
Puyi family old photos: Figure 3 Puyi's 6 sisters are very beautiful, and Figure 4 is the only time Wanrong wears a court dress

With the exchange between countries, photographic technology came to China, when it was only the Qing Dynasty, many people lived in the depths of the sea, so only the aristocratic class enjoyed the right to shoot, and ordinary people could have their own photos is really accidental. These rare color photos of the Puyi family have traveled through time and space to expose the life of the late Qing dynasty royal family for us.

Puyi family old photos: Figure 3 Puyi's 6 sisters are very beautiful, and Figure 4 is the only time Wanrong wears a court dress

Puyi's parents

Puyi's father was Zaifeng, who served as regent of the Qing Dynasty and was the de facto ruler of the last three years of the Qing Dynasty. Unlike Puyi, although he enjoyed the joy of power, he was not very enthusiastic about the affairs of the imperial court, and on the day he was relieved of his status as regent, he was still happy and full of expectations for the leisurely time in the future. Later, Puyi was keen on restoration, and Zaifeng also dissuaded him many times, which made Puyi very dissatisfied with this, pointing out that he was timid and afraid of things, and could not give his son a little protection.

Puyi's mother was Youlan of the Guarjia clan, the daughter of Ronglu, a close confidant of Cixi. Youlan has a fierce temperament, Puyi is making a fuss in the palace, the dignified princess called her into the palace to reprimand, after returning home, she was furious and chose to take poison to commit suicide.

Puyi family old photos: Figure 3 Puyi's 6 sisters are very beautiful, and Figure 4 is the only time Wanrong wears a court dress

Puyi's siblings

Because the Qing Dynasty advocated polygamy, many of Puyi's brothers and sisters were not born to his mother, but Puyi did not have hatred for this, he would only prefer his own sister, and other exchanges, but not so close. In this group of photos, Puyi firmly occupies the middle position, which shows that although the Qing Dynasty collapsed, Puyi still has a certain influence in the family, and in addition to Puyi, the most attractive thing in this photo is his six sisters, all like flowers.

Puyi family old photos: Figure 3 Puyi's 6 sisters are very beautiful, and Figure 4 is the only time Wanrong wears a court dress

Empress of Puyi

The last empress of the Qing Dynasty was Wanrong, and she married into the palace in 1922, when the Qing Dynasty had already collapsed, but Puyi had been emperor, so her identity as empress had always been recognized. WanRong looks quite good, although not the appearance that people like today, but at that time it could be described as a role that fell into the country, and now she is still a Beautiful Lady, and this is the only time she wears a court dress.

Puyi family old photos: Figure 3 Puyi's 6 sisters are very beautiful, and Figure 4 is the only time Wanrong wears a court dress

Puyi's concubine

When he did not move out of the Forbidden City, Puyi's concubine was only Wen Xiu. Wen Xiu entered the palace the day before Wanrong, and spent a happy time with Puyi and Wanrong after marriage, but such a pleasant life was not long. Due to Puyi's physical problems, Wen Xiu finally chose to part ways with Puyi and embarked on a different path.

Puyi family old photos: Figure 3 Puyi's 6 sisters are very beautiful, and Figure 4 is the only time Wanrong wears a court dress

Puyi and his father brother

Although Puyi is the emperor, in this photo, everyone is surrounded by his father, and Puyi has obviously become the most eye-catching existence. He was obviously not because of his outstanding appearance, but in the restrained posture of the crowd, he sat the most lightly and fluttering, obviously with a bit of a rich man's wandering.

Puyi family old photos: Figure 3 Puyi's 6 sisters are very beautiful, and Figure 4 is the only time Wanrong wears a court dress


This photo was taken after Puyi was released from prison, when he thought he would die alone in prison, but the state obviously did not forget him when he was pardoned. Due to his special status, Puyi enjoyed a lot of care from the state in his later years, and in 1964, he became a commissioner of the Literature and History Materials Research Committee, and later became a librarian of the Central Museum of Culture and History.

Puyi family old photos: Figure 3 Puyi's 6 sisters are very beautiful, and Figure 4 is the only time Wanrong wears a court dress

Although he no longer has the luxury of living with clothes and food to open his mouth, Puyi's old age is still very happy, at this time he has felt spiritual satisfaction, not only with his own efforts to earn living expenses, but also found his own love. In 1967, Puyi died of uremia, and after his death, his ashes were buried in Babaoshan, and later moved to the royal cemetery by his wife Li Shuzhen.

These are all the photos of the Puyi family, and you can vaguely see the changes in the costumes of the late Qing Dynasty, providing historical value for the study of Chinese history.

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