
Sichuan cuisine twenty-four flavor series, its fifteen, pretzel type, pretzel salt eight treasure chicken preface Sichuan cuisine: inclusive and eclectic family of twenty-four flavors of its fifteen pepper salt flavor type pepper salt eight treasure chicken

author:Gastronomic museum

#有华人的地方 there is sichuan cuisine # #四川味道 #

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > preamble</h1>

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Sichuan cuisine: eclectic and eclectic</h1>

Sichuan, the country of Tianfu, has been rich in fertile fields and rich products since ancient times, rich in grain and oil, vegetables and fruits, livestock, poultry, laying a material foundation for the development of Sichuan cuisine. Sichuan cuisine pays attention to color, aroma, taste, shape and utensils, which are particularly prominent in the taste word, and are known for their taste, wide taste and thick taste.

The cooking techniques of Sichuan cuisine have a long history, and since the Western Han Dynasty, there have been "Shu people like to taste, good spicy." ". By the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, due to the war at the end of the Ming Dynasty, there were few people in Chuanzhong, and the imperial court moved a large number of people from Huguang, which made Sichuan and Central China mixed, and immigrants from all over the world brought cooking skills from all over the world.

Therefore, on the basis of summarizing their own experience, Sichuan chefs continue to absorb the strengths of the cooking techniques of northern and southern dishes, learn from each other's strengths, and achieve the northern cuisine Sichuan cuisine and the southern cuisine Sichuan flavor. Modern Sichuan cuisine ushered in a great development in the first half of the 20th century, and its most direct driving force was that it began to receive a large number of immigrants in the 1930s.

Sichuan chefs treat dishes, never stick to the dish, will not be thick and thin, to a place, to the taste of the locals as the service object, through the techniques and flavors of Sichuan cuisine, for friends who love Sichuan cuisine everywhere to bring a delicious. Behind this, it is the many flavor types of Sichuan cuisine itself that support the changing skills of Sichuan chefs. Only by experiencing and learning in so many flavor types can sichuan chefs be colorful.

Today's Sichuan cuisine, there are as many as twenty-four commonly used flavor types, which is currently the most flavor type among all cuisines in the country, enjoying "a hundred dishes and a hundred flavors, one dish and one grid." " reputation.

The types of salty and sweet and sour are: salty, homemade, soy sauce, eggplant juice, mellow sweet, lychee and sweet and sour flavor type.

The spicy types are: garlic paste, ginger juice, mustard, sesame sauce, tobacco, sauce, five spices, pepper salt, bad flavor type.

Spicy types are: spicy, red oil, paste spicy, sour and spicy, pepper and hemp, fish, tangerine peel, strange taste and other flavor types.

Our 24 flavor series of Sichuan cuisine will explain the 24 Sichuan cuisine flavor types for you one by one, and each flavor type will also bring you a representative dish.

Sichuan cuisine twenty-four flavor series, its fifteen, pretzel type, pretzel salt eight treasure chicken preface Sichuan cuisine: inclusive and eclectic family of twenty-four flavors of its fifteen pepper salt flavor type pepper salt eight treasure chicken

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > twenty-four flavors and fifteen pepper salt flavor type</h1>

The pretzel flavor type, as the name suggests, is a mixture of pepper and salt. Pepper has three peppers, pepper, pepper, pepper, the common pepper salt in China is pepper salt; the common pepper salt abroad is pepper salt; pepper salt, in addition to Hainan and some areas in Liangguang to eat fruit dipping points, there is also a dry oil dish in Chongqing, Sichuan.

Sichuan cuisine twenty-four flavor series, its fifteen, pretzel type, pretzel salt eight treasure chicken preface Sichuan cuisine: inclusive and eclectic family of twenty-four flavors of its fifteen pepper salt flavor type pepper salt eight treasure chicken

Chili salt dipped in green mango

Sichuan cuisine twenty-four flavor series, its fifteen, pretzel type, pretzel salt eight treasure chicken preface Sichuan cuisine: inclusive and eclectic family of twenty-four flavors of its fifteen pepper salt flavor type pepper salt eight treasure chicken

Dry saucers are dipping sauces that focus on dry flavor

The pepper and salt flavor type of Sichuan cuisine is made of peppercorns and salt, the peppercorns are fragrant, milled into fine mince, the salt is fried and dried, and it is also scooped into a fine powder, and the ratio of peppercorns to salt is about 1:4. Pretzels and peppers are suitable for fresh use, and the aroma is volatile for a long time.

