
Zhuo Cheng offseason breaker brother? The professional players will break the defense when they arrive, and the champion Nakano will not be able to move!

In the final of the 2021 Demacia Cup, although TES won the championship by letting the two chases and three victories over the FPX, the whole BO5 was played, hang and Zhuo two auxiliary players formed a sharp contrast, and the poor performance of the German Cup also allowed the audience to see the serious flaw of the new season TES - the auxiliary position. And now there are only two days left before the official start of the 2022 LPL Spring Tournament, during this off-season, the professional players of the major teams are also actively preparing, coinciding with the League of Legends season update node, the players can be said to have pulled the rank training volume to the full, what people did not expect is that Zhuo not only became a breakthrough in the game, but even Rank in the offseason was criticized by all professional players!

Zhuo Cheng offseason breaker brother? The professional players will break the defense when they arrive, and the champion Nakano will not be able to move!

First of all, the single player Chovy in gen, lined up with Zhuo in a game of Hanbok rankings, and after seeing the eye position placed by Zhuo at the beginning, the mentality collapsed, and he constantly complained about this eye position, because this field of view can neither see the opening route of the other party's wild, the red and blue open do not know that F6 can not see, plus because it is the beginning of the game, it will also let the opponent play the wild catch when there is just a blind spot of vision, this eye position is not helpful for the middle road, and it is meaningless, even if this round of ranking is finally won, Chovy even chose to retake the rare one, discussing the vision of this eye position with the team assistant Lehends, and instructing him not to look at it at the first level!

Zhuo Cheng offseason breaker brother? The professional players will break the defense when they arrive, and the champion Nakano will not be able to move!

In addition to Chovy, there is also EDG's auxiliary Meiko, the same innings collided with Zhuo on the opposite side, the result of the matching process Zhuo Lax's skill hit rate is too low, and even another wave of Meiko walking even dodged Zhuo Lax's five skills, such a play makes Meiko can't help but say bluntly: What is this operation? His Q skill is quite crooked, he has not Q to the people a few times, his skills are too casual to lose!

Zhuo Cheng offseason breaker brother? The professional players will break the defense when they arrive, and the champion Nakano will not be able to move!

Unexpectedly, just after the crash Meiko, after the season update, Zhuo met two players of EDG, that is, the single Scout and Jiejie, which lined the two sides to the side, Zhuo still used Lax with the policewoman, the version of the strong line combination, the result was just the beginning of the Zhuo flash was played out, Scout is still wondering "how to go down the road to flash?" Several waves of cooperation with Prince Jiejie have been effective, and they have also helped the policewoman eat plating.

Zhuo Cheng offseason breaker brother? The professional players will break the defense when they arrive, and the champion Nakano will not be able to move!

But the duo still did not give strength, Jiejie 9-2 of the signature prince still could not move, and finally saw Zhuo Lax killed, Scout also said "almost got, clicked the next one", jiejie who failed to advance also broke the defense after the end of this ranking: This Lax I can't accept Ah, it is very uncomfortable to assist without vision!

Zhuo Cheng offseason breaker brother? The professional players will break the defense when they arrive, and the champion Nakano will not be able to move!

Zhuo let a number of professional players break the defense during this offseason, it can be seen that there is indeed a problem, and the biggest problem at present is the vision aspect, which is really fatal to the auxiliary players, if the TES new season wants to impact higher results, then it must be solved, who ever thought that Zhuo, who just came to TES and is also known as the gear brother, will now become this look? Can only hope that the new season Zhuo can adjust back to it, do you think there is a chance to see the return of the original gear brother?

Zhuo Cheng offseason breaker brother? The professional players will break the defense when they arrive, and the champion Nakano will not be able to move!

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