
The sense of ambience is full! Shock this winter's circle of friends punch card raiders

The sense of ambience is full! Shock this winter's circle of friends punch card raiders
The sense of ambience is full! Shock this winter's circle of friends punch card raiders
The sense of ambience is full! Shock this winter's circle of friends punch card raiders
The sense of ambience is full! Shock this winter's circle of friends punch card raiders
The sense of ambience is full! Shock this winter's circle of friends punch card raiders
The sense of ambience is full! Shock this winter's circle of friends punch card raiders
The sense of ambience is full! Shock this winter's circle of friends punch card raiders
The sense of ambience is full! Shock this winter's circle of friends punch card raiders
The sense of ambience is full! Shock this winter's circle of friends punch card raiders
The sense of ambience is full! Shock this winter's circle of friends punch card raiders
The sense of ambience is full! Shock this winter's circle of friends punch card raiders
The sense of ambience is full! Shock this winter's circle of friends punch card raiders
The sense of ambience is full! Shock this winter's circle of friends punch card raiders
The sense of ambience is full! Shock this winter's circle of friends punch card raiders
The sense of ambience is full! Shock this winter's circle of friends punch card raiders
The sense of ambience is full! Shock this winter's circle of friends punch card raiders
The sense of ambience is full! Shock this winter's circle of friends punch card raiders

Producer Coordinator /Qiu Shuang

Planner/Thetney, Sun Wenqian

Design / Aoi

Written by Jia Nan

Video Director/Scarlett

Video Producer/Liu Yihan

Video photography / Zhang Changkai, Zhang Shuai

Post-video / Wang Xiaohu

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