
This person boasted that the knife and gun could not enter, Yuan Shikai did not believe in evil, raising his hand was a shot, what was the final outcome?

In the late Qing Dynasty, the domestic situation was turbulent and full of contradictions. Among them, the most important is naturally the contradiction between the broad peasant class and the decadent feudal class of the Qing court. Throughout the various eras of feudal history, under normal circumstances, there is only one consequence after this contradiction is sharpened, that is, the outbreak of peasant uprisings in various places and the eventual overthrow of the Qing Dynasty's rule.

This person boasted that the knife and gun could not enter, Yuan Shikai did not believe in evil, raising his hand was a shot, what was the final outcome?

However, the situation in modern times is too complicated, first of all, the development of historical laws to the time when it is time to eliminate feudalism, coupled with the intervention of the Western powers, diverting the main contradiction. The peasant revolt that was supposed to overthrow the Qing court, in turn, regarded the Western powers as the culprit, and regarded the advanced science and technology of the West as a flood beast, and the Boxer Rebellion was born.

It is hard to imagine that at the last moment of the shaky and crumbling late Qing Dynasty, there was even a group of people like the Boxers who "supported the Qing Dynasty and destroyed the foreign countries", which was really confusing. What is even more exaggerated is that the Qing court was faced with the Boxers who wanted to support themselves, because they were under pressure from the Western powers, they had to turn the spearhead against the Boxers and aim at the Boxers.

This person boasted that the knife and gun could not enter, Yuan Shikai did not believe in evil, raising his hand was a shot, what was the final outcome?

Because the Boxers killed foreigners when they saw them, they burned the buildings of foreigners, such as churches and embassies. The great powers had to put pressure on Cixi, and Cixi was also afraid that the foreigners would fight again, so he ordered yuxian, the governor of Shandong at the time, to lead troops to suppress the Boxers.

However, this Yuxian is a patriot. He ostensibly promised Cixi that he would encircle and suppress the Boxers, but in fact he secretly helped the Boxers to fight back against the foreigners. Later, this move was discovered by Cixi, and Yuxian was also removed from his post.

This person boasted that the knife and gun could not enter, Yuan Shikai did not believe in evil, raising his hand was a shot, what was the final outcome?

So, after Yuxian was removed from office, who did the courage to suppress the Boxers fall on? This person is Yuan Shikai, and because of his good hand, Yuan Shikai was reused by Cixi. In 1899, he was transferred to Jinan, Shandong, to take over the post of Inspector of Yuxian Shandong, also to suppress the Boxers.

Yuan Shikai is naturally not a good stubble, as long as he can satisfy his interests, he can do anything. After succeeding to Shandong, Yuan Shikai began to suppress the Boxers in full swing.

This person boasted that the knife and gun could not enter, Yuan Shikai did not believe in evil, raising his hand was a shot, what was the final outcome?

At that time, the Boxer Rebellion had a characteristic, it was a non-governmental organization, in order to attract the people to participate. They did not hesitate to attract people by selling art on the street and performing tricks such as "Golden Bell Hood Iron Cloth Shirt". At the same time, it also introduced a boxing method called Yihe Quan, claiming that after practicing, it can cure all diseases and strengthen the body, thus deceiving a large wave of members.

The so-called knowing oneself and knowing the other, never losing a hundred battles, Yuan Shikai has long heard of these moves of the Boxers. I thought I wanted to see it for myself. No, in the name of the newly appointed governor of Shandong, Yuan Shikai covered up his intentions and showed his goodwill to the Boxers. He even invited several master brothers in the regiment to the palace for dinner.

This person boasted that the knife and gun could not enter, Yuan Shikai did not believe in evil, raising his hand was a shot, what was the final outcome?

None of these Boxers had any culture, and were not only superstitious, but also very ignorant. During the banquet, they began to brag in front of Yuan Shikai about how powerful their divine skills were. In particular, those who performed the "Golden Bell Hood Iron Cloth Shirt" claimed that they could not enter the knife and gun.

Yuan Shikai naturally did not believe in evil, so he thought of testing it. These big brothers of the Boxer Rebellion were originally from the jianghu, and the piercing of the sword of the small test bull knife was not a problem for them at all, they thought that Yuan Shikai would also point to the end, so they spread their arms and let Yuan Shikai test it to the fullest.

This person boasted that the knife and gun could not enter, Yuan Shikai did not believe in evil, raising his hand was a shot, what was the final outcome?

Without thinking, Yuan Shikai's voice just fell, he took out a pistol from his waist, raised his hand was a shot, and this master brother who would "golden bell hood iron cloth shirt" fell to the ground in response, and his chest was directly exploded.

At this time, several "master brothers" in the same industry found out that this was the Hongmen Banquet. Everyone was frightened and did not dare to make a move. Yuan Shikai was also a killer of chickens and monkeys, and after sending these Boxers who came to the banquet to return, they never dared to move the foreigners in the Shandong region again.

This person boasted that the knife and gun could not enter, Yuan Shikai did not believe in evil, raising his hand was a shot, what was the final outcome?

Within two years, the Eight-Power Alliance's invasion of China broke out, Cixi was forced to sign the Treaty of Xinugu, and the Boxer Rebellion completely withered away among the people. Whether there was the support of the Boxers or not, it could not prolong the qing court's qi number. A few years after the signing of the Treaty of Xinugu, the Qing government also declared its complete demise, which was considered to be a love and killing with the Boxers, and symbiosis and annihilation.

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