
"Epidemic" started to grow together| the case of the seventh kindergarten's excellent online game activity

Language Field: Big Team "My Dream"


1. Understand the content of the picture book and understand the source of the coronavirus;

2. Know how to prevent coronavirus;

3. Express your understanding of the story in different ways such as story performance and painting.

Health field: Middle class "Little Rabbit Crossing the River"

1. Practice leg jumping, parallel leg jumping (forward jumping, left and right jumping) movements between marches;

2. Learn the balancing skills and self-protection in jumping.

Preparation: Two sheets of A4-sized paper or book.

Language Field: Big Team "Bubble Warrior Protect Me"

1. Recognize the harm that the virus brings to people;

3. Learn the right way to protect yourself;

4. Develop good hygiene habits while staying at home.

Art Field: Large Group "Fighting the Epidemic"

1. Be able to express their feelings and imaginations with a variety of tools, materials or different expression methods;

2. Through artistic creation, express your gratitude to the medical staff in the fight against the epidemic.

Science Field: Small Group "Standing Eggs"

1. Explore and try ways to make the egg baby stand up;

2. Hands-on operation and perception of the experimental process;

3. Stimulate interest in scientific activities and satisfy children's desire to inquire.

Preparation: Eggs, salt, a sheet of A4 paper

Health field: Middle class group "Fun Hula Hoop"

1. Exercise children's imagination and create more ways to play hula hoops;

2. Mobilize children's enthusiasm for participating in games and experience the fun of participating in games;

3. Cultivate the coordination and flexibility of children's movements.

Preparation for the event: Hula hoops or other materials that can replace hula hoops.

Source | Preschool Unit

Video | Seventh Kindergarten

Editor| Bai Tingting

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