
Fire and Rescue Bureau: Focus on the security work of emergency rescue and security of the Winter Olympic Games and the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China

author:Southern Metropolis Daily

Nandu News reporter Wang Sen sent from Beijing On January 6, the National Fire Rescue Work Conference was held in Beijing. Qiong Se, member of the Party Committee of the Ministry of Emergency Management and director of the Fire Rescue Bureau, and Zhan Shouwang, secretary of the Party Committee and political commissar of the Fire Rescue Bureau, attended the meeting and stressed that it is necessary to take Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guide, thoroughly implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Party and the 19th Plenary Session of the Party and the Central Economic Work Conference, conscientiously implement the deployment of the National Emergency Management Work Conference, adhere to the steady progress, continue to consolidate the foundation and expand the new, and strive to create a new situation in the reform and development of the fire rescue cause, in order to ensure the safety of people's lives and property. Greeting the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Party was held to create a good fire safety environment.

The meeting pointed out that in 2021, the national fire rescue team will take Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guide, under the strong leadership of the party committee of the ministry, anchor the development goals established by the party committee of the bureau, have the courage to solve problems, be determined to overcome difficulties, improve the political position, accelerate the upgrading of the ability to perform duties, make breakthroughs in the development of strength, continuously consolidate the grass-roots foundation, integrate supporting reforms, and make the image of the team more bright, achieving the overall stability of the fire situation, the successful completion of rescue tasks, and the foolproof major security. Team building upwards to good goals. There are 226 collectives and 315 individuals in the whole team who have been commended at or above the provincial and ministerial levels, and 4 first-class heroic models of emergency response systems and 23 loyal guards of Chinese fire protection have emerged.

The meeting stressed that 2022 is an important year for China to embark on a new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country and marching towards the second centenary goal, especially the 20th National Congress of the Party will be held, which will put forward new and higher requirements for the fire rescue team to prevent risks, ensure safety, grasp the team, and promote reform. All levels of the contingent should have a clear understanding of the situation and tasks, earnestly enhance their sense of mission, responsibility, and urgency, closely focus on the theme of "consolidating the foundation and expanding the new year," focus on doing a good job in the "two important things" of the Winter Olympic Games and the party's twenty major emergency rescue and security, and make overall plans for the "two aspects" of key minority and grass-roots construction. It is necessary to adjust, optimize and improve the system and mechanism, continuously gather the joint force of career development, focus on enhancing the long-term development stamina, accurately prevent and resolve major risks, comprehensively enhance professional rescue skills, boost the overall quality and efficiency of the work, forge a comprehensive and strong iron army, focus on improving the political ability of the party committee, the governance ability of the organs, and the ability of grass-roots implementation, and promote the fire rescue work and the construction of the team to achieve new breakthroughs.

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