander quickly lifted him up, and Lian said: "The Red Army is the people's army, and the countrymen are fish and water love!" "Fish water love, good, good sentence! Well, fish and water love! That's a good thing to say! He sat back in front of the table, then shook his head and sighed: "Gentlemen, Hadapu has been an important town since ancient times, and there are large soldiers stationed, far from saying, let's say that the soldiers of Naru Dachang have lived for many years, extorted and extorted, fish and meat people." When you first came, you treated each other with such sincerity and respect for the elderly, which is unforgettable! At this time, his wife also came up and said, "Mr. Red Army, are you not leaving?" I said, "We are temporarily borrowing, passing through here, and we are going north to resist Japan and overthrow Japanese imperialism and the Kuomintang reactionaries!" The landlord uncle said good again and again, and at the same time put up his thumb and said: "With ambition, China has such an army, and the people have hope!" He stood up excitedly again, raised his voice and called out to his wife, "Go and get that altar of shou wine, I was seventy years old and I was ahead of time!" "It turned out that when the landlord was sixty-five years old, he made a pot of rice wine with glutinous rice, soaked it in local angelica, buried it in the ground, and prepared to open the altar at the age of seventy, and drink with his children and grandchildren who were far away. Today's talk was speculative, and I actually sacrificed this precious wine in advance. We stood up and toasted the old man. The old man was so excited that he shook his white beard, and his eyes flashed with crystal tears, and he said one after another: "I wish the Red Army to go north to resist Japan and win the victory!" "In the midst of mutual wishes we dispersed.

This meal has been eaten for a long time, and the impression it has left on me is also particularly deep, it not only warms our hearts, but also makes us deeply feel that the people's children and soldiers and the common people are really a family and a heart! We have such a backer, such a backing, and who can stop us from going north to resist Japan!

The whole journey of Hada Paving was only a few days, but it left a very strong impression on us. Indeed, Chairman Mao's inspiring speech in front of the Guandi Temple added to our fighting vitality, and Hadapu became a veritable "gas station" in our Long March.

(The author was then the political commissar of the Fourth Regiment of the Second Division of the First Army of the Red Army)

[Red Memory] The long march in the memoirs

"Three Armed Forces Conference Division" by Yang Guoguang

The Three Armies Huining Division


On the morning of October 9, the sky was clear and the sun was shining. In front of the Huining City Gate Tower, a colorful door was erected, the red flag was displayed, and the gongs and drums were noisy. The crowd welcoming the middle lane, there were troops, there were masses, and the atmosphere was very warm. We entered Huining City from the South Gate. Inside Huining City, Vientiane updates, slogans, crowds, laughter, make this remote mountain city unprecedentedly lively. Rendezvous with the troops of the Red Army. What an exciting teacher! Comrades embraced each other with mixed sorrow and joy, walked around arm in arm, gleefully gave gifts, poured out their hopes to each other, talked to each other about the hardships along the way, asked each other about the whereabouts of other comrades... They are all thankful to be reunited again.

At this time, Comrade Chen Geng walked quickly to the front, hugged me and said warmly: "Hard work, welcome to you!" I said, "Thank you!" Thank you! Suddenly, after tasting the bitterness of parting, I felt that the sweet mood of the meeting suddenly arose. In the 19 months that our Red Fourth Front army began its long march from marching west to the Jialing River and meeting the huining division, it suffered serious harm from Zhang Guotao's erroneous policy of going south and engaging in separatist activities, climbing snowy mountains twice, crossing grassland three times, swallowing snowballs, eating grass roots, and nibbling on belts, going through countless hardships and suffering heavy losses. Today, the meeting is finally over, and who can not be thrilled and ecstatic. At that time, I only felt as if the children who had been floating away for a long time had returned to their parents' side, had the leadership of the Party Central Committee, had freedom, and felt very warm. On the same day, the Commander-in-Chief, who had been operating with the Red Fourth Front, led the Red Army General Command to huining city.

On the evening of the 10th, the sunset was red and the clouds were like fire, which stained Huining City with a brilliant and dazzling brilliance. Dressed in neat costumes and carrying bright weapons, the troops came to the front of the Huining City Confucian Temple with great vigor to participate in the celebration of the meeting. Attending the party were representatives of the 1st and 2nd Divisions of the First Army of the Red Army, the 13th Division of the 15th Army, and the various units of the Red Fourth Front, totaling about 7,000 people. The masses also came quite a bit. The meeting was presided over by Li Zhuoran, director of the Political Department of the Red Fourth Front. Commander-in-Chief Xu Xiangqian spoke first.

He said, "Comrades! Today, our First, Second, and Fourth Fronts have finally won the victory of the Division after all kinds of difficulties and dangers! Commander Xu went on to preach that today's meeting was an astonishing victory in the eyes of anyone. It was a great turning point in the history of our army. After the twenty-five-thousand-mile long march, the number of our army is smaller than in the past, but everyone has undergone a thousand hammers and hundreds of tempers, and everyone is the quintessence of the Chinese revolution. In this sense, our combat effectiveness is not weakened, but stronger. History proves that the revolutionary army under the leadership of the Communist Party of China is invincible! Our forces are reunited, our military and political experience is combined, and no force can stop us from advancing! We can't stop us from fighting against Japan! Comrades, work hard! For the sake of the interests of the nation and for the sake of China, we have never been a slave to the country and forged ahead courageously. Commander Xu's majestic and inspiring speech deeply touched everyone's heart. At the meeting, congratulatory messages from the CPC Central Committee, the Central Government of the Chinese Soviet, and the Central Revolutionary Military Commission were read out to celebrate the meeting of the First, Second, and Fourth Fronts. This congratulatory message is really like a cloud of drought, encouraging us to win greater victories.

The beloved Commander-in-Chief Zhu made a cordial speech amid warm applause. Commander-in-Chief Zhu expounded the great historical significance of the victory of the Long March, and finally raised his voice and said: "Comrades! Unity is essential, unity is strength. Only by strengthening the unity of the entire Red Army can we overcome all difficulties and win victory in the revolutionary cause! Today, when the three main forces of our Red Army have won the victory, we must unite as one, respect each other, fight side by side, and defeat our common enemy. After experiencing the losses and setbacks caused by the split, I listened to these words of the commander-in-chief and felt very kind.

The great feat of huining huishi marked the end of the victory of the Long March of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, the complete bankruptcy of imperialism and the Chiang Kai-shek clique in pursuing and blocking, and the arrival of a new stage in the anti-Japanese national revolutionary war. It has shown new hope to the people of the whole country and has effectively advanced the anti-Japanese movement of our people. Chinese a new stage of the people's resistance to Japan and salvation came in this huge storm.

(The author was then the commander of the column directly under the Red Fourth Front and the director of the Fourth Bureau)

(This edition is an excerpt from the book "Tieliu Hui Longyuan" with slight changes.) Finishing: Fan Bingxiang, Zhang Huanlong)

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