
After the "world's first sword" was unearthed, after X-ray detection, it was found that the crossing process: composite technology

Speaking of the "world's first sword", everyone should be able to guess who it is, it is the famous Yue Wang Gou Jian sword, Yue Wang Gou Jian sword is also the Yue Wang Gou Jian sword, now is a national first-class cultural relics, once unearthed in Hubei Jingzhou Jiangling County Wangshan Chu Tomb Group, it can be said that this Yue Wang Gou Jian sword represents the super high level of short weapon production at that time, which also has the reputation of "the world's first sword".

After the "world's first sword" was unearthed, after X-ray detection, it was found that the crossing process: composite technology

What many people only know is that the Yue Wang Gou Jian Sword has gone through more than 2,000 years, but there is no sign of rust so far, and it is extremely sharp, in fact, at that time, experts tested it with X-ray technology, and the results also found another cross-over anti-heaven technology, which can be said to have really shocked the world!

It was in the mid-1960s, when there was a major drought in the Gangneung area, and for the livelihood of the local people, the state decided to build a water canal here, so that it could facilitate the irrigation of some farmland here, but unexpectedly, during the construction, someone found that the soil layer here was very wrong.

After the "world's first sword" was unearthed, after X-ray detection, it was found that the crossing process: composite technology

Fortunately, this strange thing was reported to the Jingzhou Cultural Relics Bureau, and then the archaeological team rushed over to conduct the survey, after a period of investigation, experts confirmed that there is likely to be a tomb below, and it is likely that it is not just a tomb, but a tomb group, if this is the case, then the construction here must be suspended first, until the end of the archaeological operation to begin to continue.

In fact, here is the later famous Wangshan Chu Tomb Group, and our protagonist Yue Wang Sword today was unearthed in tomb No. 1 of Wangshan Chu Tomb, when the archaeological team entered Tomb No. 1, they found that there was a bronze sword next to the tomb owner's bones, which was actually the current Yue Wang sword, and the Yue Wang sword at this time was installed in the sheath of the lacquered wood sword.

After the "world's first sword" was unearthed, after X-ray detection, it was found that the crossing process: composite technology

Then the experts began to study and identify this Yue Wang sword, indeed at the moment when the sword was pulled out, everyone held their breath, because this Yue Wang sword experienced more than 2,000 years of erosion, and actually did not see any signs of rust, and then did a sharp test, the result was once again surprising, it was simply a unique sword that cut iron like mud.

So where did this Yue Wang sword come from? Fortunately, this Yue Wang sword is engraved with an inscription, so he also specially asked Master Guo Moruo to help identify it, and finally gave the result: This bronze sword is the famous Yue Wang sword in history, which belongs to the Yue Wang Gou Jian.

After the "world's first sword" was unearthed, after X-ray detection, it was found that the crossing process: composite technology

At that time, after the news of the existence of the Yue Wang sword was announced, it was indeed a sensation in the entire archaeological community, and the most surprising thing was more than this, and later experts used X-rays to test it, and the results found a surprising process, or rather, the technology of crossing, and the test results showed that there were many metals on this Yue Wang sword, such as copper, tin, aluminum, iron, nickel, sulfur and so on.

Moreover, the proportions of the metal of the sword body and the blade are different, what does this mean? It shows that this Yue Wang sword is divided into two parts of casting separately, and finally fused, in fact, this is the "composite technology" in our modern process technology.

After the "world's first sword" was unearthed, after X-ray detection, it was found that the crossing process: composite technology

To know that the emergence of "composite technology" is only in our modern times, but the Yue Wang Sword is a sword with a history of more than 2,000 years, which is undoubtedly more shocking, can only say that the ancients were indeed too smart, and our descendants are sometimes really faceless.

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