
Zhu Yuanzhang suppressed Shen Wansan, exiled him and did not understand his hatred, and persecuted his entire clan, was it really because of hatred for the rich?

The long river of history is running endlessly, there are calm waves, there are also waves, let Xiaobian take you into history and understand history.

The word rich is a word that everyone cares about. Some people work hard for it for life, and some people have gray hair overnight for it. However, at the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, the word "rich" was directly replaced by a personal name. When people think of this person, they think of the rich and the noble. And this person is Shen Wansan, who is familiar and well-known.

However, although Shen Wansan had endless wealth, his people were exiled by Zhu Yuanzhang to fill the army, and his descendants were also suppressed by Zhu Yuanzhang. So, who is Shen Wansan in the end? Why did Zhu Yuanzhang kill Shen Wansan? What was shen wansan's final ending?

If we want to know the reasons for all this, we must first understand Shen Wansan in detail.

Who is Shen Wansan?

Shen Wansan was the richest man in Jiangnan in the Ming Dynasty, and in the era of the late Yuan and early Ming Dynasty, Shen Wansan was synonymous with the god of wealth. Even in the folk, there is still a story of Shen Wansan and the cornucopia.

Zhu Yuanzhang suppressed Shen Wansan, exiled him and did not understand his hatred, and persecuted his entire clan, was it really because of hatred for the rich?

It is rumored that Shen Wansan has a cornucopia hidden in his home, and every night, in the vast moonlight, the cornucopia can directly grow gold and silver treasures, so Shen Wansan is invincible to the country, rich and noble, and becomes a huge rich.

Although the story is just a legend, Shen Wansan's wealth is true. It is said that when Zhu Yuanzhang fixed the capital in Nanjing, but did not have the money to build the city wall, Shen Wansan, in order to show favor to Zhu Yuanzhang, offered to help Zhu Yuanzhang build the city wall and reward the three armies. These rumors are enough to show the wealth of Shen Wansan.

As early as the middle of the Yuan Dynasty, Shen Wansan migrated with his father to Zhouzhuang, and after he became rich, he always regarded Suzhou as an important place for him to do business.

Although Shen Wansan's story is legendary, he originally won the first pot of gold in his life by cultivating the land.

The land in Zhouzhuang is fertile and suitable for farming, so although Shen Wansan's family is only a low-lying land, due to Shen Wansan's diligence and hard work, it soon became a field with high local production.

Ancient books record that Shen Wansan "started from farming, so as to open up the fields and houses, and accumulate gold and jade", and one of the eight scenic spots of Zhouzhuang, "Winter Village Snow", is a reproduction of the scene when he was ploughing in Zhouzhuang.

Although Shen Wansan was industrious and down-to-earth and worked hard, his first pot of gold was donated by Lu Deyuan, a wealthy businessman at that time. Lu Deyuan is a noble man in Shen Wansan's life, and he appreciates Shen Wansan's wisdom and wisdom, and he also appreciates his honesty and trustworthiness.

Zhu Yuanzhang suppressed Shen Wansan, exiled him and did not understand his hatred, and persecuted his entire clan, was it really because of hatred for the rich?

At that time, he had already entered the age of ancient rarity, and he had already seen through the red dust, knew the truth that "Pifu was innocent of his sins", and simply transferred all his money to Shen Wansan, and he was idle among the mountains and rivers and became an idle Taoist.

After Shen Wansan got this wealth, he increased his land property, but also understood that he was in Zhouzhuang, and the waterway transportation was convenient, so he could not take advantage of this convenience to actively carry out water trade.

He understood the reason for communication, transported inland silk and porcelain and other things overseas by water, and also bought back jewelry, ivory and other things that were missing inland, and made profits from them, and his wealth exploded again, and eventually became a rich merchant who was invincible to the country.

Shen Wansan was a good outing, made friends, and was kind to others, but none of this changed his final tragic fate. So, why did Zhu Yuanzhang kill Shen Wansan? In order to avoid the fate of exile, what efforts did Shen Wansan make?

If any reason was said that Zhu Yuanzhang began to kill, this reason must bear the brunt of it. When Zhu Yuanzhang carried the banner of rebellion, saved the people from water and fire, and finally became the king and emperor, it was a difficult and dangerous process. One of the two biggest enemies is Zhang Shicheng.

When Zhang Shicheng was competing with Zhu Yuanzhang for the world, he set the capital of the country in Suzhou, and at that time, Shen Wansan's main development place was also in Suzhou.

