
The history of lying flat began when the poor did not lift their children

Recently, the word "lying flat" has been very popular online.

The reason is that not long ago, a netizen posted in Tieba with the title of "Lying Flat is Justice" to share his philosophy of lying flat.

The core of lying flat doctrine is the philosophy of the word "no", and there are three main no's:

No consumption, no work, no communication,

Surviving only with the lowest food, to put it mildly, is to wait for death

But waiting for death is better than sudden death, right?

Under the blessing of 996, sudden death became commonplace. Did not die suddenly, the annual salary of 120,000 is enough to buy a toilet.

Ma Dad didn't know to reflect on 996? But the young man is certainly reflecting, and he has given a silent answer:

Today's young people are no longer Dink, unmarried and infertile, or even in love, to sum up, it is still a "no" philosophy.

The emergence of lying flat now is the development of the "no" philosophy from not falling in love, not getting married, not having children to not consuming, not working, and not communicating.

Some people have given lying flat to a noble meaning: lying flat doctrine marks the emancipation and rise of the chinese young people's minds, refusing to become other people's money-making machines and exploited slaves.

This is absolutely self-deception, there is a Chinese saying that there is hair who wants to be a leper? So why lie down? Because you can't stand and don't want to kneel, just lie down!

Because the leeks have been harvested so that they have no ability to even produce small leeks, not only that, the leeks can't stand up now, and even if they want to kneel, they will kneel and be dizzy, so they can only lie collectively in the dirt.

It is not only the leeks that are like this, that is, the land where the leeks are grown has gradually lost its fertility and salinization, even if more fertilizer is applied, it is not effective, not to mention that there is no fertilizer applied to the leeks.

It seems that lying flat is only now, and if there is such a feeling, it is a big mistake, which has always been traditional.

If you don't believe me, please listen to me slowly

Folks, what do you think is the richest dynasty in Chinese history?

Yes, there is no doubt that it was the Song Dynasty, which was not strongly armed, and the two Song Dynasties, especially the Southern Song Dynasty, were very rich, at least vertically, richer than any dynasty in Chinese history.

There are many reasons why the Song Dynasty was rich, and the introduction of Champa rice should be regarded as a very important reason.

Don't look at the origin of rice in China, but ancient China has not been able to grow rice well, rice yield is very low, only the nobles can afford to eat rice.

Ordinary people eat millet cooked millet rice or wheat cooked wheat rice, which is much rougher than rice.

During the Northern Song Dynasty, China imported Champa rice from Southeast Asia, which was particularly drought-tolerant and high-yielding, and could be harvested twice or even three times a year, and the grain yield went up at once.

Since then, rice has become a staple food for civilians. During the Southern Song Dynasty and Song Ningzong Jiading, the Chinese mouth could break through the 100 million mark, basically relying on Champa rice.

If the grain production goes up, more people can be fed, and more people can be freed up for handicrafts and commerce.

Another very important reason is the development of foreign trade. In the Southern Song Dynasty, the Maritime Silk Road reached its peak.

A steady stream of Arab ships sailed to Guangzhou, Fuzhou, Quanzhou and other places in China, using real money and silver to buy China's high value-added luxuries such as ceramics, silk, tea, etc. At that time, China could be said to have made a lot of money. So much so that the focus of the state finances was given way by agricultural taxes to industrial and commercial taxes.

It is such a dynasty that seems to be "rich and oily", what happened to the lives of ordinary people? Four words: not good! Why? See:

In the eighth year of Shaoxing in the Southern Song Dynasty (1138), Emperor Gaozong of Song issued an edict: Gengzi, forbid the poor not to raise children, and those who cannot breed, give money to support them.

The history of lying flat began when the poor did not lift their children

What do you mean? "The poor do not raise their children" means that the common people cannot afford to raise sons, send them away or throw them away or even drown directly, this phenomenon is so serious that even the emperor must directly intervene.

For those who could not afford to raise and did not want to have children, the emperor decreed that the government should pay for it.

The Song Dynasty was really a good dynasty, and Emperor Gaozong of Song was really a good emperor, and he knew how to fertilize leeks. The question is, even in such a rich dynasty as the Song Dynasty, the common people can't afford to raise and have children, so why can other dynasties be embarrassed?

We have the impression that the Chinese people believe in the Confucian saying that "no filial piety has three, no queen is greater", like to have many children and many blessings, in a word, like to have sons.

What is the real situation? Sometimes the reality is indeed the opposite.

During the reign of Emperor Zhenzong of the Northern Song Dynasty, the low-level people of the two zhejiang, Fujian, Jinghu and Guangnan prefectures "either abandoned the children of the people or did not raise them, or sold them as child servants, or as the elders of the people."

Let's look at the powerful Han Dynasty, our history textbooks tell us that under the rule of Wenjing, the state gave birth to business, nourished its strength, and the peasants' burden could not be lighter, from ten taxes to fifteen taxes to thirty taxes.

But what about reality? During the han and yuan emperors, the common people were in a situation where they were "born and killed, and they could even grieve".

In the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Book of the Later Han Dynasty recorded that "small people were poor and did not have children."

When Jia Biao, who had read the Confucian classics, was a magistrate, he found that there were frequent tragedies in the area where parents killed their sons.

After issuing the lament of "mother and child cannibalism, against the heavens and against the way", Jia Biao chose to take money from the official treasury to support the people who had children, the question is how many can be funded?

Don't say the Han Dynasty, that is, to the rich Southern Song Dynasty, the entire Southern Song Dynasty with national financial resources did not solve the problem of "poor people do not lift their children".

The Jin Dynasty historical material "Biography of the Lingling Ancestors" also says that "many people do not raise property", and the people are generally reluctant to raise sons, and are born or killed or given away.

According to the "History of the South", during the reign of Liu Yilong, the Song Emperor Wendi, there was a man named Guo Shitong, who had no father at the age of fourteen and left a stepmother.

After Guo Shitong got married, "a woman gives birth to a man, the husband and wife are afraid of abandoning the service, but they are weeping", the wife gave birth to a boy, Guo Shitong worried that if he raised a child, he could not afford to raise his stepmother, so he buried the child with tears.

This is the real version of "Guo Ju Buried" in the story of "Twenty-Four Filial Pieties".

Guo Ju, this person, only found in Gan Bao's "Search for God", is a Zhiwei book, and no trace of him can be found in history.

However, Guo Shitong of the Book of Song and the Biography of Filial Piety is real, and Guo Shitong is not as lucky as Guo Ju, who is ready to bury his son but gets the gold rewarded by heaven.

The rulers of the empire and their royal literati decorated this tragic story with the filial piety of burying their children and serving their mothers, but their essence was still that they could not survive and could not afford to raise children and had to kill them.

And its emphasis on the inheritance of incense, the Belief in Confucianism "no filial piety, no queen is greater" Chinese people are not willing to have children and raise children, the root cause is that the imperial court has exploited too much, and the taxes and servitude are too heavy. One of the most important taxes is the poll tax.

What about the Qing Dynasty, which abolished the poll tax? Yongzheng dynasty implemented the practice of "spreading the land into acres" and no longer collecting poll tax.

However, in the last year of Qianlong's Visit to China, the British Macartney Mission and his entourage speculated that the emperor abandoned babies (born or died) about 9,000 people every month! The detailed account is that I probably saw a truck carrying the baby's corpse, in which there were occasionally angry people, but the surrounding people were indifferent...

If the poor do not lift their sons, they are lying flat in ancient times.

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