
Russia's 7 major oligarchs: 6 are Jews, why can Jews be oligarchs?

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia became independent, but a large number of oligarchs suddenly appeared in Russia. Taking advantage of the collapse of the Soviet Union, these oligarchs acquired a large amount of state-owned assets and turned around and appropriated them for themselves. Faced with this situation, Yeltsin was also helpless. Because after Yeltsin came to power, he also had the support of the oligarchs. Seven of them are famous in Russia, such as Berezovsky and Khodorkovsky. Putin took over as prime minister and was positioned as a successor by Yeltsin, also benefiting from the recommendation and support of big oligarchs such as Berezovsky. But after Putin became president, he began to clean up these oligarchs. Because the participation of oligarchs in politics threatens Putin's right to govern. It's time to the point where you can't clean up.

Russia's 7 major oligarchs: 6 are Jews, why can Jews be oligarchs?

Among the 7 major oligarchs in Russia, there is a strange pattern, 6 of whom are of Jewish descent. A friend asked me why the Russian Jews were so powerful and what abilities they had.

1. The Soviet Union treated it kindly

Historically, the largest Jewish concentration was in Europe, where Jews poured into Europe hundreds of years ago, but Europe has always rejected Jews. Some would argue that there are also a lot of Jews in the United States. In fact, hundreds of years ago, when the American continent was not discovered in Europe, the Jews were mainly in Europe. Even after the discovery of america, the Jews did not go.

Europe not only ostracized Jews, but there have been many anti-Semitic incidents in history. Especially during World War II, Hitler in Germany also committed a massacre of Jews, and Poland also poisoned Jews. It should be said that the jewish life in Europe was very sad. Later the Jews established Israel independently. Israel is also a very powerful country in the world. We all know that Israel has a good relationship with the United States, and in fact, Israel's relationship with Russia is also very good. This is not surprising, because the Soviet Union was very kind to the Jews and accepted them openly. This is also the basis of Russian-Israeli relations.

If we can say why the Russian oligarchs are the majority of Jews, we have to start with the Soviet Union.

After the establishment of the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union was very good to the Jews. Because Tsarist Russia was so anti-Semitic that the Soviet leaders wanted to lead the revolution, the Jews were in tune with the revolution advocated by the Soviets.

Lenin once said, "The Tsar wants to transfer the hatred of the workers and peasants against the ruling class to the Jews." So Lenin combined anti-Semitism with class struggle against Tsarist Russia. The actual Jews scapegoated in the social contradictions of the Tsarist period.

After the establishment of the Soviet Union, it inherited the exposition of Marx and Lenin on the phenomenon of anti-Semitism. After Stalin came to power, he once said: "Anti-Semitism is an extreme ethnic chauvinism" and "the most dangerous phenomenon of the weak and the strong".

When Lenin was founded in Soviet Russia, he gave a national speech stating that "the Jews have been liberated from the oppression of the Tsar." ”

In 1921, the Soviet Union signed the Riga Peace Treaty with Poland, which stipulated that "the Jews of the ghetto have the right to choose their favorite country", according to the data, 40% of the Jews chose to move to major cities in Russia. From this point of view, the Soviet Union's acceptance, tolerance and even favoritism toward Jews ranked first in Europe.

The Soviet Union stipulated that any anti-Semitism was an enemy of the Soviet system and must be severely punished. Under Soviet law, anti-Semites were sentenced to death.

Some of the leaders of the Soviet period were also Jewish, such as Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Dzerzhinsky, Kaganovich, Livinov and others were All Jews. Moreover, they were all members of the core leadership of the Soviet Union, and even had the trust of the supreme leaders. Later, Trotsky and others contradicted Stalin, and had nothing to do with their Jewish identity, but only as a side of the power struggle.

Russia's 7 major oligarchs: 6 are Jews, why can Jews be oligarchs?

2. Good education

Jews are distributed all over the world, and we will find a pattern that the level of education of Jews is very high. Because Jews value education, they want their children to receive the best education possible.

During the Soviet era, the Soviet Union established a sound education system, and Jews also enjoyed this dividend in the Soviet Union, and many Soviet Jews received Soviet higher education. All of this laid the foundation for their later political careers. For example, Berezovsky was a professor of applied mathematics at the university, known as a mathematical expert, and he saw the doorway after the business. He first formed an automobile alliance, then made some black money on oil, and set up a financial company, after which he saw the opportunity and mastered Russian public television.

Russia's 7 major oligarchs: 6 are Jews, why can Jews be oligarchs?

Khodorkovsky came from a working-class family, graduated from the Mendeleev Academy in Moscow, later entered the Communist Youth League of the Soviet Union, was the deputy secretary of the Youth League Committee of the Mendeleev Academy, and the oil empire he built was rich enough to rival the country.

Friedman was a low-key oligarch who never played politics and submitted to Putin, so he was not hit by Putin. Friedman graduated from the Moscow Iron and Steel Metallurgical Institute, first worked in the system, then opened a company, and belonged to the lord of the muffled fortune.

Russia's 7 major oligarchs: 6 are Jews, why can Jews be oligarchs?

Gusinsky graduated from the Gubkin Institute of Oil and Gas Industry with a degree in Engineering And Technology and from the Lunakarsky Academy of Dramatic Arts in the USSR. The Financial Corporation was established in 1989 and later controlled Russian public opinion.

Therefore, a good education is also a basic condition for Jews to engage in business. They can seize business information and quickly build their own circle of wealth. Without a certain cultural foundation, it is difficult to achieve.

Russia's 7 major oligarchs: 6 are Jews, why can Jews be oligarchs?

3. External support

Of course, the rapid accumulation of wealth by the Russian Jewish oligarchs was also related to the environment at that time. Most of their fortunes were made during the Soviet period, when the Soviet Union was in turmoil and was about to disintegrate, and these oligarchs were Soviet officials in the system at the time, and they took advantage of this advantage to quickly take possession of Soviet state assets and privatize these assets.

At that time, the Soviet Union was in the midst of internal chaos before and after the collapse, and no one paid attention to these things. But the oligarchs quickly seized the opportunity.

The rise of The Russian Jewish oligarchy is also linked to American Jews. Because the collapse of the Soviet Union was a process of continuous disintegration of the United States. The United States used all means to disintegrate the Soviet Union, including financial and economic means. According to the data, when the Russian oligarchy rose, it was supported by external consortia. And most of these external consortia are American. Why russian oligarchs have easy access to oil, media, etc., is simply impossible without a large amount of capital. Russian Jewish oligarchs also have ties to large Western Jewish conglomerates.

No one succeeds casually, and even if Jews have a gift for business, it is difficult to become oligarchs without favorable time and place.

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