
A seminar on long-form reportage "No Orphan in the World" was held

Beijing, January 7 (China News Network) Recently, a seminar on writer Zhang Yihan's long-form reportage "No Orphan in the World" was held in Beijing. The meeting was presided over by Shao Wu, head of the magazine "China Writers"; Shi Zhanjun, member of the party leading group of the China Writers Association and secretary of the Secretariat; and critics He Xiangyang and Li Bingyin attended the seminar.

According to reports, the long-form reportage "No Orphan in the World" was first published in the "Chinese Writers" (Documentary Edition) No. 10, 2021, and was published by Tomorrow Publishing House.

A seminar on long-form reportage "No Orphan in the World" was held

"No Orphan in the World" three-dimensional book shadow. Courtesy of the publisher

This work depicts in a panoramic way the vivid and touching story of the vast number of volunteers represented by Comrade Xu Jun, head of the Linyi Orphan and Poor Children Volunteer Service Group, in the process of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, under the guidance and support of the Linyi Municipal Customs Work Committee and the Linyi Charity Federation.

Starting from the aspects of narrative style and story structure, the participating experts gave a high evaluation of the value and significance of this work, believing that it is a good work that reflects the content of poverty alleviation; at the same time, they also put forward suggestions for the creation of this work.

Li Bingyin believes that this work is very solidly written, which really allows us to see the complexity of society, the diversity of life, and the performance of the twists and turns of life. It is important for writers to discover subjects, to discover beauty, to find love in their lives.

A seminar on long-form reportage "No Orphan in the World" was held

Cover of China Writers (Documentary Edition) Issue 10, 2021. Courtesy of China Writers Magazine

Zhang Yihan mentioned that in the days to come, he will take this seminar as a new starting point, turn the affirmation and encouragement of the leading experts and teachers into a driving force, let everyone's opinions and suggestions take the guidance of future creation, take root in the earth, sing for the times, sing for the people, use sincerity and sincerity to transmit upward and good positive energy, and strive to create works worthy of the times.

It is reported that the seminar was sponsored by China Writers Magazine, Shandong Writers Association, and the Propaganda Department of the Linyi Municipal CPC Committee, and was hosted by the Linyi Municipal Working Committee for Caring for the Next Generation, the Linyi Charity Federation, the Linyi Writers Association, and the Linyi Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce. (End)

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