Sichuan cuisine twenty-four flavor series, its fifteen, pretzel type, pretzel salt eight treasure chicken preface Sichuan cuisine: inclusive and eclectic family of twenty-four flavors of its fifteen pepper salt flavor type pepper salt eight treasure chicken

Crispy meat

There are many Sichuan dishes with a pretzel flavor, most of which are fried, pretzel fried shrimp, pretzel fried crispy meat, pretzel eggplant, pretzel eight treasure chicken, etc., and once also ate pretzel salmon bone made of salmon bone, which is an example of Sichuan cuisine's continuous innovation of ingredients and practices.

Sichuan cuisine twenty-four flavor series, its fifteen, pretzel type, pretzel salt eight treasure chicken preface Sichuan cuisine: inclusive and eclectic family of twenty-four flavors of its fifteen pepper salt flavor type pepper salt eight treasure chicken

Salt and pepper shrimp

Representative dishes: pretzel fried shrimp, pretzel fried crispy meat, pretzel eggplant cake, pretzel eight treasure chicken

Sichuan cuisine twenty-four flavor series, its fifteen, pretzel type, pretzel salt eight treasure chicken preface Sichuan cuisine: inclusive and eclectic family of twenty-four flavors of its fifteen pepper salt flavor type pepper salt eight treasure chicken

Salt and pepper nine-belly fish

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > pretzel chicken</h1>

Pretzel Babao Chicken is a traditional Sichuan dish made with fat and tender hens as raw materials, accompanied by eight kinds of umami flavors: fragrant mushrooms, mustard fruit, dried scallops, lilies, lotus seeds, cooked ham, coix kernels and glutinous rice. This dish is based on the traditional Eight Treasure Gourd Chicken, adding the process of frying, which is more fragrant than the original soft glutinous product, with the characteristics of tender skin, delicious filling, mellow and delicious, nutritious, suitable for all ages.

Ingredients: 1 fat and tender hen

Ingredients: 15 g of water-haired mushrooms, 15 g of coriander, 15 g of dried scallops, 25 g of lilies, 50 g of pure lotus seeds, 30 g of cooked ham, 15 g of coix seeds, 100 g of glutinous rice

Seasoning: 15 grams of ginger, 6 grams of salt, 1 gram of monosodium glutamate, 2 grams of pepper, 15 grams of cooking wine, 50 grams of sesame oil, 1000 grams of cooked vegetable oil (75 grams), 50 grams of lard, 2 salt and pepper saucers

Sichuan cuisine twenty-four flavor series, its fifteen, pretzel type, pretzel salt eight treasure chicken preface Sichuan cuisine: inclusive and eclectic family of twenty-four flavors of its fifteen pepper salt flavor type pepper salt eight treasure chicken

Salt and pepper gourd chicken

Production Process:

1. Cut the neck of the net hen shallot out of the bone of the chicken, except for internal organs (requires intact shape, no skin injury, and no meat in the bone.) Use cooking wine, salt and ginger to spread the chicken inside and out and marinate for 30 minutes.

2. Swell the glutinous rice, coix kernels, lilies, lotus seeds and mustard seeds separately, put them in a bowl and steam them in a basket. The ham and the mushrooms are cut into cubes the size of coix seeds, the above ingredients and scallops are placed in the pot, and 2 grams of lard and pepper and salt are added and mixed well, and filled into the chicken belly. The opening of the chicken neck and the anus are tightly sealed with bamboo sticks, put into the basin, basketed and steamed for about 2 hours, drained, cooled, and poked a few stomata in the chest.

3. Place the wok on high heat, heat the cooking oil until it is 60%, fry the chicken until golden brown, and evenly cut the chicken breast into a 3 cm long diagonal shape. Place the whole chicken on a plate, heat the sesame oil in a pan and drizzle over the knife edge of the chicken breast. Serve on a pretzel plate.

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