
Sun Shandong family lunch, four dishes and a soup cost less than thirty yuan, netizens: too will live a steamed bowl fish egg scrambled noodles vinegar lotus root slices fried peanut rice

author:Taste of Small Van

The weather in Shandong has reached an "extremely cold" state today, minus eighteen degrees Celsius, and it is cold and frozen where it cannot go, and it is safe to study delicious food at home.

Speaking of Shandong people's three meals a day, many people still stay in the scallion roll flatbread, which is actually the folklore of individual regions, in the Luxi area, a bowl of egg noodles in the morning is basically sent off! Lunch is more exquisite, and it is necessary to stir-fry two exquisite side dishes to eat well. The staple food of Shandong people is white-noodle steamed buns, typical of northern characteristics.

Sun Shandong family lunch, four dishes and a soup cost less than thirty yuan, netizens: too will live a steamed bowl fish egg scrambled noodles vinegar lotus root slices fried peanut rice

Today's lunch made four dishes and a soup, and a small pickle, there are meat and vegetarian costs less than thirty yuan, after sharing to the circle of friends, netizens directly called: too good at life!

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="01" > steamed bowl fish</h1>

This is a local specialty: the steamed fish of the Yanggu steaming bowl, the method is more exquisite, with grass carp or carp, marinated with condiments and then hung with water starch paste, and then fried in the oil pot, and then accompanied by large onions and ginger, and the prepared sauce, placed in the steamer, steamed for two or three hours on high heat, poured out the soup after the pot, the fish was upside down on the plate, the soup juice was added with rice vinegar and sesame oil, and then poured back into the steamed fish on the line, sprinkled with coriander flavor is good, the soup is sour and slippery, the fish meat is soft and delicious, and the entrance is melted.

Sun Shandong family lunch, four dishes and a soup cost less than thirty yuan, netizens: too will live a steamed bowl fish egg scrambled noodles vinegar lotus root slices fried peanut rice

This dish is generally made in large quantities, and then the portion is put into the refrigerator for refrigeration, and when you eat it, it is heated up, the cost is less than ten yuan, this dish is a necessary hard dish during the New Year's Festival, it is a kung fu, usually really lazy to do!

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="02" > egg scrambled noodles</h1>

Although it is fried noodles, but also put a certain amount of effort, selling and taste is not lost in the general street fly restaurant, as soon as the table two children "rush to eat". In our north, there are fried noodles, fried cake shreds, etc., and the method and ingredients are very simple, noodles (cooked), eggs, greens, etc., which are fried together.

Sun Shandong family lunch, four dishes and a soup cost less than thirty yuan, netizens: too will live a steamed bowl fish egg scrambled noodles vinegar lotus root slices fried peanut rice

Order: 1 pot of boiling oil five layers of hot egg liquid,

2 Add green onions and green vegetables and eggs together and stir-fry, add the right amount of salt and chicken essence, thirteen spices and other condiments, like soy sauce and soy sauce according to their own taste.

3 Add the noodles, (the noodles should be pre-cooked, cool with cold water, control the moisture), and then stir-fry to taste.

Note: Add dark soy sauce to color, look like an appetite, this egg scrambled noodles cost less than five dollars!

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="03" > vinegar lotus root tablets</h1>

A home-cooked cold dish, winter is also the season to eat lotus root, the nutritional value of lotus root is very high, as well as the role of clearing heat and cool blood, promoting digestion, etc., lotus root can be boiled soup can also be made into a variety of dishes, I prefer cold mix, crisp taste, unique taste.

Sun Shandong family lunch, four dishes and a soup cost less than thirty yuan, netizens: too will live a steamed bowl fish egg scrambled noodles vinegar lotus root slices fried peanut rice

Directions: 1 lotus root peeled, washed and sliced

2 Prepare green onion, minced ginger, coriander and other condiments for later, salt, soy sauce, white vinegar, sugar, chicken essence, sesame oil into a sauce for later.

3 pots of boiling water put some salt into a bottom taste, water open into the lotus slice blanched water for one minute (time according to the thickness of the lotus flakes adjusted), grasp the time can be tasted, after the break of life, fish out to cool, control the dry water.

4Please all the ingredients together and mix well into the flavor plate.

This dish costs three bucks!

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="04" > fried peanut rice</h1>

For a long time did not eat fried peanut rice, supermarkets sell ready-made is a little expensive is not cost-effective, I bought more than ten dollars of raw fruit in the grain and oil store, is the kind of particle size similar varieties, it is said that "oil fruit" is specially used for oil pressing, this pocket of peanut rice can be divided into three times fried, this plate of peanut rice costs five dollars.

Sun Shandong family lunch, four dishes and a soup cost less than thirty yuan, netizens: too will live a steamed bowl fish egg scrambled noodles vinegar lotus root slices fried peanut rice

When frying peanut rice, there is also attention: do not be anxious, to cool the oil and peanut rice together under the pot, slowly heat, turn on the small heat and keep turning, wait until the peanut rice slightly discolored, crackling can be, put on the plate sprinkled with salt, wait until the peanut rice temperature drops, crunchy.

Soup is also a must-have on the table of Shandong people, at noon or at night used to drink a bowl of hot sweet potato polenta, all warm, cornmeal and sweet potato pieces after a long time of boiling, fully integrated together, sweet taste, very grounded.

Sun Shandong family lunch, four dishes and a soup cost less than thirty yuan, netizens: too will live a steamed bowl fish egg scrambled noodles vinegar lotus root slices fried peanut rice

Xiao Fan said: Now the concept of life and before there has been a great change, eat enough to eat well at the same time, now we are also in the pursuit of healthy nutrition, today spent very little money to make four dishes and a soup, the cost is less than thirty yuan, go to the restaurant to eat, a dish is more than 30 yuan it!

Thank you for your support and attention, home-cooked food is shared every day, love life and love food, it is so simple.

Note: Original graphics, no plagiarism without permission, handling and other bad behavior!

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