
The first dish in spring, and eggs are a perfect match, burned for 9 minutes on the table, making breakfast is so delicious

author:Tien Shan cocoa

I've been eating spinach again, I've been eating it for more than a week, and I'm really in charge of spinach. However, the family members did not dislike it, and they all said that they did not eat greasy. Maybe I made too many spinach tricks. Stir-frying, mixing, making stuffing to make soup to eat back and forth, plus spinach is seasonal vegetables, the family did not eat greasy, I did not eat well. Usually that is, spring and winter to eat spinach more, these two seasons of spinach is more tender and delicious, the other two seasons occasionally taste, not so every day to eat, vegetables have seasonal, eat its best season, in order to eat its true taste and delicious. Spinach in March is also the "first dish of spring". Spinach contains a large amount of plant crude fiber, which has the effect of promoting intestinal peristalsis, facilitating defecation, and can promote pancreatic secretion and help digestion. Eat more in the spring. The first dish of spring, and eggs are a perfect match, burned for 9 minutes on the table, making breakfast is so delicious!

The first dish in spring, and eggs are a perfect match, burned for 9 minutes on the table, making breakfast is so delicious

This time, the spinach method is not stir-fried or mixed, but made into cakes. My family loves to eat all kinds of pasta, especially breakfast, and basically there are pasta cakes, but different methods. Because spinach is a soft vegetable, can only be stuffed, on the cold water and noodles made of pancakes, but also added eggs and noodles, the purpose of adding noodles is to suck away the water of spinach and the deliciousness of eggs, so that the moisture of the cake is reduced, fried out is the skin is crispy and delicious, the inside is delicious and soft.

The first dish in spring, and eggs are a perfect match, burned for 9 minutes on the table, making breakfast is so delicious

Make pancakes, can be dead noodles, can also be hot noodles, but also can be hair noodles, the main taste you see and the home has the elderly and children do not, generally there are old people and children in the home suitable for eating soft and some of the crust is good to bite, you can use the method of hot noodles or noodles to make pancakes, love to eat the taste of strong and tough to use dead noodles to make pancakes, chew up especially has a strong taste. What I made today is dead-noodle spinach egg vermicelli pancakes, which are really delicious and delicious.

The first dish in spring, and eggs are a perfect match, burned for 9 minutes on the table, making breakfast is so delicious

Ingredients: 300 g flour, 200 g spinach, 1 egg, 30 g dried vermicelli

Excipients: vegetable oil to taste, salt to taste, five-spice powder 2 g (optional)

The first dish in spring, and eggs are a perfect match, burned for 9 minutes on the table, making breakfast is so delicious

Method: 1, add water to the flour and into a smooth dough (the ratio of water to flour is controlled at 1:2), cover and wake up for more than 30 minutes, preferably more than 1 hour, so that the cake is delicious and soft, with taste. You can also use semi-hot noodles or fully hot noodles.

The first dish in spring, and eggs are a perfect match, burned for 9 minutes on the table, making breakfast is so delicious

2, wash the spinach under the boiling water to change color and fish out, over the cold water squeezed dry water chopped, vermicelli in advance with hot water bubbles, after the cool water cut

The first dish in spring, and eggs are a perfect match, burned for 9 minutes on the table, making breakfast is so delicious

3, the waking dough kneaded more, divided into two dough of the same size, rolled into a large circle of the same size is the cake blank

The first dish in spring, and eggs are a perfect match, burned for 9 minutes on the table, making breakfast is so delicious

4, put a layer of vegetable oil on the cake blank, evenly, this

The first dish in spring, and eggs are a perfect match, burned for 9 minutes on the table, making breakfast is so delicious

5: Sprinkle with spinach and chopped vermicelli, evenly, fry out deliciously

The first dish in spring, and eggs are a perfect match, burned for 9 minutes on the table, making breakfast is so delicious

6: Beat the eggs and stir into egg mixture, pour the egg liquid on top with a spoon, and pour it back and forth several times to make it even

The first dish in spring, and eggs are a perfect match, burned for 9 minutes on the table, making breakfast is so delicious

7, sprinkle with salt and five-spice powder, a little to be even

The first dish in spring, and eggs are a perfect match, burned for 9 minutes on the table, making breakfast is so delicious

8, put another cake blank, cover on it, use a fork to press the side out of the lace, to use a little force, after all, it is a pie, to fry for a longer time

The first dish in spring, and eggs are a perfect match, burned for 9 minutes on the table, making breakfast is so delicious

9, brush the electric cake bell with a layer of vegetable oil (you can also use a pan to fry), the electric cake bell is energized and press the upper and lower pie function keys for only 9 minutes, preheat, add the pie blank, and brush the cake with a layer of vegetable oil

The first dish in spring, and eggs are a perfect match, burned for 9 minutes on the table, making breakfast is so delicious

10. Cover with up and down functions, wait for the sound of dripping, turn over and continue to fry until both sides are golden brown.

The first dish in spring, and eggs are a perfect match, burned for 9 minutes on the table, making breakfast is so delicious

11, golden crisp skin, with eggs and spinach delicious, make breakfast or staple food are delicious, the elderly and children can enjoy.

The first dish in spring, and eggs are a perfect match, burned for 9 minutes on the table, making breakfast is so delicious

Cocoa tips

1, spinach should not be hot for a long time, change color and fish out

2, if it is dead noodles, the dough must be awake for a long time to eat

3, spinach should not be added too much, vermicelli should not be soaked too soft, so that you can absorb the delicious taste of eggs.

The first dish in spring, and eggs are a perfect match, burned for 9 minutes on the table, making breakfast is so delicious

Cocoa cuisine, the most concerned thing is the family's three meals a day, the biggest hobby is to create a variety of cuisines. Recipes are just the process of sharing your own food, not the only criterion. Everyone's preferences are different, please be more tolerant, please like, collect, forward, your forwarding is the biggest encouragement to Coco!

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