
The latest Asian Cup stadium will make its debut, and the latest epidemic prevention requirements will strictly prevent the epidemic

This evening, the two teams participating in the final of the 2021 FA Cup, Shanghai Haigang and Shandong Taishan, came to the professional football stadium of Chengdu Phoenix Mountain Sports Center to train for pre-match adaptation to the venue.

Although the Shanghai Pudong Football Stadium has hosted the S10 World Esports Competition at the end of 2020, it has not yet held a football match. Therefore, as the first of the 10 cities to host the 2023 Asian Cup in China, the Phoenix Mountain Football Stadium is the first stadium to officially open to hold football matches.

The latest Asian Cup stadium will make its debut, and the latest epidemic prevention requirements will strictly prevent the epidemic

The 31st Summer Universiade, which was unveiled at the end of June this year, will also be held at this stadium, so the FINAL OF THE FA Cup is scheduled at the Phoenix Mountain Football Stadium, which is also a comprehensive examination of the operation of this new stadium before the Chengdu Universiade.

In addition to the new stadium, the epidemic prevention policy of the media in this FA Cup final is also the latest and most stringent since the new crown epidemic.

The latest Asian Cup stadium will make its debut, and the latest epidemic prevention requirements will strictly prevent the epidemic

Foreign media not only need to show a negative nucleic acid report within 48 hours when reporting for work, but also must conduct a nucleic acid test on Friday and Saturday after arriving in Chengdu, with at least 24 hours apart between the two tests to ensure that the epidemic prevention work is done.

(Morning News, Weekly reporter from Chengdu)

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