Perhaps Shen Wanshan respected Zhang Shicheng, who was brave, or maybe he was forced, anyway, when Zhang Shicheng was chasing the deer in the Central Plains, Shen Wansan gave Zhang Shicheng a lot of help. Zhang Shicheng was very grateful to Shen Wansan and even erected a merit monument for him to commend his merits.

And these moves undoubtedly formed a bond with Zhu Yuanzhang. Zhu Yuanzhang attacked Suzhou, but he could not attack for a long time, and he did not know whether he hated Shen Wansan because of this in his heart.

Secondly, Zhu Yuanzhang was born into poverty, and he himself had the psychology of hating the rich, and after he calmed down the world, he naturally looked at Shen Wansan unfavorably. Even if shen wansan took the initiative to take the responsibility of building the nanjing city wall in order to calm Zhu Yuanzhang's anger in the future, and went to great lengths to reward the three armies, it would not help.

Zhu Yuanzhang suppressed Shen Wansan, exiled him and did not understand his hatred, and persecuted his entire clan, was it really because of hatred for the rich?

Finally, Shen Wansangui is the richest man in Suzhou, and he usually likes to make friends, which seems to have formed a force in the local area. Even if Shen Wansan sincerely wanted to surrender later, for Zhu Yuanzhang, it was still a threat.

Zhu Yuanzhang himself experienced many years of war, and his personality was very suspicious, and naturally he could not keep Shen Wansan.

As a result, Zhu Yuanzhang began to strike at Shen Wansan, and each time he was more ruthless and ruthless, and began to spare no effort to attack Shen Wansan.

The first blow

After Zhu Yuanzhang defeated Chen Youyu and Zhang Shicheng, Shen Wansan had already become a flesh thorn in his heart, which must be removed quickly.

Shen Wansan also expected Zhu Yuanzhang's dissatisfaction with him, so he offered to pay for the construction of the city wall and help Zhu Yuanzhang reward the army. But obviously Zhu Yuanzhang did not accept his affection.

Zhu Yuanzhang suppressed Shen Wansan, exiled him and did not understand his hatred, and persecuted his entire clan, was it really because of hatred for the rich?

The History of Ming records that Shen Wansan took the initiative to ask for help to Zhu Yuanzhang build the city wall, but not only did not satisfy Zhu Yuanzhang, but also said: "The army and the people in the world are also chaotic, and it is advisable to punish them." ”

It can be seen that Zhu Yuanzhang believes that Shen Wansan is a rioter and should be killed, and his attitude towards him is deeply resentful.

Even Empress Ma, who has always been known for her kindness, wanted to advise, but she could only say: "Ominous people, the heavens have sent curses, what is Your Majesty's curse?" Nai Shi Xiu, Shu Yunnan. ”

Empress Ma knew Zhu Yuanzhang's dislike of Shen Wansan and could not directly advise him, but could only persuade him to exile him to Yunnan. After some advice from Empress Ma, Zhu Yuanzhang was slightly relieved of his anger, but still exiled Shen Wansan to Yunnan.

Second strike

After Zhu Yuanzhang exiled Shen Wansan, he was still angry and felt that Shen Wansan's power had not yet been eliminated. As a result, persecution of his descendants began.

Zhu Yuanzhang suppressed Shen Wansan, exiled him and did not understand his hatred, and persecuted his entire clan, was it really because of hatred for the rich?

Within a few years, Zhu Yuanzhang had Shen Wansan's son Shen Wang and two grandsons arrested and thrown into prison. Strike at Shen Wanshan's immediate descendants, so that the Shen family will really be seriously injured.

Third strike

The third blow was the last, and it was also the most violent. Someone reported to Zhu Yuanzhang that Shen Wansan's son-in-law Gu Xuewen had close contacts with Lan Yu and also supported Lan Yu's rebellion.

Zhu Yuanzhang was furious and immediately decided to strike at Shen Wansan's entire clan. He immediately issued an order to behead All of Shen Wan's son-in-law and the remaining Shen Wan's three clansmen, and again raided their homes, confiscated their property, and confiscated their land. After this series of blows, the power of the Shen Wansan family was finally wiped out.

Shen Wansan's rich side, in the end, ended up with such a fate, which is really a sigh, from which it is enough to see the sinister nature of human nature, so that people have to guard.

Well, today's sharing ends here, and we'll see you next time

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