
Science helps the baby to enhance immunity, and the baby's body is great to compete together as a health pacesetter

I believe that in the eyes of every parent, their own baby is definitely an angel, and every move can make people feel the sigh of "how can it be so cute"! Now every child is the baby in the hands of parents, reluctant to fight and scold, but also worried about whether the baby is not good at eating and drinking. Due to the lack of experience, new parents are always flustered when taking care of their babies, and the baby is very anxious if it is slightly abnormal.

I believe that many mothers will wonder why my baby often has a cold and fever, and other people's babies have a rare cold a year, is my baby's resistance poor? Is your baby immune-weakened?

Why is it easy for babies to resist poorly?

1. Serious infection

If your baby is injected with an excessive amount of antibiotics, it will seriously deplete its own nutrient accumulation and cause a decrease in resistance.

Second, the antibody disappears

Babies are particularly resistant before half a year of age, not because the individual's immune system is strong, but because the antibodies inherited from the mother are protecting them. But after the baby is half a year old, the antibodies are basically consumed, and the resistance is reduced.

Third, the baby is zinc deficient

Zinc is the key to affecting the baby's resistance, this is because of the role of zinc on the baby's T cells, the baby's resistance is easily affected by the T/B lymphocytes, which zinc can promote cell reproduction, strengthen the cell wall, and promote cell differentiation.

Science helps the baby to enhance immunity, and the baby's body is great to compete together as a health pacesetter

The pit of the baby's poor resistance, for the sake of the child's health do not make mistakes again

Try to take less medicine. Some parents see the child sneezing on the thought that it is cold, and even hurry to let the child take medicine, in order to "suppress the germs", do not know, in fact, sneezing is a manifestation of the human body's resistance to disease: the nose is the first barrier of the body, if there are germs or foreign bodies try to enter the body, the body will start the defense, through the sneezing way to discharge the germs or foreign bodies through the nose. In addition to sneezing, the human body has a total of 9 lines of defense, cough, fatigue and no appetite, fever, allergies, inflammation, ulcers, fibrosis sclerosis scarring, and cancerous tumorization. In the initial stage of disease resistance, do not take medicine immediately as soon as there are symptoms, drugs can kill the virus, but also will cause certain damage to the immune system, the first time you take medicine immediately, the effect is immediate, but the later the effect is smaller, you need to increase the dosage to achieve the initial effect, which shows that the body has developed resistance, which is very unfavorable to health. Why some children are still in good health when they are young, but when they grow up, their resistance declines, they are always sick, and they even become "medicine jars", which is probably the reason. When fever is also, many doctors have suggested that if it does not exceed 38.5 degrees, you can first physically cool down, do not rush to get anti-fever injections to take fever-reducing drugs, which is very helpful for exercising your baby's immunity. The human body has a self-healing function, children are also, do not think of children too fragile, if you blindly suppress germs through drugs, the immune system can not directly "fight" with germs, just like soldiers who have not been baptized by war, will not become stronger.

Science helps the baby to enhance immunity, and the baby's body is great to compete together as a health pacesetter

How to deal with poor resistance?

First, enhance outdoor sports, pay attention to the body hot and cold

Cultivate babies who love outdoor sunbathing, babies who love sports generally have strong physical resistance, so after the first year, babies should also participate in outdoor sports, especially with other children, love to make friends and love sports, the baby's physical resistance is stronger, but after sweating, parents should pay attention to drying sweat in time and wear and take off clothes in time.

Second, eat more tomatoes

Tomato is a very common vegetable, but also one of the essential vegetables in every family, tomato in the lycopene, carotene, vitamin E and vitamin C so that tomatoes have the effect of repairing damaged cells, protecting cells from damage, so that the baby can eat tomatoes to achieve the purpose of improving resistance.

Third, eat more carrots

New mothers should know that carrots are rich in carotene, and carotene has the effect of protecting the human respiratory tract from infection and promoting vision development, so it is very beneficial for babies to eat more carrots.

Science helps the baby to enhance immunity, and the baby's body is great to compete together as a health pacesetter

When the baby's resistance is poor, parents are distressed and anxious, needless to say, but it is more important to use scientific methods to care for and cope. We believe that the baby will grow up healthily and vigorously under the careful care of the mothers, and we are willing to work with the mothers to care for the healthy growth of the baby.

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