
Why did Hitler set the Nazi symbol as a swastika? What is the difference between a swastika and a swastika? I don't know until today

Many people are curious, what is the difference between swastika and swastika? It is only known today that the swastika and the swastika were symbols invented by the ancient Aryans who lived in India, whether swastika to the right or swastika to the left, and are ancient religious icons in Eurasian culture. They are used as symbols of divinity and spirituality in Indian religions, including Hinduism and Buddhism, and both have appeared all over the world, including in East Asian countries.

In Buddhism, although the meaning of the swastika and the swastika appear in the texts is different, they do not have negative colors and represent festivities. To put it bluntly, the swastika and swastika have been used as a religious symbol for thousands of years before the Nazis, so it is likely that the right-handed swastika used in the Nazi symbol is likely to be a coincidence.

Swastika was adopted by the Nazi Party and Nazi Germany before World War II. Hitler used it to symbolize Germany's nationalist pride. For the Jews of Nazi Germany and other victims of the world, it became a symbol of anti-Semitism and horrific racism.

Why did Hitler set the Nazi symbol as a swastika? What is the difference between a swastika and a swastika? I don't know until today

Why did Hitler set the Nazi symbol as a swastika?

We all know that Hitler was a sinner against humanity who indirectly or directly led to the massacre of millions of Jews, so the signs of Nazis may have something to do with Hitler's dark psychology and worship of authority.

Some experts believe that the German abbreviation of nazis is two ss, so Hitler integrated these two letters and became the symbol we see. When Hitler created the flag for the Nazi Party, the meaning of the swastika flag was expressed as a so-called tribute to the German nation and a mission to fight for the victory of the Aryans.

Why did Hitler set the Nazi symbol as a swastika? What is the difference between a swastika and a swastika? I don't know until today

The symbol of the Nazis was a black swastika and rotated 45 degrees on a white circle on a red background, while red, white and black were the colors of the flag of the Second German Empire destroyed in World War I. This badge is used on the flag, badge and armband of the party. Hitler first stated in his 1925 work Mein Kampf that after countless attempts, he himself had finally formed a flag with a red background in the middle, a white disc and a black hook-shaped cross. During his long-term experiments, he also found a definite ratio between the size of the flag and the size of the white plate, as well as the shape and thickness of the hook cross.

Why did Hitler set the Nazi symbol as a swastika? What is the difference between a swastika and a swastika? I don't know until today

In our opinion, these absurd ideas of Hitler are very ridiculous, in fact, according to Hitler's early experience, he lived in the monastery annex, and in the monastery at that time, the symbol of swastika and swastika was very common, so Hitler's use of this symbol probably stemmed from his early worship of the authority of the abbot.

It is said that Hitler joined some mysterious organizations, which also used the swastika as a symbol.

Hitler's setting of the Nazi symbol as a swastika is a trace of Hitler himself, and the swastika and swastika are accidental.

Why did Hitler set the Nazi symbol as a swastika? What is the difference between a swastika and a swastika? I don't know until today

Swastika in some countries is illegal

After World War II, the swastika was seen as a symbol of hatred and in many Western countries a symbol of white supremacy. As a result, its use or use as a symbol of Nazi or hate is prohibited in some countries, including Germany. Due to the negative overtones of the symbol, many buildings that used it as decoration have removed the symbol. In Poland, the public display of the swastika nazi symbol is a criminal offence punishable by up to eight years in prison.

However, some consider the use of cross marks as a symbol of religion legitimate. The European Union had proposed an EU-wide anti-racism law in 2001, but eu countries had failed to reach a consensus on a balance between banning racism and freedom of expression.

Why did Hitler set the Nazi symbol as a swastika? What is the difference between a swastika and a swastika? I don't know until today

After opposition from the UK and other countries, attempts to ban such crosses within the European Union in early 2005 failed. In early 2007, on the occasion of Germany's presidency of the European Union, Berlin proposed that the EU should follow German criminal law and criminalize Holocaust denial and the display of Nazi symbols, which led to opposition campaigns by Hindu groups across Europe and against the ban on cross marks. They point out that this cross has been around in India for 5,000 years and symbolizes peace.

Reference: The Great Dictionary of Buddhism

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